RiRi Hearts MAC Holiday Collection (December 12, 2013)


Well-known member
@SeaBreeze33 The UPS My Choice has worked in my favor since I've had it. I ordered my Riri stuff from Nordstrom and was scheduled to receive them on this past Friday. I waited home all day and no UPS. Around 5:15pm I get a text from UPS My Choice that stated a delivery attempt had been made and a 2nd attempt would be made on Monday.A whole weekend without my Riri stuff, Hell Naw !!!! I flipped out. I was home all day and no one came to my apartment. I called UPS and chewed them out until the lady gave me the driver's personal number, I kinda of figured the driver knew she didn't come to my apartment because she was more than happy to redeliver the items to my doorstep. I'd try it out. More good can come out of it than bad.
I just signed up for it so that I can have all of my future packages left at my leasing office, I don't want to have another missing package, and they don't want me to have one either... I've gone off so much since friday I'm sure they don't want to have to deal with me ever again.


Well-known member
How long before I can expect to see the bag at a CCO? I really liked it when I saw it in store, but $40 is just too much for a small makeup bag for me.


Active member
i caved and got cockiness from my local Macy's (well, not super local, about 20 mins away). i think it's super pretty. i just hope i get my lipstick tomorrow! it's been stuck in mesquite, texas since Thursday.


Well-known member
Damn! Miss a few days and come back to 5 billion posts! Y'all were busy! Hahahah! I'd love to catch up, but IMPOSSIBLE!!

So my lippies showed up earlier this week & here's my thoughts:

I am so disappointed in BGRR. It looks like old lady lipstick on me (I'm an NC45) & I definitely do not want. Especially now that I have hoarded up 3 Nudes that are gorgeous right out of the tube.

Pleasurebomb. Wow. This one is super interesting. I love it, but I'll definitely have to match the rest of my face to it. It's no throw it on with anything kind of lipstick for me. The closest thing I have to it is Lickable from the Holiday 2012 Luxurious Pink Lip Bag, and Lickable is way more berry toned where Pleasurebomb is more fuchsia. They're nothing alike really. I'll try to get pics when we get some sun!

Can't wait for Punk Couture and lots of lipsticks to really be excited about!!! WHOOOO!
I'm close to your shade and I was a little disappointed too I thought it would be lighter It looks mauvey brown on me. I did try mixing it with a nude lipstick and I got a pleasing shade Im just disappointed I have to mix it.


Well-known member
i caved and got cockiness from my local Macy's (well, not super local, about 20 mins away). i think it's super pretty. i just hope i get my lipstick tomorrow! it's been stuck in mesquite, texas since Thursday. 
Mine has been in Mesquite since the beginning of time! I just got an update that it's supposed to be here tomorrow but I've heard that everyday this week.


Well-known member
That actually sounds like a good idea. I cannot concentrate around you all. I've been itching to play with these products, but haven't really dug into them yet.
well let us know when you do


Well-known member
Hello Everyone! Newbie here! I can't tell you how nervous I am right now to be posting. I'm not a shy person, but ya know it's like that "first day of school" feeling. Anywho, I'm happy I've found this site! It's awesome to talk about makeup with fellow makeup lovers. Now to the topic at hand. I ordered PB and BGRR from Nordstrom, and I should get them on Monday (at least that's what the expected delivery date says) I was kind of hesitant about ordering PB because it kind of looks like Flat Out Fab (which I already own)... Of course I ordered it anyway because I felt like I NEEDED to have it.. Does anyone know how similar PB and Flat out fab are? Thanks for reading my post!


Well-known member
I back to Mac this evening for flat out fabolous which I drove myself crazy trying to find locally. I got the last tube. Compared to PB it's not the same either. PB is in a class of it's own. I gotta catch one of these restocks to get another PB before this stuff disappears forever. PB is one lipstick I won't wear regularly for fear of using it too much and I won't have a replacement. I have been wearing mine with neutral eyes as to not overthrow the balance on my face as PB is a statement lipstick for sure.


Well-known member
So I was at the MAC store today and I swatched some lip liners and More to Love is definitely a match for PB!!! :))) I ordered it today from macs website. :)


Well-known member
I won't get to play with my new makeup until Friday when I go home... So far away! I'll make it though. I'm afraid I might fall in love with BGRR and be unable to catch a restock. But thankfully MAC has a lot of shades similar to this in the perm range it seems.

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