@erine1881 Can you recommend a neutral blush that can be used with most of my lipsticks. Im nc 35 I know that you mentioned the lipliners we can use with this collection but I really did not find the page, this is going too fast.

Blushbaby, prism or mocha (a lil more on the pinky neutral side), and warm soul (shim, shim, shimma) are all great neutrals. If you have or can find small vanity from glamourdaze, thats another great one! And since you tried to find it and asked nicely, i will :winkiss: More to love, magenta, embrace me, dynamo, beet, and for some ombre effects:currant, vino, nightmoth Spice, cork, hodgepodge, whirl (as it's pulling mauvey on some), boldly bare, and for ombre: 80%, chestnut