Romance- Ideas? Experiences?


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Awww! Isn't love great? When my BF of 3 1/2 years went to the same college as I did, he stood outside my window one warm summer night and played "Ribbon In the Sky" on his sax. *sigh*

I wear some sort of scarf or headband in my hair everyday so when I fall asleep with it in he'll take it off and put it away while I sleep. My heart melts every single time he does that!

I agree with Shimmer...the little things mean so much more to me


Well-known member
AWWWWWWW! *weeps* These are so beautiful... Yes my man is the logical/technical type, not romantic at all, so this year I've taken it upon myself to book us a night in a *very expensive* hotel, with a spa, and its going to have champagne, rose petals, candles and choc dipped strawberries and all of that kinda thing (it comes with the "package") for our 3rd anniversary coming up! And he doesn't know anything about it yet haha... I'm psyched!


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Heh, you are talking about logical men.... there was a time period when a friend's husband had stopped saying "I love you" and she complained to him about it and he said, "I do love you, I will let you know if that ever changes"


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The most romantic eh? Well, 3 years ago we were just getting to know each other and he was getting out of a nasty relationship. We ended up going camping on a small island off my big island. We stayed an extra night and didnt tell anyone we were doing so (magical). When i got back as it turned out my Father had died. I had to take the next flight out to Halifax. I called him every night (as he was staying at my house to watch my cat) and he talked to me no matter how drunk i was, and with a 4 hr time difference! We werent even fully together yet. When i got home he had a big bag of pot (hey, i am from Vancouver Island
) a six pack of beer (kieths) and a bath with dozens of candles all out everywhere for me. Thats when we confirmed we were going to be together. In disaster, there can always be a good side. My dad definatly had something to do with setting up the best thing that ever happened to me. R.I.P B.C.M


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This might sound a little creepy, but I think it's cute.

My boyfriend's phone can only store 30 text messages (It's a razr, how whack right?) so he writes down all the text messages on a piece of paper by hand and then transfers them to his computer when he has time.

He also writes all his plans for everything on folded up pieces of paper, and I find them sometimes when he drops them - I found the one for his Valentine's day plans on my driveway! Too cute (IMHO)


Well-known member
I got another one that just happened recently (this past weekend). My bf came down and we both decided that since we probably wouldn't be able to spend vday together, we'd do it that weekend. In the morning I made him breakfast in bed. I opened the fridge door and a note flew out leading me on a downstairs treasure hunt to find little gifts tucked away here and there. It wasn't too hard (he said next time he'll make it harder, wait till I tell you about last Easter) and he crept downstairs to watch me hunt. It was cute and fun - possibly corny, but I got a cool box o chocolates at the end.

Since I already have a now empty chocolate box, I'm going to fill it up with things that he'll like. I got some really yummy heart shaped marshmallows (why peeps?) and I'm going to cut some hearts out of beef jerky and rice krispie treats to stick inside.

It'll be the oddest box ever, but it's all about uniqueness. Right?


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The most romantic thing my boyfriend has done for me was on my birthday last year when he was living in Toronto and I was here in Ottawa (4 hours drive) he drove up and gave me flowers after I hadn't seen him for 3 weeks. It made me so happy and was also the best birthday present I've ever had.

The most romantic thing I've ever done for him was get his tickets to PAX which is a big nerdy thing that I know he'll love.


Well-known member
The most romantic thing someone's done for you?

I'm just bored so post away! =) This is someting my bf's done for me a while ago..

It was middle of the night in the winter and it was snowing a little bit. The air was FREEZING outside. Well, he always calls me for a good night every night so I was waiting for him to call me as usual. He was a little late in calling so I was wondering what's up cuz he always calls on time.

I got a call from him later, and he told me what happened. His mom was using the phone and wouldn't let him use it. He didn't want to keep me waiting so he ran to the nearest phone booth which is like 30 mins away from his house. He forgot his jacket and he was freezing! I swear he was about to get hypothermia. I could hear his teeth clatter and his voice all shaking because he was so cold. I told him to go home but he wouldn't because he "wanted to hear my voice more."

I thought what he did was really sweet and it pretty much showed me how much he cares about me.
And what's great is that after more than 2 years, he hasn't changed in how he treats me. =) He makes me happy everyday. Share your stories!


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Re: The most romantic thing someone's done for you?


I would say when my fiance proposed by playing the easter bunny. He woke me up on easter morning to see what the easter bunny brought. there was an easter egg hunt all around. I couldn't open them up until I had all of them. Well, there was a larger egg in my makeup area. I totally thought it was Lipstick inside lol. But I heard some change in it. Well, I got my eggs...opened them up and kapoowww- there was a lippie haha. I was so shocked! I hadn't even brushed my teeth yet lol.

Countdown is exactly one year away tomorrow til we get married!


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Re: The most romantic thing someone's done for you?

WOW... very nice stories, they make me wanna fall in love... LOL
Well, mine.. one day my ex-bf took me to some place close to his house.. he just said "I have a surprise for you" ..
He made a big grafitti in a wall saying " TE AMO CLAUDIA" = I love you Claudia. (OK now I revealed my real name lol) anyway that wall was somewhere close to his house, so everytime I would go and see him I had to see that wall and it put a huge smile on my face.


Well-known member
Re: The most romantic thing someone's done for you?

Aww thanks for the's my story.

It was Valentines day of this and my babycakes was going through soo many arguments that day, that we just decided not to celebrate Valentines day. So all day i felt sluggish and down. I finally got home, and she wasnt there. I felt all depressed and down in the dumps. So around 1:00am, and im layin in the bed sleep. My sweetheart comes and sits next to me, and i open my eyes to a diamond ring....GOSH i was soo happy and surprised!


Well-known member
Re: The most romantic thing someone's done for you?

Last October my boyfriend and I were out window shopping and we went into Helzberg so I could see the pretty things. It was nearing our sixth month anniversary (which aside from the year marker would be the only one we wanted to celebrate), and he had been telling me he wanted to get me a promise ring, so he wanted to know what I liked. After pointing out a few things, I told him I wanted to go to the MAC counter, and he said he would meet me there because he didn't want to be the only guy at the counter (he hates waiting for me to finish MAC-ing, haha). We left the mall and started to go home, but he pulled down a street a couple of blocks from my house and told me he just wanted to cuddle before he dropped me off at my family's. He pulled out a box, which I thought was the promise ring we saw, and proposed. I thought he was kidding and just said "eh", but then I realized he wasn't and started crying. To this day, he makes fun of me for the response I gave him, but I guess I deserve it.


Well-known member
Re: The most romantic thing someone's done for you?

very lovely's mine, but it's in spanish b'cos it's so dificult for me to explain it with my poor I go..

No es algo que alguien haya hecho por mi, mas bien es algo que yo hice por mi esposo..jeje..habiamos tenido una pelea y roto la relacion, como por dos meses, viviamos a cinco horas de distancia asi es que no nos veimos ni hablabamos por telefono...entonces tengo un evento de la escuela, y soy candidata a reina (jeje es algo que hacemos aca en Mexico) similar a prom queen en USA pero sin prom.. entonces le llame para invitarlo a que fuera mi pareja, dijo que si..

Yo vivia en una ciudad grande y acababan de instalar un puente peatonal en una de las principales avenidas, ..jeje..asi es que le hice una manta gigante que media como 5 metros de largo por 1.5 de ancho que decia su nombre y QUIERES SER MI NOVIO?, y la colgue en el puente..jee...fue toda una odisea colgarla, no saben, era un escandalo, este puente esta en medio de dos universidades, asi es que me ayudaron como 40 personas que no conocia, teniamos casi una fiesta en el puente todo los que pasaban gritaban que eran el y que si querian ser mi novio..jejej..fue muy divertido..

total llego la tarde y vino por mi, no habia pasado por ahi asi es que invente una excusa para pasar, y cuanto llegamos ahi le dije entonces que dices?? jaja y se hecho a reir feliz y me dijo que sii!!!!!!!!

nos fuimos al baile y todo super fui la reina lo que estaba bien, y llegamos otra vez al puente a recoger la manta como a las 3 y media de la manana y todavia esta ahi...eso creo es lo mas romantico que he visto... aun tenemos la manta y ocupa un espacio en el closet.jeje

Desde entonces siempre encuentras recaditos de ese tipo en ese puente...


Well-known member
Re: The most romantic thing someone's done for you?

Oh dear. Me and my boyfriend's 2 year anniversery this year was good. My man is like... naturally romantic. He kisses my hand all the time, walks me around the mall with no questions, and yeah... it's in his blood or something.

But during this day he was working unfortunately, so the time I got to see him was very limited. He works 12 hours a day, so yeah... time is valuable.
Well anyways, we went out to some electronics stores a day or two ago before our anniversery and I kept saying how badly I wanted a PINK DS Lite. I was so sad about it too, because I could not find one ANYWHERE.

Well that night, he surprised me with one, and when I asked him where he got it from, because I went EVERYWHERE searching for one. He told me he travelled to Northside Chicago to get it for me, and even there he searched for a good 4 hours. It really showed me that he really really wanted to get this thing for me just because I wanted it. Made me feel real special.


Well-known member
Re: The most romantic thing someone's done for you?

awwww so many proposal stories! I can't wait 'til we are both old enough to get married.


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Re: The most romantic thing someone's done for you?

aw those are cute
it makes me want a boyfriend really bad lol


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Re: The most romantic thing someone's done for you?

I don't have any fairytale stories...

But this Valentine's Day was me and my boyfriend's first valentine's day that we actually had a partner to share it with. I was really low on money and I just got him a card, a balloon and a stuffed animal. I was calling him all day and he told me he was out getting a haircut, and he might be late because he was running his mom around. He didn't get to my house until about 5 or 6pm.
So he walks in carrying multiple bags and packages and a HUMONGOUS vase full of exotic flowers and roses (i'm talking really big). He got me chocolate covered strawberries from Godiva, a silky black robe from Victoria's secret (the robe i had wanted for so long, but then they sold out before I could buy it...he knew how much I wanted it) plus a little lingerie thing from VS, and he also got me a card and a big red teddy bear. Seeing him with all that stuff in his arms, and all he could do was smile because he knew he had made me so happy. Not because of him spending money on me (he ended up spending at least a few hundred on v-day) but just because I had never had anyone to spend the day with, and he had just made it so special by showing me that he cared.

as for other (more romantic) things he's done for me...I just love it how he takes care of me. if I hurt myself, if i'm sick....whatever happens, he is right there by my side, taking care of me with no questions asked. During the month of december I was sick for a very long time, and he would come over everyday, get me ginger ale or hot tea, he would give me my medicine, he would let me lay on him and play with my hair, and put me to bed. as horrible as i must have been, he had no problem being with me and never complained about it.

God, I love that man.

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