Sarah Palin and makeup


Well-known member
Her that you guys have mentioned it, is a little heavy, but I think she always looks nice. I love the hair too!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
My God. Seriously. Every little thing about this woman is being torn to shreds.

Personally, I don't judge a politician's message on how their skin looks.

I like her glasses. Her hair is fine. Her personal appearance is appropriate to her age, the position she holds and the position she is seeking.

I like her glasses too... they are very similar to mine!

I don't think there is anything wrong at all about her makeup, hair, or clothes! She looks great!

It's TV makeup, I'm sure she doesn't wear that much in real life!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lovekrumpet
I know this was not directed at me, but I take the same stance in terms of finding some of what she says to be disturbing. For one - She claims to be for "women's rights" and yet, when she was mayor of Wasilla, she had rape victims paying for their own rape kits to inspect them with(which can cost $500 and up). This victimized the rape victim a second time.
She has stated repeatedly that abortion should be outlawed. If a 15 year old is raped by her father, she should have to bear that child (she said this in one of the Katie Couric interviews). She says that she would council women to "choose" life, when in fact she would like to see Roe V. Wade overturned so there would be no "choice" about it.
She makes very little sense and can only barely manage to bring together an entire sentence that is grammatically correct.
She claims that her lack of experience will bring new life to Washington, yet at the same time she says that Obama would be a bad presidential choice because of his lack of experience.
She fired a librarian who refused to ban a book on homosexuality (that viewed it in a favorable light). She fired the boss of her sister's ex-husband because he refused to fire him after they got a divorce.
She thinks that dinosaurs and humans walked the earth at the same time and wants this to be taught in public schools.
She is against GLBTQ rights, though she says she "tolerates" them. I'm sorry, but as a member of the GLBTQ community, I don't want to be "tolerated". I want to be treated like any other person you would meet on the street, with respect, dignity, and kindness.

Here endeth the rant of why I will be voting for Obama/Biden as soon as early voting begins in my area.

Also - I find her to generally have a pleasing fashion/hair/makeup thing going on. But I can't stand her stupid crown tease or the harsh contour.

food for thought... Books Banned by Sarah Palin Did Sarah Palin make rape victims pay for their own rape kits?

Just a things to consider, there are other's out there as well, but some things needed to be righted.

Her veiws on abortion are that of a pro choice person, she made hers. I can't fault her for what she thinks is correct. Ain't gonna change the law... but whatevs.

BTW, IMHO both candidates are lying politicians.. you have to decide what is the issue that most affects you and yours to make a decision. I've made mine, and none of them have to do with Sarah Palin.

My son, who is 8, in thier mock election at school is so frustrated.. He is writing in Ron Paul... Good Boy.

Oh and.. what color would you think best describes what Sarah is wearing most often? I have a friend who is going as her for Halloween, and wants to know....


Well-known member
There are only 11 days left in the U.S. presidential race and you might think most campaign funding was already been spent on advertising, consultants, etc. So would it surprise you to find out Sarah Palin’s makeup artist is paid more than anyone else?
The Republican party (GOP) spent nearly $150,000 for Palin’s clothing and accessories for her and her family. Palin's expensive taste has put her in the face of heavy criticism from within the GOP, as well as from media. Now, there is another story that seems equally damaging to McCain’s campaign.

Amy Strozzi, the traveling makeup artist for Governor Sarah Palin, was the highest paid member in McCain’s campaign according to a new report filed by GOP with the Federal Election Commission on Thursday night.

Strozzi earned more than chief foreign policy adviser Randy Scheunemann, and more than senior communications staff member Nicolle Wallace, both important members of McCain’s team.

Strozzi is an expert makeup artist and was recently was nominated for an Emmy award for her work in the television show “So You Think You Can Dance.”

She was paid $22,800 for the first two weeks of October alone according to the GOP records.

Tiffani White, another makeup artist who worked for the TV show American Idol was paid $8,672.55 for McCain's makeup work in September.

In my opinion, this is the first time I've heard of a “hockey mom” or a “Joe Sixpack” spending $11,400 a week for makeup and $150,000 for clothing and accessories. Maybe the definition is different in Alaska.

source: Makeup Artist Highest Paid in McCain Campaign, Earning $22,800 in 2 Weeks - Digital Journal: Your News Network

Nice job guys! Wow, this makeup artist can't even blend contour and blush color properly and they earn that much?? Insane.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by *Stargazer*
It's pandering. I absolutely loathe it. "Sure, I support your right to be in a relationship. Just don't taint my pure heterosexual relationship by having the nerve to call yours the same thing I call mine."

PC Homophobia is the new homophobia don't ya know...I've read some of her comments, she couldn't be any more pathetic.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by IDontKnowMomo
omg her contouring...
I can't concentrate on debates when cheeks look like that!

exactly why i posted this

might seem shallow but her words were making me so mad and giggly at the same time that i had to focus on something else, and then i couldn't focus on anything but those cheeks. i don't know why but the mouth moving, pulling that fake dimension all over the place on her cheeks, bothered me so bad. no matter how much i know it's only an attempt to accentuate and reshape her face for TV, it looked so odd.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
If it's true that they invested so much in a makeup artist for her, I just one question: why? She's fairly attractive and honestly, does anyone else pay for a makeup artist? Is Cindy McCain or Michelle Obama with a makeup artist as well? I never thought of a politician's image and makeup. I realize they all have to wear makeup for TV, but I don't know much about the logistics.

I don't find her makeup bad on a whole, I'm just kind of surprised if it's true that they really invested that much in her. I understand that she will scrutinized on her looks unfairly, but I guess I'm kind of baffled why she needs such an expensive artist. I'm sure whomever does McCain's makeup could probably do Palin's makeup; it's not like you need high tech artistry to make a pretty woman pretty.