RiRi Hearts MAC Fall Collection (October 3, 2013)


Well-known member
I just got Smoked Purple a couple weeks ago in a small fall lippies order :) it's beautiful. Tried it with Heroine liner, Brick liner, and Nightmoth and so far I loved every look. And after seeing these swatches of TTT I think I may skip it! Still tentative though.... lol


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Quote:Originally Posted by Copperhead

Right. I think I'll pass on it too. I've been wanting Smoked Purple so I'll probably just get that and go sit down somewhere.

LOL! That was funny.

Ana A

Well-known member
Smoked purple was one of my first colors and I love it, (although on me it looks nothing like it does on Temptalia) on me it looks more like Kontrol from Illamasqa..I love it though :)


Well-known member
Now I think I need Smoked Purple too. My wishlist is getting longer and longer! I'm hoping to get a few more perm MAC and NARS things in a few weeks.


Well-known member
I just heard the song Talk That Talk for the first time today. I've already forgotten it. That makes me feel old.


Well-known member
All I'd like to know is, how does TTT liner compare to other MAC liners such as Nightmoth, Vino, and Currant? Would love to see comparison swatches.


Well-known member
What do you ladies use CCB's for? I may want to try this one.
The only one I have is Improper Copper because the others were too ashy looking on me. I just use it as a highlight on my cheek and brow bones. It's shimmery but very pretty in the summer with coral and peach blushes.