RiRi Hearts MAC Holiday Collection (December 12, 2013)


Well-known member
Marz81 , pro discounts on the RIRi holiday items.
are you sure? I called MAC and asked their customer service and they told me wont get pro discounts on this collection, ever. well they are kind of unknowledgable though.


Well-known member
HI! Pleasure Bomb and Flat Out Fab are very different colors to me and I think everyone should have both in their collection. I have yet to see someone who didn't look great in those two colors.
These two are such gorgeous colors. Two favorites for sure!

Maybe this will be of some help to someone. FOF has more fuchsia in it and is a tiny bit more subdued whereas PB is brighter, creamier, and has more hot pink in it than fuchsia. Glamourdaze is not as brown as BGRR and has a slight mauve-y tone in it.

L-R: Glamourdaze, BGRR - - Flat Out Fabulous, PB

Top to Bottom: PB, FOF - - BGRR, Glamourdaze


Well-known member
And these PB comparisons (Similar, but not exact. PB is my fave of all of them.) The others have more red in them, esp. Moxie & AFU.

L-R: Love Goddess, All Fired Up, Moxie, PB


Well-known member
I keep goin bac to look at the brush from this collection. Does anyone have it? Is it a must?
I have the brush, and it's not a must if you already have either brush in your collection already. I bought it for the look, and for the fact that I've wanted the 217 and 239 brushes and this was cheaper than getting both separately. IMO I love the 217 side, but I'm kind of unimpressed with the 239, I actually like my small smudge brush from CS and the eyeshadow brushes from ELF better than the 239


Well-known member
Hey ladies & gents, just wanted to tell y'all to keep an eye out for your deliveries! I've had three packages stolen from my doorstep in the past month, most recently a Nordie's shipment of Cockiness and Riri Woo lipstick this past Friday. Fortunately, the CS rep was able to find additional stock and reship my items. But I have to say these recent thefts are something that's out of the norm for me. Is there anyway to make sure packages do not get delivered without a signature?
Your best bet may be to have your packages held for pickup what I do is call the shipper and ask that it be held. You can then go to the location with photo id to pick it up it can be inconvenient but it ensures you get your items. I usually do this because my delivery driver will just throw my package at my door without even attempting to knock or get a signature and I don't trust my neighbors to leave my packages alone.


Well-known member
Double ended brushes drive me bonkers! Unless they come with a palette that they can stay in I hate the fact that I will have to store one part of the brush bristles down.
I have a separate palette that I store double ended brushes in, that way I don't have to worry about misshapen bristles. I just attach a small magnetic dot to the center to keep it in place and it's been working well for me.


Well-known member
Ups Driver did this to me with the Hautecore lipstick. Rang the door bell and left the package. When it I checked online said proof of delivery, but not description. I don't think it was my regular UPS guy Charlie.
It's so irritating, you'd think they'd have better sense than this, especially around the holidays


Well-known member
Hey ladies & gents, just wanted to tell y'all to keep an eye out for your deliveries! I've had three packages stolen from my doorstep in the past month, most recently a Nordie's shipment of Cockiness and Riri Woo lipstick this past Friday. Fortunately, the CS rep was able to find additional stock and reship my items. But I have to say these recent thefts are something that's out of the norm for me. Is there anyway to make sure packages do not get delivered without a signature?
I've been back and forth with UPS regarding a stolen/mis-delivered Nordstrom package, and their only "solution" is to sign up for their MY CHOICE program on the UPS site, then you can set your delivery preference to require a signature, authorized secondary signer or re-route packages or change the delivery date to when you're going to be home. It seems like a hassle, and unless you sign up for the paid upgrade, they charge a $5 fee for each re-routed delivery.


Well-known member
Sorry that I didn't post a response to the lady whose package was delivered to someone else. The next time you talk to ups mention the term "bailment" and point out that they failed to keep your package safe. Also consider filing a consumer protection complaint with your attorney general. And press charges if your neighbor claims that he doesn't have your package. Yes, I'm litigious. Lol.
THANK YOU!!! I'll be calling them again first thing on Monday morning


Well-known member
I have the brush, and it's not a must if you already have either brush in your collection already. I bought it for the look, and for the fact that I've wanted the 217 and 239 brushes and this was cheaper than getting both separately. IMO I love the 217 side, but I'm kind of unimpressed with the 239, I actually like my small smudge brush from CS and the eyeshadow brushes from ELF better than the 239
The Rihanna 217 is not comparable to the original version. I suggest you get the 217 when you get a chance. It's an amazing brush.


Well-known member
So how long do you guys think the overspray will last? I really like the bronzer! I think I'll still like it without the overspray.
Good question. Anyone knows?
In my experience with oversprays, they're gone after just swatching with my finger. So if you're actually using the product, it could be completely gone after 1-3 uses.
Hello Everyone! Newbie here! I can't tell you how nervous I am right now to be posting. I'm not a shy person, but ya know it's like that "first day of school" feeling. Anywho, I'm happy I've found this site! It's awesome to talk about makeup with fellow makeup lovers. Now to the topic at hand. I ordered PB and BGRR from Nordstrom, and I should get them on Monday (at least that's what the expected delivery date says) I was kind of hesitant about ordering PB because it kind of looks like Flat Out Fab (which I already own)... Of course I ordered it anyway because I felt like I NEEDED to have it.. Does anyone know how similar PB and Flat out fab are? Thanks for reading my post!
They're definitely different. FOF has purple in it, where PB is a true fuchsia.
So sorry if this has already been asked but can anybody tell me how PB compares to moxie? Thanks
Almost identical. I posted swatches a couple days ago.
I have had packages stolen from me as well in the past. I suggest signing up for UPS My Choice. It's free and it allows you to specify where you would like for your packages to be delivered. If you live in an apartment complex you can have it left in the management office ( if they accept them). I usually deal with UPS for the majority of things that I have delivered so I'm not sure if any other carriers have something similar to UPS My Choice.


Active member
Damn! Miss a few days and come back to 5 billion posts! Y'all were busy! Hahahah! I'd love to catch up, but IMPOSSIBLE!!

So my lippies showed up earlier this week & here's my thoughts:

I am so disappointed in BGRR. It looks like old lady lipstick on me (I'm an NC45) & I definitely do not want. Especially now that I have hoarded up 3 Nudes that are gorgeous right out of the tube.

Pleasurebomb. Wow. This one is super interesting. I love it, but I'll definitely have to match the rest of my face to it. It's no throw it on with anything kind of lipstick for me. The closest thing I have to it is Lickable from the Holiday 2012 Luxurious Pink Lip Bag, and Lickable is way more berry toned where Pleasurebomb is more fuchsia. They're nothing alike really. I'll try to get pics when we get some sun!

Can't wait for Punk Couture and lots of lipsticks to really be excited about!!! WHOOOO!


Well-known member
are you sure? I called MAC and asked their customer service and they told me wont get pro discounts on this collection, ever. well they are kind of unknowledgable though.
Its seems like there is conflicting info being given out. I am going to call MAC now to get some clarity. Did you hear that it doesn't apply to this particular collection or all L/E collections?
@SeaBreeze33 The UPS My Choice has worked in my favor since I've had it. I ordered my Riri stuff from Nordstrom and was scheduled to receive them on this past Friday. I waited home all day and no UPS. Around 5:15pm I get a text from UPS My Choice that stated a delivery attempt had been made and a 2nd attempt would be made on Monday.A whole weekend without my Riri stuff, Hell Naw !!!! I flipped out. I was home all day and no one came to my apartment. I called UPS and chewed them out until the lady gave me the driver's personal number, I kinda of figured the driver knew she didn't come to my apartment because she was more than happy to redeliver the items to my doorstep. I'd try it out. More good can come out of it than bad.


Well-known member
Damn! Miss a few days and come back to 5 billion posts! Y'all were busy! Hahahah! I'd love to catch up, but IMPOSSIBLE!!

So my lippies showed up earlier this week & here's my thoughts:

I am so disappointed in BGRR. It looks like old lady lipstick on me (I'm an NC45) & I definitely do not want. Especially now that I have hoarded up 3 Nudes that are gorgeous right out of the tube.

Pleasurebomb. Wow. This one is super interesting. I love it, but I'll definitely have to match the rest of my face to it. It's no throw it on with anything kind of lipstick for me. The closest thing I have to it is Lickable from the Holiday 2012 Luxurious Pink Lip Bag, and Lickable is way more berry toned where Pleasurebomb is more fuchsia. They're nothing alike really. I'll try to get pics when we get some sun!

Can't wait for Punk Couture and lots of lipsticks to really be excited about!!! WHOOOO!
I'm an NC43, and I was kind of surprised at how dark BGRR is when I put it on, definitely not the "nude" I was hoping for... but it's still pretty. I'll just have to use a light hand or mix it with a lighter lipstick. Try mixing it with one of the nudes you already have and see if it's more appealing

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