Well-known member
Really? Like which brands? I'm amazed at the lengths people go to sell fake stuff.High end handbags too.
Really? Like which brands? I'm amazed at the lengths people go to sell fake stuff.High end handbags too.
Any brand you can imagine. Hermes, LV, Coach (although not quite high end but pricey to many)...the list goes on. Hand bags are well known for being counterfeited. It's why a lot of brands offer info on how to spot a fake and ask that people report distributors of fake products...and honestly, a lot of people know they are buying a fake but covet the brand (but may not be able to afford the real thing). If you know you can't afford a $16k bag but you can find a knockoff for a couple hundred or less...and it looks like it might be real to others that wouldn't actually know the difference then you might be willing to fake it lol. I wouldn't knowingly buy a fake anything but you see a lot of people doing it because they want to at least appear like they are part of the trendy crowd. I remember when Dooney & Burke bags were could walk into any beauty supply store and buy a knockoff for maybe $25 lol. They looked like a real Dooney...if you only looked and didn't look too close. But the material was poor (stiff leather, bad stiching, bad hardware).Really? Like which brands? I'm amazed at the lengths people go to sell fake stuff.
Canal Street!Any brand you can imagine. Hermes, LV, Coach (although not quite high end but pricey to many)...the list goes on. Hand bags are well known for being counterfeited. It's why a lot of brands offer info on how to spot a fake and ask that people report distributors of fake products...and honestly, a lot of people know they are buying a fake but covet the brand (but may not be able to afford the real thing). If you know you can't afford a $16k bag but you can find a knockoff for a couple hundred or less...and it looks like it might be real to others that wouldn't actually know the difference then you might be willing to fake it lol. I wouldn't knowingly buy a fake anything but you see a lot of people doing it because they want to at least appear like they are part of the trendy crowd. I remember when Dooney & Burke bags were could walk into any beauty supply store and buy a knockoff for maybe $25 lol. They looked like a real Dooney...if you only looked and didn't look too close. But the material was poor (stiff leather, bad stiching, bad hardware).
That's a little different, those bags are usually pretty easy to spot that they are fake.Any brand you can imagine. Hermes, LV, Coach (although not quite high end but pricey to many)...the list goes on. Hand bags are well known for being counterfeited. It's why a lot of brands offer info on how to spot a fake and ask that people report distributors of fake products...and honestly, a lot of people know they are buying a fake but covet the brand (but may not be able to afford the real thing). If you know you can't afford a $16k bag but you can find a knockoff for a couple hundred or less...and it looks like it might be real to others that wouldn't actually know the difference then you might be willing to fake it lol. I wouldn't knowingly buy a fake anything but you see a lot of people doing it because they want to at least appear like they are part of the trendy crowd. I remember when Dooney & Burke bags were could walk into any beauty supply store and buy a knockoff for maybe $25 lol. They looked like a real Dooney...if you only looked and didn't look too close. But the material was poor (stiff leather, bad stiching, bad hardware).
Not always. Actually...not a lot of the time. The ones you get from street vendors often are but there are a lot of counterfeit bags made by serious pros that make a living creating almost identical fakes. It's why a lot of people have been taken advantage of. I had to do a thesis paper on black market as it applies to the international market and how it affects businesses and consumers. Ironically they are talking about counterfeits on CNN relating to Super Bowl tickets and merchandise right now. Counterfeiting is a multi-billion dollar industry and those that want to maximize their profit will spend a lot to get the tools that they need to make less easy to detect goods. You won't find those for $25 but you will be able to get them at deals that are more enticing than paying retail.That's a little different, those bags are usually pretty easy to spot that they are fake.
i love TTT on youFinally used some of these products lol ( besides the lippie's). I used Her Cocoa quad, bad girl gone good blush, Nude lipstick+talk that talk lipsticks, with Vino liner.![]()
thank huni love TTT on you
Its a sad dayall of the lipsticks are now officially discontinued!
Ahh, I see what you mean now... Yes, I agree. If I can't afford the real thing I don't want it.Any brand you can imagine. Hermes, LV, Coach (although not quite high end but pricey to many)...the list goes on. Hand bags are well known for being counterfeited. It's why a lot of brands offer info on how to spot a fake and ask that people report distributors of fake products...and honestly, a lot of people know they are buying a fake but covet the brand (but may not be able to afford the real thing). If you know you can't afford a $16k bag but you can find a knockoff for a couple hundred or less...and it looks like it might be real to others that wouldn't actually know the difference then you might be willing to fake it lol. I wouldn't knowingly buy a fake anything but you see a lot of people doing it because they want to at least appear like they are part of the trendy crowd. I remember when Dooney & Burke bags were could walk into any beauty supply store and buy a knockoff for maybe $25 lol. They looked like a real Dooney...if you only looked and didn't look too close. But the material was poor (stiff leather, bad stiching, bad hardware).
WTC was the only lippie I didn't get from this collection. As much as I like orange lippies most of them just don't look right on me.I've always kind of regretted not getting Who's That Chick when I still could have so yesterday I B2M'd CB 96 lipstick. They both look so similar (in pics at least). That would be the last time I B2M on a Saturday afternoon at the Pentagon City MAC store. It's drama central! :drama:
This is so true for me as well. WTC was no bueno for me. The only orange lippie I have that works for me is Sounds Like Noise, which I love.WTC was the only lippie I didn't get from this collection. As much as I like orange lippies most of them just don't look right on me.