RiRi Hearts MAC Summer Collection (June 18, 2013)


Well-known member
Thank you ladies for all the kind words and support.

I've finally spoken to about 8 different people. Turns out it was a REFUND FROM MAC GONE WRONG. Oh the fucking irony of it!

I asked why it showed up as something being done in person in branch, and they said that's just how things like this show up.

I can't even with MAC right now. I just can't.

Apparently I'll have the funds back by 10am Monday. Yeah, not like I need my money over the weekend or anything. Do they not realise how little people get from the government when they're unable to work due to health problems? I have to budget like crazy just to buy MAC, I can't afford crap like this going wrong.
You certainly don't need this stress---the worse thing ever for your condition. I'll be glad when

this is totally resolved for you!


Well-known member
Made that one night when I was watching and realized that "Huck" was in that skit lol My bank is pretty good with their procedure. They actually don't mail papers for the customer to sign. You can initiate a dispute online and they mail you a paper that alerts you to the temporary refund while they investigate the situation and another one to advise you that the temp refund has become permanent.
LOVE the Pop Copy pic!!!


Well-known member
I'm scared about getting Heaux. I don't recall seeing a full face picture of it on someone fair yet. This standard shipping is killin' me. (But I'm thankful my order's out already and I'm not still playing a waiting game with MAC).
PrettyKitty did a full face with Heaux. It's stunning. Check the gallery if you can. :)


Well-known member
I'm scared about getting Heaux. I don't recall seeing a full face picture of it on someone fair yet. This standard shipping is killin' me. (But I'm thankful my order's out already and I'm not still playing a waiting game with MAC).
A friend just posted on her wall, she's a lily and it looks dark and berry!


Well-known member
Ahh you're very lucky then! You shouldn't have any issues then, unlike my damn luck! Lol.

PrettyKitty did a full face with Heaux. It's stunning. Check the gallery if you can. :)
Oh, yes I did see PrettyKitty's amazingness, but she's tan compared to me haha..I still can't get over how good it looks on her!


Well-known member
You certainly don't need this stress---the worse thing ever for your condition. I'll be glad when

this is totally resolved for you!
Thank you! I appreciate it. I'm just so frustrated, everything seems to be going wrong lately. MAC is meant to be my escape from my health problems etc, not be the cause of stress and hassle, lol. I clearly need to find another make-up brand. Maybe I'll say hello to NARS next time I want a pick-me-up. They've a few blushes I want... I just wince at the £21.50 for it instead of the £17.50 for MAC. Lol.


Well-known member
My bank is pretty good with their procedure. They actually don't mail papers for the customer to sign. You can initiate a dispute online and they mail you a paper that alerts you to the temporary refund while they investigate the situation and another one to advise you that the temp refund has become permanent.
That's too funny butterflyeyes. I asked my daughter about a month or so ago "Did you know Huck was in that skit?" And she was like "I thought you knew!" LOL!


Well-known member
Quote:Originally Posted by Richelle83

A friend just posted on her wall, she's a lily and it looks dark and berry!

Ohhh (or should I say Heaaauuux), I wish we could see it too!!


Well-known member
PrettyKitty -- I was just looking at your BMS FOTD, I see you use the Becca primer -- how do you use it? I purchased it and the first time I used it I dabbed it into the skin.. but oh god the mess it made of my foundation! It went on really patchy and streaky, even balled up a bit too in some places. Am I using it wrong?


Well-known member
I tried it with Vino and it did appear more berry. I saw someone suggest Nightmoth, so I will try that too.
I'll remember to use Vino if I need it more berry when I eventually get my hands on it. Won't be for a while though as it's coming from the US, lol.


Well-known member
Okay off topic but idk why I can't change my avatar. I'm on my galaxy & can't figure how to do it lol


Well-known member
This is my gorgeous friend BeLucky-she's a member here too but is letting me post this!

She said it's definitely a berry red color!

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