RiRi Hearts MAC Holiday Collection (December 12, 2013)


Well-known member
Okay! I have PMed everyone who messaged me (sharing the info!) and I'm going to have to run to lunch real quick - I hope I was able to help some of you ladies as much as you've helped me! Good luck y'all!


New member
Hi everyone! I'm new here! I've been collecting the RiRi hearts MAC since the first collection & had no probs getting anything(even on the mac waiting room) I was waiting early for the dec 5 mac.com release & got everything I wanted except Bad girl RiRi :( and I kept missing all the other online releases & finally today I started calling mac counters in other states & after an hr of "were all sold out " I got a wonderful lady to place my order :) She said it would be here in 7-10 business days. *fingers crossed* but I wasn't able to give her my email bc she had already placed the order so I hope there's no problems! I hope everyone got what they wanted I was about to give up! Keep calling ladies! Random small towns are the best to order from ;)


Well-known member
Anyone looking for BGR I know of a store that takes phone orders. And sorry to be "that guy" but I won't message you back if you just signed up to the site. This is for contributing specktra members.


Well-known member
After the shipping problem with my PC collection, I'm having the same problem with my Nordstrom order where my RiRi lipsticks tracking only says "shipping label has been created". UPS is telling me both of my packages are probably lost since I was supposed to get them tomorrow and there has been no movements at all. I did not stay up until 3 in the morning on a day of my finals to have my orders lost! Now I probably won't have them at all D:
OMG! My PC order hasn't been updated since the 8th (shipping label created) and my riri nordies order says the same thing. Should I be worried?!?!


Well-known member
OMG! My PC order hasn't been updated since the 8th (shipping label created) and my riri nordies order says the same thing. Should I be worried?!?!
I called both Nordstrom and UPS and they were no help really. Nordstrom insists they already gave it to UPS, UPS says they have not received it at all, but if they did it would be lost, but I don't know how to feel since I'm not the only one it's happening to and a coincidence that BOTH of them are the same thing? Where is yours shipping to? & what location is the Nordstrom sending from? Is it Utah?


Well-known member
Got home to a black envelope with PB in it, yay! I love it, so glad I managed to snag one. Having trouble posting a pic, but will share if I can get it to work. Mind you, people will probably look at me funny when I wear this. I wore Daddy's Little Girl to a Christmas drinks party yesterday, and I swear I was the only woman there in a bright lip. It was all nudes, light pinks and sheer glosses. I felt a bit crazy lol!
Edit - looks like that worked. Ignore the "I literally just walked in the door from work" face/hair


Well-known member
Got home to a black envelope with PB in it, yay! I love it, so glad I managed to snag one. Having trouble posting a pic, but will share if I can get it to work. Mind you, people will probably look at me funny when I wear this. I wore Daddy's Little Girl to a Christmas drinks party yesterday, and I swear I was the only woman there in a bright lip. It was all nudes, light pinks and sheer glosses. I felt a bit crazy lol!
Edit - looks like that worked. Ignore the "I literally just walked in the door from work" face/hair
but u picked a great one daddy little girl is in my top fave purple I worn to the grocery store the other day and I got stares but I don't worry I love that lipstick.pb looks stunning on u


Well-known member
off subject who noticed "i want it list" on mac as started acting right and adding the names yayy!! lol the silly things  that makes us happy that should be the norm. what mac puts us thru
It did!?!?!? Hallelujaaaaaaaaaaaah (Kevin Garnett voice)


Well-known member
I called both Nordstrom and UPS and they were no help really. Nordstrom insists they already gave it to UPS, UPS says they have not received it at all, but if they did it would be lost, but I don't know how to feel since I'm not the only one it's happening to and a coincidence that BOTH of them are the same thing? Where is yours shipping to? & what location is the Nordstrom sending from? Is it Utah?
I'm in San Jose, Ca and the package is coming from Utah. Dude, WTF?!?


Well-known member
aww thanks elegant! I'm so jealous of your hair and pretty face. When I try to curl my hair it lasts about 3 minutes then it decides "aah ya, I know it took you 30 minutes to curl me but um no. I think I'll just lay flat and make you look like you half assed your hair today." Lol
thanks that was really sweet!

but I love how your hair looks straight


Well-known member
Here is BGRR. It runs almost like MLBB.
PB! Excuse my sloppy application. Debating on going back for Cockiness. My hubby is out shopping I should have him see if there are any more left.


Well-known member
I called both Nordstrom and UPS and they were no help really. Nordstrom insists they already gave it to UPS, UPS says they have not received it at all, but if they did it would be lost, but I don't know how to feel since I'm not the only one it's happening to and a coincidence that BOTH of them are the same thing? Where is yours shipping to? & what location is the Nordstrom sending from? Is it Utah?
Did you talk with the actual shipping dept at Nordies? Sometimes they are better than talking to anyone else. What a friggin shame. You do have a tracking # right - then whats UPS problem? DEMAND an answer & tell them you won't get off the phone until its figured out

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