Well, at least it was up for a good three hours in the US. RiRi sold out within 10 minutes here
I know, because I saw it coming online and disappearing about 10 minutes later. Good thing I was stalking togerther with my stalking bud PDF
Yes it worked out great for both of us! Unfortunately I have an exam the 20th when this one comes out

I should be home at 11AM and if the collection does launch 12PM I'll be fine. Only I hope I'll have money by then. I still have to get money back from someone, but something went wrong and he's unable to send it to me so I'm completely broke. I would hate to miss out just because someone is unable to pay me back in time. The 20th I should also get my 'zorgtoeslag' (don't know the english word for this, the translater give something like health care benefits). That's €70 and then I would be able to afford everything, but most of the time that money won't be on my account untill 2-3PM.