RiRi Hearts MAC Fall Collection (October 3, 2013)


Well-known member
I really despise everything that guy said in the video. Waiting 4hrs for a product isn't anything really to boast about. I get it from a business point but come on -_- Now 18 million unique customers....I get that. 
Agreed. I'm afraid for this collection. October 3rd is a Thursday and I'll be at my teaching internship. I'm going to have to have my mom place my order for me while I'm working. Lol I don't think this would fly with my principal: "Boys and girls please excuse Miss Martinez while she steps out to order her Rihanna hearts mac products." :D Unless...will this release early for PRO like a regular collection? I can't remember if this has been mentioned before.


Well-known member
I'm actually happy this collection isn't all that.. Money saved! And maybe it's because I've been collecting for awhile now but I swear they're running out of color ideas lol


Well-known member
Pictures: and à vidéo too! (Crédit: RihannaOverdose, Fox, _rihcards) http://www.rihannaoverdose.com/2013/07/video-fox-business-unveils-new-riri-for.html
thank you! i found the video at the source link i went through and fullscreened the video and took better caps. I also watermarked them so they dont end up on IG.

I'm also bummed the compact is HK i already got that in prettier packaging >:)


Well-known member
.... Well, I'm now CERTAIN that I don't want anything accept TTT l/s... kinda disappointing, but my wallet is crying tears of joy. More money to spend on Mac's retro matte collection :)


Well-known member
UGH. That video made me mad. Having your customers wait 4 and a half hours isn't something I'd want to advertise. Made us look a little silly, I think.

And that orange though? I don't get it at all. I feel like that's something Rihanna wouldn't even wear.


Well-known member
UGH. That video made me mad. Having your customers wait 4 and a half hours isn't something I'd want to advertise. Made us look a little silly, I think.

And that orange though? I don't get it at all. I feel like that's something Rihanna wouldn't even wear.
Yeah I found that video annoying. I wanted to do this:

Ana A

Well-known member
What that jackass man forgot to mention is all of the cancelled orders, the terrible costumer service, damaged products and the delay on the collection. Sorry dude you should be ashamed of how you are managing the business....nothing to gloat about, perhaps the money they saved on advertisement could have been used towards a smoother more professional launch


Well-known member
yes to beauty powder? no to pigmentation? confusion!! lol you were the one to mention that there was going to be a beauty powder right? maybe for the holiday collection?? ::crosses fingers:: she put it on and i was like WOMP WOMP lmaooo
Sorry, it was more my general feeling instead of answers to the questions lol. Yes there was pigmentation problems to the bronze part of the blush. There was mention of a BP, so it must be for holiday, if it's still a go.


Well-known member
She just pissed me off I am trying to bid on an item & she's tagging ppl & their having their own little convo. I'm like stfu & go inbox eachother I'm trying to win a lipstick lol


Well-known member
More info coming gals! Pictures:
and à vidéo too! (Crédit: RihannaOverdose, Fox, _rihcards) http://www.rihannaoverdose.com/2013/07/video-fox-business-unveils-new-riri-for.html
God I really dislike that huge "R" on the packaging. Talk about it being "R"edundant, "R"idiculous, & "R"epulsive. :barf:

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