Romance- Ideas? Experiences?


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What is the most romantic thing that has ever been done for you? What is the most romantic thing you have ever done? What is something romantic you would love to experience? Traditional and non-traditonal welcome!

Just curious since it's almost that season and we can all use the ideas and good memories.


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For me...about 3 years ago, I was living in the dorm, and I was seeing a few guys at once. The week before valentine's day, I recieved a red rose, with a poetry snipped attatched. The next day, I recieved 2 roses, the third, I recieved three....I ended up with about 42 roses in all (the numbers kept doubling as days went by!), and a large collection of poetry quotes that all included the word 'rose'. My entire dorm room was covered in vases of roses!
Turns out, it wasn't one of the boys I was dating, it was a longtime friend of mine. I felt horrible, as I already had made a date for VDay, and because I didn't feel the same for him. But still, it's easily the most romantic thing ever

As far as romantic gestures that I do, I try to suprise my boyfriend with stuff he likes...his favorite food for dinner one night, etc. The best was when I went on a mad hunt all over 3 states for some David Lynch movies that are harder to find. He was so suprised!


Well-known member
My boyfriend is really romantic but here ais the hands down most romatic thing he's done in the 14 months we've been together

On new years eve of 2005 I was really, really sick, like fever of 104 and in bed coughing my lungs out. I was took sick to even drag myself to my house, so I was at his. He had been invited to a really big fancy party of his friends and was driivng his sister. He didn't want to flake on her because he was her desiganted driver. I was in his bed at 11:58pm reading when he ran in the house all frantic and was like "Did I miss it? Did I miss it?" and gave me a great big kiss! He had rushed home just to be there with me at midnight and give me a kiss
He sat with me for about 20 minutes and then rushed back to the party to pick up his sister. So sweet! We had only been together for a month and a half. Ah he's the best.

It's not nearly as romatic but since November he has been working eleven hour days and only getting every other weekend off. He is an elevator and escalator mechanic and is stationed at the airport. I fix dinner and take it to him most nights and then I drive us to a park on the bay across the street and sit there and eat with him. That way he doesn't get stuck eating the disgusting airport food all of the time and we get to be together :angel2: .


Well-known member
aww cute stories, girls..

i just have one in particular that was really special (tho maybe not all that special?) since my boyfriend is super logical and practical rather than romantic lol but i love him anyway.

well.. throughout our whole relationship, i'd received a lot of teddy bears, boxes of chocolate, etc. from my boyfriend. but most of the stuff i was given was bought by his mom to give to me from him. (if that makes sense lol) so getting all of that was nice but it didn't mean nearly as much as it would have if i'd known HE bought it for me, or at least picked it out. right??
so for our 4 year anniversary we were going out to dinner and he calls to tell me he's gonna be here in a little to pick me up, but i told him i still hadn't done my makeup.. so he says okay.. then i hear a knock on my door and i'm expecting him to be upset at me for not being ready on time because he USUALLY doesn't come up to get me; i just go down.. so i open the door and he's standing there with a bouquet of red roses in his hand and he hands them to me and says "happy anniversary, hunnie" and kisses me and then says "now finish getting ready." and goes back down to his car to drive around while he waits for me to finish. so i went back to doing my makeup but i hardly could cuz my eyes started tearing. lol it was so cute.. then on the drive to the restaurant i was like, "this was your first time buying me roses, huh?" and he's like "yeah" and i'm like "after 4 years...took you long enough!!" lol and he held my hand on the drive there. overall a great night..


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When my DH proposed, he did it in front of 400 hundred people (including my bosses and co-workers at the time) at a charity ball we attended. I had no idea he was going to do this...he snuck away and went up to the bandleader, took the microphone, tapped it and said "Can I have everyone's attention, please?" Everyone stopped what they were doing, and he walked up to me (our table was right next to the dancefloor) and got down on one knee. I thought I was going to die right there! Total strangers started clapping and yelling "say yes!" I did, and then the orchestra started playing a song for us to dance to. It was embarrasing, but very romantic!

We also spent our first Christmas (15 years ago) in New York City. We were dating at that time, and our exes had picked up our respective kids for the we had absolutely nothing to do the rest of the day. DH secretly called the airlines, booked a hotel and took me to the airport (we were supposed to be "meeting" someone who was coming in for the holiday). When we got there, he parked the car in the short-term garage, which struck me as odd. We went into the terminal and ended up getting on a plane (I was in total shock). We literally went with the clothes on our back (all I had was my bag and a coat - we had to buy gloves at a little market near our hotel!). It was totally spontaneous and a lot of fun!


Well-known member
I'll let you all know when it comes around. haha

My boyfriend. is great. dont get me wrong I love him to death but he is NOT the Romantic type at all! hes like someone said above.. more logical and technical.. not romantic.

I on the other hand have done a few things for him
He was home schooled his whole.. entire.. life ..yeah.. he was super shy when I met him. So, whenever I would talk about elementary school things he would be like "oh.. i never got to do that"
One thing in particular was Valentines day. you know in elementary school when you would buy those little valentines that were usually cartoon characters? they came on boxes of like 30.. little tiny cards . and you would make little "mailboxes" for them to go in and set them on your desk,. and then you would all go around passing them out?
he never got to do that.. so one year I made him a little paper mailbox, and decorated it all up. and I went and bought several different boxes of little kid valentines. and filled it up with candies and little cards. he really Liked it, and I think he still has it.


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Sex on the beach is always romantic

The best part is when the cops get called because your being to loud!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
Sex on the beach is always romantic

The best part is when the cops get called because your being to loud!

Ahem... I'm guilty of that in the backseat of a car with the cops being called and banging on the window....

Miss Pumpkin

Well-known member
Flying from the other side of the world to be with me

I'm going to hate this St Valentine's day this year though... I hope he comes back soon


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kaliraksha
Ahem... I'm guilty of that in the backseat of a car with the cops being called and banging on the window....

Sure it wasn't the totally steamed up windows that gave you away? =p haha


Well-known member
Nah, I don't think it was because it was not steamy yet. =)

Well I'm still trying to think on the most romantic thing. But last night, I was complaining about taking 15 hours of classes and working 34 hrs at work/wk at the same time and how tired I was.... and I came home from work and my fiance was in the bathroom... lights off... tons of candles lit and a bubble bath started. He told me we were going to have bubble bath night once a week to relieve some stress... and I swooned. Because he thought of it all on his own... and he is not the romantic type.


Well-known member
My fiance puts the gas in my car for me when it's cold outside. I think that's pretty romantic.

He's the mushy one in our relationship. Which is great, except I'm not all that romantic. I would be happy to get flowers and chocolates on Valentine's day...... not every weekend. But I'm not about to complain. Our entire relationship has been one big romantic gesture on his part. Like the gas thing, or him carrying me to my car so that I don't ruin my shoes in puddles. Picking me wildflowers when we went four by fouring (or whateva you call it) in his big dirty truck (boys and their mud!). Him putting his BELOVED car up for sale - he's put so much blood, sweat, tears, and thousands upon thousands upon thousands of dollars into this car - to start a life with me and fulfill my dream of travelling the world. Without me asking or hinting at it, in the slightest.

He's a keeper.


Well-known member
He makes me dinner every night. Part of it is being sweet, part of it is not wanting me to cook, haha. He works 7 to 3pm, I have class all day, and we don't live together, but everyday he comes over after my classes and cooks dinner. Only thing I'm allowed to do is make coffee. Not entirely sure that's romantic, but I appreciate the hell out of him for feeding me. Lord knows I won't bother with cooking after bio lab and senior capstone from 8:30 in the morning til 5 pm.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by oulala
Him putting his BELOVED car up for sale - he's put so much blood, sweat, tears, and thousands upon thousands upon thousands of dollars into this car - to start a life with me and fulfill my dream of travelling the world. Without me asking or hinting at it, in the slightest.

He's a keeper.

Very nice guy. He is a keeper. I have a dream of traveling the world as well. We have decided small wedding & big 1-2 month honey moon after graduation.


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Most romantic Sunday I've ever spent was in bed, watching Sweet Home Alabama (well, trying to), eating pizza.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
Most romantic Sunday I've ever spent was in bed, watching Sweet Home Alabama (well, trying to), eating pizza.

I love soft slow sweet days like that. My fiance and I have a Sunday date every week. Sunday, all day long belongs to each other... it always involves bed, breakfast, movies and dinner.


Well-known member
The one time I made my boyfriend cry was during Easter. I made him an easter box (it wasn't a basket, but a nice box that would match his decor at the office and home)! I bought hearts and flower cutouts, little tiny fake chicks, fake grass, etc. I painted a piece to insert into the top with a cross and the words "I love you" next to it (Jesus and me got a thing goin apparently). And I filled it with cadbury eggs, rice krispies, and beef jerky.

I think I'm going to do the same for both Vday and Easter.

Another time earlier in the relationship I made him an album of us from the beginning up to that point. It's really intensive to do that though, so have the time and energy.

Best thing he's ever done for me? He made me a large serving platter (at one of those painting places) and I accidently broke it when I moved. Little did I realize that he took what pieces I salvaged and put them back together again in a large shadowbox with a photoshop background and text that said, "Accidents happen. Material things break and fall appart, but memories will always remain. Remember it this way instead. I love you and always will."

Below it is what I said after he quoted that, "Everything we own together should be insured."

It still hangs in my kitchen where I broke it


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kaliraksha
I love soft slow sweet days like that. My fiance and I have a Sunday date every week. Sunday, all day long belongs to each other... it always involves bed, breakfast, movies and dinner.

That was early on in our relationship.

Now...every morning he makes me coffee, using fresh ground espresso and lowfat milk, and he lets me sleep in since I don't technically have to be "awake" until 715.

Grand romantic gestures? We don't do that often, but honestly, everyday he shows me how much he loves me by the little things he does for me.
Belaying while I'm climbing is like watching paint dry, but he'll do it for me once a week...going to the MAC store is definitely something he does for me...not something he'd do for himself.
Having fresh coffee is something he does for me, same with on Saturday/Sunday I get a fresh omelet or a cheese burger for breakfast.

Little things are what define our relationship.


Well-known member
the one and only romantic situation i have ever experienced was like 4 years ago... my ex boyfriend invite to his house and while e were walking he said turn around... OH MY GOD! he made this big graffitti on some wall saying " TE AMO CLAUDIA" (i love you claudia) i was 18 by then ... but everytime i remember that ,i smile because it was really cool and sweet ...

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