RiRi Hearts MAC Fall Collection (October 3, 2013)


Well-known member
I love being ignored
Don't feel bad! I don't know what's going on either!


Well-known member
I love being ignored
If you're feeling ignored and it's bothering you a lot try pm'ing them about it. It's not worth starting drama over. Either they will answer you or they won't. If not...then it wasn't meant for you to know what they meant. Know that probably sucks but it is what it is.


Well-known member
If you're feeling ignored and it's bothering you a lot try pm'ing them about it. It's not worth starting drama over. Either they will answer you or they won't. If not...then it wasn't meant for you to know what they meant. Know that probably sucks but it is what it is.
I PM'd both that's why I made the comment.. Not starting any drama, was just stating the fact and leaving at that. Simple as.


Well-known member
Quote:Originally Posted by luvlydee

i have been lovvving hibiscus kiss. wish it was only the brown shade though. i have to many pinks to really care about the pink in this lol. The browns shade as a blush just melts my heart. just love love love it. ok im done lol

Does the bronzer have an orange or red undertone on you?
Neither. Its more neutral. Doesnt look orange or red. If that makes sense. Lol On my skintone anyways


Well-known member
I PM'd both that's why I made the comment.. Not starting any drama, was just stating the fact and leaving at that. Simple as.
Honestly, if you weren't trying to invite at least a little drama (sorry if you don't see it as such) you wouldn't have posted something so clearly sarcastic. Just my 2 cents. Take it as such and if it offends I'm sorry but as you said...just stating a fact and leaving it at that. :shrugs:


Well-known member
I would have loved to purchase it for the compact if it would work on my skin but I think I'm too pale :( I use nyx taupe to contour lol
If you were wanting to use it to contour I don't think it would work that great but if you were wanting to use it just for color I'm sure you could make it work. Definitely don't think you're too pale for it.


Well-known member
Ok so now this half of the semester is done, I'll get new ones next week though....but I'm done with the extra annoying classes!! I've pm'd several people on 007 as Elegant-one calls it, but I know I'm missing a ton of people. If I haven't pm you, please pm me and I will fill you in.  And as usual, ya'll are seriously gorgeous almost to the point where I'm questioning things lol. I mentioned to hubster that I have some girl crushes on some here, he looked at me oddly and said I thought you were straight :haha:  I tried to explain and failed miserably. Oh well.


Well-known member
I would have loved to purchase it for the compact if it would work on my skin but I think I'm too pale :( I use nyx taupe to contour lol
I really think this could work on pale ladies. I dont see any strong undertones visable. I think the brown part is warmer than nyx taupe tho lol. I dont own taupe but ive seen some swatches lol.


Well-known member
I know I'm late to the party but I finally got my hands on TTT thanks to a lovely user here. I must say I LOVE the color but my goodness it is DRYYY even with prep + prime lip. Also as time passed, it starts to get patchy and whatnot looking like a huge mess on me. I want to make this lippie work so bad because I love the color but I'm really having a hard time. Here's how it looks when first applied:
I want to show how it looks after a few hours but that picture that just looks like straight DEATH lol. :sigh:


Well-known member
I love being ignored
No, I am not ignoring you.. I was actually getting ready - putting makeup on and then had to call about one of my orders which doesn't show up when I plug in my order # -- and the charge for the item was taken off my CC... weird. (CSR rep said it is still in the system about to be shipped and that's why the order number isn't pulling up since it is "processing")...

But anyway, my post was made at like 5:45am - I woke up from a nightmare and couldn't go back to sleep.. I thought I found the lipsticks in stock, but it was the ole bait and switch.. when I tried to add to my cart, it said "unavailable".. Therefore, I edited my post and deleted part of it out..sorry for the confusion..


Well-known member
I would have loved to purchase it for the compact if it would work on my skin but I think I'm too pale
I use nyx taupe to contour lol
For me, it does come up a tad bit orange. I posted a swatch somewhere in the thread and compared it to Hoola and Sunny bronzer by NYC... I didn't add in my Too Faced dark Chocolate soleil because I couldn't find it.. but I found it this morning.. If you'd like me to swatch them all - I will. I am really pale right now - about a NC20.. and I swatch on the underside of my arm -which is even a little lighter. Let me know if you want me to do another swatch test.

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