RiRi Hearts MAC Fall Collection (October 3, 2013)


Well-known member
Has anyone else's UPS tracking still not updated from your Nordstrom order?? This is annoying, I am going out of town Wednesday and now I probably will have to wait until I get back to get my items. :-/ My Macy's order should be here Wednesday.
Yeah my order was "shipped" on the 4th, but it still isn't showing anything.


Well-known member
I totally agree it's very reasonable :) I just didn't wanna pay $50 or more, but I'm glad I am finally done with this collection. I now have everything I wanted, except her cocoa which I am going back and forth on :/
I will NOT let Spectra users enable me to get Her Cocoa. I will NOT! I'll try not to. I hope not to. Lol


Well-known member
Well.. I just purchased Diamonds from somebody for $35. Whatever... after it being thrown out of my cart in the waiting room and 7 cancelled Nordstroms orders plus not being sure on it being restocked I figured 35 is a better deal than 50 and up on ebay!
So glad you finally grabbed one!


Well-known member
I got my Bloomies and Macy's orders today, WTC & TTT lippies and BGGG blush. So far I've tried TTT; I'm not having the application issues some others are having. It is dry but it doesn't look patchy or anything. I like it, but I don't know if I'm blown away by it.


Well-known member
Has anyone else's UPS tracking still not updated from your Nordstrom order?? This is annoying, I am going out of town Wednesday and now I probably will have to wait until I get back to get my items. :-/ My Macy's order should be here Wednesday.
My first order is out for delivery and the second should be here tomorrow. What date did you place your order? I believe my orders were placed on the 3rd.

Nordies must really not GAF about shipping fees, because they are shipping my perfume samples separate from my lipstick and they only get here one day apart. What a total waste of packaging and resources.


Well-known member
Has anyone else's UPS tracking still not updated from your Nordstrom order?? This is annoying, I am going out of town Wednesday and now I probably will have to wait until I get back to get my items. :-/ My Macy's order should be here Wednesday.
yeah since friday it just pulls up saying a label was created and that its ready for UPS


Well-known member
Got my Bloomingdale order, received my bad girl gone good blush and who's that chick, not sure if in going to keep wtc too scared to swatch it lol. Washed my brushes so I can't even play yet :cry:


Well-known member
So all you Specktra beauties have inveigled me to purchase Her Cocoa ahhhh my wallet is upset but my eyes will love me! I hope it comes in time for my birthday next week


Well-known member
Got my Bloomingdale order, received my bad girl gone good blush and who's that chick, not sure if in going to keep wtc too scared to swatch it lol. Washed my brushes so I can't even play yet
why are you scared to swacth it??


Well-known member
lol i lasted a few days before i let everyones gorgeous pictures of there palette make me cave i bought one last night  hehe 
I really don't need it and I know it. Maybe if it hangs around long enough for the pro discount...but honestly I have the habit of getting a quad thinking I HAVE to have it and then barely touching it. Those Temperature Rising quads...can't tell you when I last touched those. The only MAC quads I actually use are the two I made from the Nudes & Metallics collection. I use those on a regular basis.


Well-known member
Ok I am a bit bummed that I don't own TTT l/s. I am hoping that MAC will restock online soon but I'm happy that I'm getting Nude lipstick tomorrow.


Well-known member
I totally agree it's very reasonable :) I just didn't wanna pay $50 or more, but I'm glad I am finally done with this collection. I now have everything I wanted, except her cocoa which I am going back and forth on :/
It is reasonable. Someone on here (forgot who it was but I gave them a thumbs up) posted a Macy's out of state that was willing to mail it out if you called and requested it and paid over the phone -- and I jumped on it. They charged me $10 to ship it.. So with tax + shipping - I paid right at $34...

I have no clue when it will get here -- by what method.. I know nothing.. They said they were sending it out on Friday (of last week), so I assume it will get here sometime this week.. lol

Anyway, I am glad you don't feel bad because it's actually not a bad deal compared to ebay prices!


Well-known member
Because I never wore a frost before lol, no offense but frost reminds me of a grandma
oh lol i was gonna say please dont tell me these lipsticks are breaking off like the last launch.... i only own one frost and i do feel its a bit 60's ish when i wear it reminds me of this color my grandma use to use lol

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