RiRi Hearts MAC Fall Collection (October 3, 2013)


Well-known member
To me It's probably a preference . For me I don't back up face powders, blushes, eyeshadows etc. I'm a lipstick/lipgloss fiend. Usually powder products last a verrrrrry long time , I have never hit pan on a face powder except my MSFN. Plus we all probably have a huge collection so realistically u probably won't use it all up before u move on to the next greatest powder
Agreed! Lol! I'll just work around the signature hahaha! Thx ladies. Y'all saved me money! See we don't always encourage each other to spend money =P


Well-known member
Hello everyone! Just wanted to introduce myself and share my experience along with what I was able to get my hands on from this collection. I have been a lurker for some time...I just stay quiet cuz I'm a lil shy. Anyway..I shoulda just picked up TTT from day 1 in my MAC store in Boston but all the patchy talk made me say "sleep on it for now and jus get RRW l/s + l/l"....duh it was a huge mistake cuz I was loving everyone's pics on here and I knew there would be an abundant amount RRW hanging around....IDK what I was thinkng. So I was stuck in that waiting room and my cpu + phone were so slow I gave up when I read all the lippies sold out... the next day on mac's website I see "TTT and Nude have been removed from your cart"...SMH I guess "patience is a virtue" right?....More nightmares came with the dept. store release but long story short: just got my TTT l/s + l/l in the mail from Nordies today....This was the worst chase ever in my 3 little years of following/buying MAC products...Marilyn was nothing compared to this if u ask me. My final haul aside from the lippies: BGGG, Diamonds, Gigablack mascara and PLW brow pencil deep dark brun....my 1st time using something on my brows and I actually really like it. Crossing my fingers that I can secure Nude and WTC when a restock occurs. Oh yes! Y'all have me struggling not to get Her Cocoa cuz I'm plotting on Naked2 and Vice2 in the very near future...hope to make some new friends here since im kinda alone in my love for makeup..lol


Well-known member
After dealing with CS.from Nordstrom, Macys, and bloomingdales I throw in the towel in trying to find the ccb and I'll be throwing my money at urban decay to make me feel better. Hmph .
I think every makeup collector has that moment. Sorry you couldn't get Diamonds, but I hope you enjoy your UD haul!


Well-known member
Has anyone tried Diamonds CCB as a shadow base? Any issues with creasing?
I think I recall someone saying that they've been using it (too many pages to recall or find) and that it wasn't creasing. I haven't tried it though.
Who's that is super shady...and scary. She followed you around the store?!?!
Yes, she followed me through the whole store until I finally got annoyed and decided to leave. AND she followed me to the door. I thought she was going to try and follow me to my car but there was a store security guard standing at that entrance (near the handbags) so she finally backed off.


Well-known member
Soooooo this is the box that my samples came in.
And, this is the package that my lipstick came in.
Oh, and they were delivered at the same time :hmm: :hmm: :haha:


Active member
After dealing with CS.from Nordstrom, Macys, and bloomingdales I throw in the towel in trying to find the ccb and I'll be throwing my money at urban decay to make me feel better. Hmph .
Not to be an enabler but, Urban Decay's F&F Sale starts today and ends 10/12/13. For 20% Off Use Promo Code FFHOLIDAY13


Well-known member
I'm so jealous of all of you ladies, looking great in your Riri purchases
I ordered on Thursday and was really hoping to get my goodies today as it is my birthday
let me tell you I jumped when I heard the doorbell ring !!! But no luck today
fingers crossed for tomorow !!

I missed this. Happy Birthday MACkilledme!! I love your screen name btw.


Well-known member
Not to be an enabler but, [COLOR=181818]Urban Decay's F&F Sale starts today and ends 10/12/13.  For 20% Off Use Promo Code [/COLOR]
Thanks for the code. :p my wallet isn't thanking you tho. Haha. Now going to purchase the vice 2 palette and maybe both Oz palettes.


Well-known member
Got my TTT l/s today yay cant wait to play with it

[edit] So I see what everyone else has been saying on this thread about this lipstick like I had moisturizer on my lips all morning came back put Prep & Prime and bitch watch still tugging and patchy :( which sucks because the color is beautiful. So it's either having to buy Smoked Purple, Prince Noir (ugh) or Cyber to compliment this lipstick I suppose...

I feel like MAC rushed this lipstick and didn't do a proper consistency because Heaux is a little creamy and RiRi Woo is at least manageable like Ruby woo and all other mattes


Well-known member
Hello everyone! Just wanted to introduce myself and share my experience along with what I was able to get my hands on from this collection. I have been a lurker for some time...I just stay quiet cuz I'm a lil shy. Anyway..I shoulda just picked up TTT from day 1 in my MAC store in Boston but all the patchy talk made me say "sleep on it for now and jus get RRW l/s + l/l"....duh it was a huge mistake cuz I was loving everyone's pics on here and I knew there would be an abundant amount RRW hanging around....IDK what I was thinkng. So I was stuck in that waiting room and my cpu + phone were so slow I gave up when I read all the lippies sold out... the next day on mac's website I see "TTT and Nude have been removed from your cart"...SMH I guess "patience is a virtue" right?....More nightmares came with the dept. store release but long story short: just got my TTT l/s + l/l in the mail from Nordies today....This was the worst chase ever in my 3 little years of following/buying MAC products...Marilyn was nothing compared to this if u ask me. My final haul aside from the lippies: BGGG, Diamonds, Gigablack mascara and PLW brow pencil deep dark brun....my 1st time using something on my brows and I actually really like it. Crossing my fingers that I can secure Nude and WTC when a restock occurs. Oh yes! Y'all have me struggling not to get Her Cocoa cuz I'm plotting on Naked2 and Vice2 in the very near future...hope to make some new friends here since im kinda alone in my love for makeup..lol


Well-known member
So after giving it a second try I like the blush but I don't think it was back up worthy. Guess I'll gift it to my mom she's a tad lighter then me. If anyone missed it PM me


Well-known member
I really hope there will be a restock for all you US ladies ... I am stilllll waiting on my MAC.fr order from thursday - so much for 48hr delivery! It's way past the 5pm cut off for post here and If it doesn't come tomorrow I'll end up with product from the instore launch this thursday in my hands quicker than an order from a week ago! Still, I am very fortunate that I ordered the things I really wanted online and have a chance (hopefully) to take a look in store at the things I am on the fence about.

Speaking of on the Fence - TTT lipliner - How are you all finding it please? I have liners in similar colours but do you recomend getting it becuase its a PLWLP? How's it's staying power?

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