RiRi Hearts MAC Fall Collection (October 3, 2013)


Well-known member
3 lipsticks:  Who's That Chick, Talk That Talk and Nude... just went for $247.50 (plus $5 shipping) on ebay.   Wow. Dead. :thud:
This kind of stuff cracks me up though lol
To me It's probably a preference . For me I don't back up face powders, blushes, eyeshadows etc. I'm a lipstick/lipgloss fiend. Usually powder products last a verrrrrry long time , I have never hit pan on a face powder except my MSFN. Plus we all probably have a huge collection so realistically u probably won't use it all up before u move on to the next greatest powder
Same here, I'm a lippie girl. I'm partial to cheap blush and a rarely wear shadow bc my application sucks and I have fat hooded eyelids. Bought my first MSFN over 2 years ago and I'm not even close to hitting pan, as a matter of fact I've just flattened the dome. My studio fix powder is even older and hardly has a dent. But I also only wear a full face of makeup about once a week. BUT MY LIPPIES. .. I'M BUYING THOSE.


Well-known member
I'm glad that you found it! All of my packages from them come from IA, so I have no idea why he told you that, LOL.

IDK what his deal was. I'm just hoping everything gets to me in good condition

Quote: Originally Posted by butterflyeyes

Well he took quite a long walk didn't he? Lol
Girl!!! That's a long walk lmao he might as well had walked to The Bahamas and dropped them off personally!


Well-known member
Sure.. Here it is:


I know, right? LOL.
awesome thanks!


Well-known member
MAC finally contacted me about my cracked HK ... so they don't have any more in stock and don't know whether they'll restock so they're refunding me for me. Im just going to have to be careful and not carry HK around so it wont fall apart.


Well-known member
Ladies, here is my contribution to the collection. Talk that Talk Nude  I "tried" to do a smokey eye here.... I have RRW and i didn't buy WTC because it just wasn't working for me. i had that circa '95 look and i really don"t like frosts. i was thinking maybe i can still get it and use it as a topper for other colors. Here in St. Maarten they still have it so i just might go get it....... still thinking:sigh:   I edited this post to say that i used BGGG on my cheeks and put diamonds as a highlight and on my nose and cupids bow ( not sure if you can see).
You look stunning in every single lippy! Very much so jealous


Well-known member
I noticed the Naked palette went up another $2..geesh.

I called Bloomingdales back--- customer service rep located Diamonds in a store and was going to have it sent to me.. I gave her all my info.. but when she went to click it through -- it didn't work.. So once again, I get excited for a few minutes (which seem like an eternity)...and I get shot down. From elation to desperation - once again..
This lady was SUPER nice though.. that always makes things a little easier to swallow..
I was just thinking the same thing about the Naked Palette... soon we gonna be paying 70 dollars for a basics palette lol


Well-known member
I have Venomous Villians, Marilyn, Archie's, Wonder Woman, To the Beach, Hey Sailor, Surf Baby, MAC x Alice&Olivia, + a bunch more that I probably am forgetting lol..can you say hoarder much? I might need an intervention!! And im not throwing them or the Rihanna things away
LOL! I thought I was the only one. I REFUSE to throw away my packaging until it is thoroughly worn out. You are not alone (in my michael jackson voice) lol


Well-known member
I'm new here so don't have access to bin yet. I hope I'm not out of bounds but I have a HK available if someone didn't get a chance to get it. PM me for deets. I apologize if this isn't cool. Have a great day everyone! #makeuploversunite
Unfortunately this is against the rules. You have to wait until you have access to the clearance bin, just like everyone else.
Hey question ladies, I've never used a cream color base before, is it true that they expire fast?
CCBs have no expiration date my dear :wink:
I have lurked for a while but commented a few times and people just ignore you around here. I guess you have to be apart of the clique here on Specktra to be worthy of a response.
Actually i was one of em that did answer you first question. So I'm not sure what else you want us to do? You asked 2 questions, and you had 2 questions answered. So what's the problem?


Well-known member
I've been watching it awhile and choked when it was at $160... but $252 with shipping??? $84 for each lipstick?? That's 50 shades of Cray...

I'm going to check back later and see if the buyer actually paid it..
50 shades of cray lol!!!

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