RiRi Hearts MAC Fall Collection (October 3, 2013)


Well-known member
I so late but still, my TTT is coming ^.^ im so excited to FINALLY get my hands on it


Well-known member
Its sad but a reality . When i first got into makeup- I had a hard convincing myself to pay $14-$15 on a lipstick. So in a effort to save money , I went to ebay . Looking for a deal. Since i was a rookie i had no clue what was real or fake . I didnt even know what to look for. I never bought anything from ebay out of fear of not getting it or it not being real. But alot of people are just clueless and want some mac and a deal. One of my friends sent me a pic not to long ago with a Mac "haul'. Some guy at her school was selling it a discount. she spent like $75 with him and it all was fake. I had to break the news to her and she was P.O. She just didnt know. :(


Well-known member
Whenever I'm on a certain bus route, I pass a small table with MAC and Estee Lauder products set up right on the sidewalk. I'm always curious as to what for sale, but I know most, if not all of it, is completely fake.


Well-known member
I'm still trying to understand how the packaging was replicated. :sheep:
Honestly...they could have just depotted the original colors out of it and then put perm lipsticks in the packaging. Or if they have the set up for it they just made fake packaging (considering how lucrative the black market is for all kinds of things this wouldn't be impossible at all). :shrugs:


Well-known member
Just reported each and every single one. Hate seeing things like this. I just did a comparison of my TTT and those fakes... they tried, but not hard enough.


Well-known member
The one that really made my LOL was the "TTT." I mean really.... that looks NOTHING like it!
Absolutely ridiculous! I hope eBay does something about it before someone who isn't familiar in the slightest bit with the actual colors gets shafted buying those. Who the heck knows what brand those even are or what they're made of.


Well-known member
Absolutely ridiculous! I hope eBay does something about it before someone who isn't familiar in the slightest bit with the actual colors gets shafted buying those. Who the heck knows what brand those even are or what they're made of.
....the ingredients are my greatest concern about fakes!


Well-known member
I'm still trying to understand how the packaging was replicated.
From what I heard, it's a 'grey market' matter. This is what usually happens with grey market products: One company has a contract to make official products/components and make them according to specs, and ship the components to the contracting company. However, some component manufacturers would continue to make these components 'after hours' and sell the components to another company that would use the component for making "unofficial" products, only available in that country. The most common example would be the limited edition Nike sneakers. One company would use the insole molds after they are contractually done and make new insoles and would make "knock-off" type items.


Sometimes legit companies would procure grey market items and sell them regularly. I myself got took when I ordered a monitor from a legit computer electronics store; when it shorted out, I found out that it was a product only to be sold in Europe.

honey on boost

Well-known member
From what I heard, it's a 'grey market' matter.  This is what usually happens with grey market products: One company has a contract to make official products/components and make them according to specs, and ship the components to the contracting company.  However, some component manufacturers would continue to make these components 'after hours' and sell the components to another company that would use the component for making "unofficial" products, only available in that country.  The most common example would be the limited edition Nike sneakers.  One company would use the insole molds after they are contractually done and make new insoles and would make "knock-off" type items. http://www.manufacturingnews.com/news/Schonfeld0531133.html http://www.australianlight.com.au/blog/post/what_is_grey_market/ Sometimes legit companies would procure grey market items and sell them regularly.  I myself got took when I ordered a monitor from a legit computer electronics store; when it shorted out, I found out that it was a product only to be sold in Europe.
Yep! It's big in the sneaker industry.

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