RiRi Hearts MAC Summer Collection (June 18, 2013)


Well-known member
Just made my first Rhi-Rhi purchase. Thanks ladies! I just ordered BG x 2. Now, please someone tell me how to use it! lol. Enjoy everyone. I was just about to let you know so you could get it! You can mix a drop or two in your foundation for an all over glow. That's a popular use. You can use it as you would any highlighter. Some have also had a little fun with it and applied to their lips.
Thanks for remembering that I wanted it!. I love the Golden Elixir from TR so I really wanted to try this. Actually I went to Macy's on Tuesday evening and got another GE. These items are Sunshine State staples!


Well-known member
OMG!! It worked! HEAUX!!! HEAUX! HEAUXXXXXX!!! I finally have it! I have two. Allegedly. Let's see what happens. Maybe this is a glitch in the Matrix.


Well-known member
        You got jokes, lol, both still beats the price of one on Ebay!
Might as well make sure you have more than enough lol. I like it but with me having both of the others I think I'm good with one. If I attempted to step back in to the RiRi fiasco the only thing I would want is another Heaux. And well...It might still be a little too soon lol. I do need to get 2 of the 4 shadow empty palettes so I can make my Nudes & Metallics palette. If a Heaux ends up in the cart it won't be my fault lol


Well-known member
Damn did it sell out because I didn't see anything.
I used my phone. The website was telling me sold out, but I think that might have been because of my cookies. Instead of trying to figure out how to delete them, I Just went to the site on my phone and ordered from there. Try that.


Well-known member
Lol will they cancel these orders then?? Jk let's not even go there.
That's why I'm not getting my hopes up. Who randomly restocks lipsticks in the middle of the night? What's that all about? I mean I do hope they arrive, but I'm not gonna get excited until I see a shipping notice. And they bet not think they gon send me some New York Apple. That ain't even close to nobody's Heaux. :p

I am so mad at ALL OF YOU! This is what happens when you stay up past your bedtime. And by yours I mean MINE. It's after midnight. I should be asleep so I can get up and work out in the morning. This isn't helping! Ha! But I know if I had gone to sleep and read this thread in the morning I'da been too through cause I missed it. Unless the orders get canceled. I hope they don't. But we'll see.

Edit: I cleared the cookies for the mac website, and went back on again and they are showing available for purchase. Maybe this isn't a glitch after all!


Well-known member
        You got jokes, lol, both still beats the price of one on Ebay!
Lol. No seriously use it sparingly lol If you take too much & apply it, it will look really glittery n chunky The retail price will most likely beat the eBay price any day of the week lol


Well-known member
I can't even deal right now. Way too much excitement for a school night. I'm going to bed. Let's all cross our fingers for shipping confirmations! Thanks for the heads up!


Well-known member
i ordered 1 riri boy. i ended up liking the one mac gifted me alot. im wearing it in my profile pic by the way.


Well-known member
Is it bad that I wanna get a BU of riri boy and heaux even tho the ones my boyfriend bought me are still untouched and hanging out in my fridge? >_


Well-known member
I tried that on my macbook and it still gave me sold out. When I did that on the phone though, they came up.
Hey I just tried this on my macbook and I was able to order Heaux and Riri Boy and complete my entire order just fine.

Weird stuff, but THANKS FOR THE HEADS UP, SPECKTRA!!!!!!!!

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