Rouge Bunny Rouge


Well-known member
Originally Posted by alien21xx
OMG sexysellerie! I think that black beauty box your purchase came in is just about the most awesome thing! I seriously need to check this out tomorrow! Thanks for posting all these gorgeous pix!

If you need more pix of any details for example, just ask :)

The box is cute, isn't it?


Well-known member
Sexysellerie, do you know what brushes they have? Also, how does the price compare to MAC? I don't see the brushes anywhere on the site yet.


Well-known member
I found a picture of all rbr brushes
They're all between 20-50€. The powder/blush brushes are the most expensive ones.



Well-known member
Wow, that's kinda expensive to get here (1€ = $2 SGD)
I'll check out the blush brush since it's what I need and see how it compares to that Shu Uemura brush I've been lusting after.

Thanks for the pic!


Well-known member
The blush and powder brushes are soooooo soft. They are expensive, yes. but it's the best I've ever touched and I guess next month or in Februrary I will buy the blush brush.
It's made of squirrel hair.


Well-known member
I adore this brand. I have never tried it myself, but I'm in lust.
Does anyone have any photos or swatches of their RBR stash? None of the photos in this thread are working. :(


Specktra Bestie
Funny, I didn't even know this thread existed- I was thinking of starting one. I can try to put swatches up a little later (I'm not at home right now). Currently, I have Periwinkle Cardinal and Angelic Cockatiels shadows and Dark Juices, Murmurings and Word of Mouth lipsticks. I'm really impressed with what I've seen thus far. I have anorder coming in from Zuneta next week and I'll have even more to swatch!

They've quickly become one of my very favourite brands. I'm hoping that they introduce some more (hopefully deeper/ cooler toned) lipsticks at some point, though.


Well-known member
Hi Kate!! I didn't know the thread was here either!!!

I've become quite a fan as well - I have several of the shadows (including the coveted Solstice Halcyon and Delicate Hummingbird), 2 of the blushes, 2 of the pigments (Luster Drops?) and a few of the lipsticks. I just love the brand!! But I agree, cooler-toned lipsticks are definitely in order!!


Well-known member
@katred @Shypo I'm glad you guys started writing in. :) This is why I searched for and commented on the RBR Specktra thread -- I figured someone would take notice when the thread got bumped up! Would you mind sharing photos of your goodies?


Well-known member
Hi HLN!! I will take some photos when my camera decides to cooperate - let me see what I can do in the next couple of days. I just got several of the shadows and haven't yet used them (Zuneta was out of several of them until just recently).

The new Mistral collection glosses are gorgeous!!

What a great brand! I guess it's a good thing I don't have access to a store......

Next on my list might be one of the highlighters, and maybe a brush or two.


Well-known member
I just got initiated in this brand! I have Periwinkle cardinal e/s and other 3 more coming home from Zuneta. I would like to try some of the blushes though.

Regarding the brushes, I only have their crease/blending brush and I find it a bit scratchy and not very precise (the hair is very long and spread).


Specktra Bestie
Just got another order from Zuneta!

I got Abyssinian Catbird, which seems to be a cult favourite among their products (I can see why), Night Wind Sailing pigment and Scrumptiously Devious lipstick. I'm wearing SD today and it is just wonderful. It reminds me of a more golden version of Guerlain's Rouge Automatique in Cherry Blossom (formula feels similar too).

The packaging/ applicator for the pigments is unbelievable. It's a little wand that pops out and NO PRODUCT GETS ANYWHERE unless you actually apply it. No spills, no fallout, nothing. The colour and texture are great, although I haven't had a chance to try it out on the eyes yet.

I'll post swatches ASAP.


Well-known member
Just got another order from Zuneta!

I got Abyssinian Catbird, which seems to be a cult favourite among their products (I can see why),
Oh, I left that one out of my order this time (got Delicate Hummingbird, Solstice Halcyon and Bejewelled Skylark). I'd really like to see those swatches katred (thank you!).


Specktra Bestie
Here we go!

Abyssinian Catbird

Angelic Cockatiels:

Periwinkle Cardinal:

Dark Juices:


Word of Mouth:

Scrumptiously Devious:

I haven't taken photos of Night Wind Sailing yet, but I'll post them when I do.

Here's a link to all the RBR stuff I've posted on my blog so far:

Not all of that is reviews- some of the posts are just looks that incorporate RBR products, but feel free to peruse. I'm already planning what I'm going to pick up next!


Specktra Bestie
Love love love Murmurings! Thanks Katred!
Murmurings is a wonderful shade. It's a step heavier than "my lips but better", but it's still a great "go anywhere" shade. It's the sort of thing I can wear in any situation. It's also one of the juiciest-looking colours I own. Although the high-gloss doesn't last all that long, I find that my lips always look fresh and plumped when I'm wearing it.

One thing I've noticed in general about RBR lipsticks: frosty shades in either the "Succulence of Dew" (sheer) formula or the "Hues of Enchantment" (satin-finish) formula wear longer than the creamy shades in either formula.


Specktra Bestie
FYI, of the shadows, my personal favourite is probably Periwinkle Cardinal- it's the most original one, at least in my collection.

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