RiRi Hearts MAC Holiday Collection (December 12, 2013)


Well-known member
I just ordered cockiness
are you guys loving that color??? Order first ask questions later
That's how the great ones do it. Not sure yet, but I am looking forward to trying it. I swatched it on my hand and it was much more opaque than I thought it would be...albeit, it is still kinda sheer. Seems buildable (with a steady hand).


Well-known member
Hi all, I had to pop into this thread once I saw how it was blowing up on the front page. I'm glad to see folks working together and getting what they want. Who says the pm system doesn't work, lol? Happy Riri Holiday to all and may Mac get a huge piece of coal in it's stocking!


Well-known member
Hunty, before the doors there wer 25 people in line. No one was saying a word. LOL

Antisocial bunch

I was first to the register and of course only one lippie (1 of each color) allowed per customer. I bought all three, stuck them in my purse and walked quickly to my car. Do you know there were just as many men in line as women! They're well trained.....rofl
yup. last time the dude brought up the whole collection. I know that's right, not to have problems.


Well-known member
Anyone else Nordstrom tracking STILL say "Ready for UPS" This is obnoxious, I know it's the holiday's but UPS needs to get on it...first my PC lipsticks weren't delivered yesterday like they were supposed to, now this....I just want my lipsticks!


Well-known member
Just got this picture from my fiancé! I am sooo happy. My sister gave him the info to another macys with tons in stock. She felt so bad she couldn't get them for me.
excuse his "fabricator" hands he won't let me give him a manicure :haha:
I'm happy you were able to get your lippies.
that was so sweet of him. I'm glad you got what you wanted!
Thanks! Yea that was sweet of him.
My mac said they didn't get their shipment in yet as it's delayed for some reason *smh*
Wow, did they even give you a idea when it will come in?


Well-known member
Thanks for all the pms they are overwhelming so at this point I think that's it. Unable to fulfill anymore requests presently


Well-known member
Hi everyone! I'm new here! I've been collecting the RiRi hearts MAC since the first collection & had no probs getting anything(even on the mac waiting room) I was waiting early for the dec 5 mac.com release & got everything I wanted except Bad girl RiRi
and I kept missing all the other online releases & finally today I started calling mac counters in other states & after an hr of "were all sold out " I got a wonderful lady to place my order
She said it would be here in 7-10 business days. *fingers crossed* but I wasn't able to give her my email bc she had already placed the order so I hope there's no problems! I hope everyone got what they wanted I was about to give up! Keep calling ladies! Random small towns are the best to order from


Well-known member
Anyways... I wasn't really wowed by PB or BGRR. I guess PB was always going to be a throw it in the bag anyway buy, but I really was hoping BGRR would be that MLBB nude I've been searching for all my life. It didn't have enough brown in it to me and since I have pink undertoned lips I don't think I would have been amazed by it on my lips. So all in all, I don't feel bad at all about missing this one. But after reading all of these stories! Skinned knees, security, folks running and almost breaking into fights. I just can't! I hope to never see RiRi affiliated with a makeup brand ever again! I know Viva Glam RiRi is coming up but ugh. If these dummies run over ppl in the stores for that they all need their behinds WHIPPED lol.
I 1000% degree mac employees are known to be stank for no reason even when you are being polite.....bgrr I think it would look blah on my lips....im an nc50, c7 in L'oreal true match


Well-known member
Pickering Town Center
Thanks! I'm by Fairview. I was just shuffling through the mall so I had a peek at the MAC counter and of course BGRR and PB are sold out (immediately this a.m. the SA told me) so I looked at the liners. That formula is brutal.


Well-known member
Soooo... I'm feeling really meh about this collection now... I went to my local MAC store on my lunch break because I would be running errands in the area anyway. I went KNOWING everything I wanted was sold out, but I wanted to swatch, just so I'd know exactly what to get for sure if I were to catch a restock. The MA's in the store were so rude! This is how THAT went... Me: *walks in, walks toward RiRi display* MA: *loud talks from the other side of the store* UM... we're sold out of that... Me: I'm sorry I don't believe I asked you for a particular item, how do you know what I'm looking for? I know you're sold out of two lipsticks from this collection, I called to check on your stock before I came... I'd like to swatch the product though. MA: Yea so... you can't swatch anything. Me: I'm sorry what? MA: You can't swatch anything that is sold out. Me: Oh okay, I wasn't aware that sold out meant you sold the testers as well. Also, you might want to check your attitude. ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm.... I don't know what kind of shell shock these employees were suffering from, from this morning during the launch but that entire store had me effed up. I swiftly walked my ass to Nordstrom where every product tester was out and swatched PB and BGRR. Everything that was sold out was marked with a "sold out" black sticker. Anyways... I wasn't really wowed by PB or BGRR. I guess PB was always going to be a throw it in the bag anyway buy, but I really was hoping BGRR would be that MLBB nude I've been searching for all my life. It didn't have enough brown in it to me and since I have pink undertoned lips I don't think I would have been amazed by it on my lips. So all in all, I don't feel bad at all about missing this one. But after reading all of these stories! Skinned knees, security, folks running and almost breaking into fights. I just can't! I hope to never see RiRi affiliated with a makeup brand ever again! I know Viva Glam RiRi is coming up but ugh. If these dummies run over ppl in the stores for that they all need their behinds WHIPPED lol.
Geeeeeeeez. That's beyond rude,...RiRi has people acting crazy. I'm so happy it's over.... Seeing people run was the best....they did cut in front of me and get the last few BGRR's before I could so I guess they got what they wanted...


Well-known member
Where can i find one more bgrr ? I have two, one for me other for a gift but i like a lot bgrr and want a backup jejeje Maybe i can give another gift. Jajaja


Well-known member
if anyone has an extra pleasure bomb they'd like to sell I'm here. I will love it truly ^.^ just PM me please. pretty please with sugar and all that jazz


Well-known member
OMG u guys I just got recognized from spectra while in this line. I'm a superstar. :lol:
I've been recognized before too! It's so weird!
Which lip liner are you ladies wearing with PB? If anyone can help me out please. Thanks in advance :)
I listed about 5 or 6 lilliners bor both PB and BGRR just this morning, about 4 or 5am EST.
Hey ladies! New to post here. I went out this morning to a local Macy's and only ending up scoring BGRR and RRW when I went out basically to only get PB. The girl in front of my online (I was like 7th?) scored the last PB. :pooh:  Go figure! I think they had less than 10 of each. Is anyone interested in BGRR that would want to swap for a PB? I'm not crazy about BGRR since its a tad dark for my liking.
if anyone has an extra BGRR I will be so happy to buy it from you!
Please remember that all swaps and sales MUST be limited to the Clearance Bin or PMs and not in Colour Collection threads. Thanks ladies!
Sorry I am just catching up on last night's posts. This is my absolute favorite drink! How do you make it at home? I need to do this too! 
Starbucks uses the Tazo brand passion tea, which can be bought on their website, at Target or Meijer (i think), and on Vitacost.com and at other locations. Steep according to directions and mix it 50/50 with any brand of lemonade and voila! If you want Raspberry Passion Tea Lemonade, you can buy the raspberry syrup on Starbucks site as well, or at any of their stores. It ends up costing about $2 give or take per gallon as opposed to $4.50 for a trenta! So much cheaper! I brew 2 gallons of it at a time!


Well-known member
Wtf. :/
Soooo... I'm feeling really meh about this collection now... I went to my local MAC store on my lunch break because I would be running errands in the area anyway. I went KNOWING everything I wanted was sold out, but I wanted to swatch, just so I'd know exactly what to get for sure if I were to catch a restock. The MA's in the store were so rude! This is how THAT went... Me: *walks in, walks toward RiRi display* MA: *loud talks from the other side of the store* UM... we're sold out of that... Me: I'm sorry I don't believe I asked you for a particular item, how do you know what I'm looking for? I know you're sold out of two lipsticks from this collection, I called to check on your stock before I came... I'd like to swatch the product though. MA: Yea so... you can't swatch anything. Me: I'm sorry what? MA: You can't swatch anything that is sold out. Me: Oh okay, I wasn't aware that sold out meant you sold the testers as well. Also, you might want to check your attitude. ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm.... I don't know what kind of shell shock these employees were suffering from, from this morning during the launch but that entire store had me effed up. I swiftly walked my ass to Nordstrom where every product tester was out and swatched PB and BGRR. Everything that was sold out was marked with a "sold out" black sticker. Anyways... I wasn't really wowed by PB or BGRR. I guess PB was always going to be a throw it in the bag anyway buy, but I really was hoping BGRR would be that MLBB nude I've been searching for all my life. It didn't have enough brown in it to me and since I have pink undertoned lips I don't think I would have been amazed by it on my lips. So all in all, I don't feel bad at all about missing this one. But after reading all of these stories! Skinned knees, security, folks running and almost breaking into fights. I just can't! I hope to never see RiRi affiliated with a makeup brand ever again! I know Viva Glam RiRi is coming up but ugh. If these dummies run over ppl in the stores for that they all need their behinds WHIPPED lol.

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