RiRi Hearts MAC Fall Collection (October 3, 2013)


Well-known member
OK so this is how it when down this morning. The doors open and we walk in. That chick I told you about earlier of course tried to just slide in. She was stopped by the same women and one guy that was eyeballing her. DEBBS if your friend is a DJ I meet him today while checking out. I was the 3rd person in line and by the time I asked for it TTT was sold out. Apparently Aventura only got 3 of them. They used one for the tester and the two other people got them instead of me. This one guy was I think the 3rd or 4th person in line and he got one of everything and the chick he was with did the same. I got the liner and high tailed it out of there and went to Pro on Lincoln Rd. I was supposed to meet my friend there at 10:45 but went to Aventura because I like the store manager there and she told me to swing by. I get down to South Beach meet my friend and a small crowd of 15 people in front of the store. I turn my head and that dude and his chick that both got one of everything was in the crowd too. The store opens and we go in and they had post its for everyone to write what they wanted on. They had us queue up and hand them to an MUA who would go behind the counter where they usually hold classes and grab what you needed. Both stores had a strict one of each item policy and no pro discounts. I got TTT lipstick and was debating if I should get Smoked Purple or Cyber. My friend grabbed TTT and Nude lipsticks. She actually returned FOD because she liked TTT more.


Well-known member
This one guy was I think the 3rd or 4th person in line and he got one of everything and the chick he was with did the same. I got the liner and high tailed it out of there and went to Pro on Lincoln Rd. I was supposed to meet my friend there at 10:45 but went to Aventura because I like the store manager there and she told me to swing by. I get down to South Beach meet my friend and a small crowd of 15 people in front of the store. I turn my head and that dude and his chick that both got one of everything was in the crowd too. The store opens and we go in and they had post its for everyone to write what they wanted on. They had us queue up and hand them to an MUA who would go behind the counter where they usually hold classes and grab what you needed. Both stores had a strict one of each item policy and no pro discounts. I got TTT lipstick and was debating if I should get Smoked Purple or Cyber. My friend grabbed TTT and Nude lipsticks. She actually returned FOD because she liked TTT more.
sounds like they are preparing for ebay. hmpf!
Quote: Originally Posted by bobbiedoll03

Love the swatches. Everyone looks great!
did you get anything???

Carolina Marie

Well-known member
I'm so glad i got the two main things I wanted! TTT and HK, I wanted diamonds but they were sold out already :( I'm surprised they weren't sold out of TTT or more stuff! I got there around 1 and they were only sold out of WTC, RRW, and diamonds


Well-known member
OK so this is how it when down this morning. The doors open and we walk in. That chick I told you about earlier of course tried to just slide in. She was stopped by the same women and one guy that was eyeballing her. DEBBS if your friend is a DJ I meet him today while checking out. I was the 3rd person in line and by the time I asked for it TTT was sold out. Apparently Aventura only got 3 of them. They used one for the tester and the two other people got them instead of me. This one guy was I think the 3rd or 4th person in line and he got one of everything and the chick he was with did the same. I got the liner and high tailed it out of there and went to Pro on Lincoln Rd. I was supposed to meet my friend there at 10:45 but went to Aventura because I like the store manager there and she told me to swing by. I get down to South Beach meet my friend and a small crowd of 15 people in front of the store. I turn my head and that dude and his chick that both got one of everything was in the crowd too. The store opens and we go in and they had post its for everyone to write what they wanted on. They had us queue up and hand them to an MUA who would go behind the counter where they usually hold classes and grab what you needed. Both stores had a strict one of each item policy and no pro discounts. I got TTT lipstick and was debating if I should get Smoked Purple or Cyber. My friend grabbed TTT and Nude lipsticks. She actually returned FOD because she liked TTT more.
Well I'll be damned.


Well-known member
No prob! Glad to help! Im excited to use Diamonds tomorrow I will use it as a highlighter after my foundation
you can use is as a shadow base but if you have oily lids might wanna put a different base down first, also as a highlight on your cheekbones, cupids bow, inner corner of the eye , along the bridge of your nose  ooo pretty!! adding it to my list thanks!! you've been such a help today!! id use it after foundation and after powder if you use one :) i say after powder because if you powder over it you'll loose the shine 


Well-known member
Ultimate dish lipglass over Nude also looks great! I am so glad I got this milk chocolate lipstick of deliciousness


Well-known member
No Pro discount.

Also, I got a rude awakening....the store in DC takes depots, but you have to have the label on the bottom. Apparently at their store they take your item out of the box and mark it on the bottom and give it to you w/o the box, that way you can't b2m a free item because it's marked. They don't do that at my NY store. I get it, though.
easy fix: alcohol + cotton swab=removed marking!!!


Well-known member
Nude looked grayish and dead on me. WTC WAS kinda pretty, but, it reminded me too much of CB96. TTT was SO patchy! Honestly, M.A.C. Is getting too much of our MONEY to keep producing these kind of low quality products. Somebody had to say it! IJS


Well-known member
I was able to get RRW/TTT lipsticks and liners, BGGG and Diamonds. Almost didn't get TTT lippie but my SA was able to procure one for me since she mistakenly left it out of my order. Apparently, my store got like 20 TTT lipsticks and 12 of the other new colors, but all except RRW sold out in the first 12 minutes. No chance of me getting Nude - at least not today.

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