Sarah Palin


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
....I would have picked someone squeaky clean......

Problem is, that person doesn't exist. With our easily offended, captious public and the loss of all privacy in the lives of candidates, it just can't happen.

What I don't get... is that we all make mistakes, (I certainly do), so why do we expect a candidate to be so sanitized and perfect when we can't be?

Why are we always surprised when something comes out? Something always will. Really, it is just a matter of what you find offensive, how offensive you find it and if you can look past it or will it speak for the candidate. We need to stop being so unrealistic in our views of candidates. Incredulity is now an Olympic sport in this country.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by bellaconnie80
The sad thing is I have.. and Palin is not hated because she is a woman,...

I think sometimes she is. I think it is fair to say that. I absolutely think that she is discounted because of it. I am sure the same thing goes for Obama with certain voters. Certain people will always prey on the small-mindedness of certan voters.

I am not saying love her or hate her. I am just hoping that people really look into it, because her gender is really being belittled in a way that is very public and very visual. I just don't think Obama is getting same thrashing that she is.

In all fairness, this may be because the Democratic party has this sudden threat to their standings (it's factual that the Democratic lead has lessened). Perhaps the thought is that they need to discredit her as much as possible in this short amount of time left before election day. So perhaps the dynamics of the timing are behind this barrage of gender-based attacks, but in all honesty, it doesn't make it any more palatable.

Again, I am not saying she is the best or worse choice, I am just speaking to the way she is being portrayed in the media.


Well-known member
hey. what you said is the EXACT same thoughts i've been having.

i am a DEMOCRAT all the way but i also look into republicans (as we should all do vice versa) just in case another party wins. everything i've heard, even things from her mouth, are HUGE contradictions. nothing about her screams or remotely says "vice president". i believe mccain did pick her because she's woman, for the sole reason that all the women that said they'd vote for hillary said they wouldn't vote for barack and i think mccain was trying to win those votes over


and with mccain being so far advanced in age, people are really looking at her as a possible PRESIDENT of the united states, not just vice president.

so, obviously people know where my vote is going but mccain choosing her is something that still has me looking like

she says she believes in a person's freedom and independence but all of her views contradict a person's independence and freedom. is she serious??

and like i read before in an earlier comment, she is a bitch. lol!


Well-known member
In my honest opinion... the thought of Palin as a president or a VP makes me very scared.

People are making valid points about Palin as well as Obama not being experienced enough, but I would put my trust into Obama any day over Palin because I see 99% more of the things I stand for, shinning through in Obama. A persons character shows a lot about how they will handle situations, and her positions on a lot of issues makes me sick to my stomach. Her being a woman has nothing to do with my point of view, just like Obama being a minority has nothing to do with my point of view, in my opinion those are NON issues... a persons gender and race don't define them, their decisions do.


Well-known member
You know what? I bet Obama's an asshole. I've never met a lawyer who isn't.

Oh wait, what? It's not cool to call Obama names?

Scratch that, I know he's an asshole. He's one of those "civil unions" are enough people.


Well-known member
Man, I just *love* how the Republicans are screaming 'SEXISM' from the rooftops...but when it was happening to Hillary, and is STILL happening to Michelle Obama...*crickets chirping*

No, call him names. Go ahead. But base it on *FACT* and not supposition.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by concertina
....No, call him names. Go ahead. But base it on *FACT* and not supposition.

I think she was being sarcastic.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
I think she was being sarcastic.

A little bit of both
Fact is, I don't like him. I don't like Sarah Palin, either. I just think it's laughable that it's ok to call one of them names but not the other. And it's even more laughable to call someone a name when you have no firsthand experience of their personality.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by bellaconnie80
I'm really really really worried girls... I mean this crazy bitch wanted to have rape victims pay for their examinations(to prove they were raped) she wanted them to pay $500 and force them to give birth(no abortion option) and then she tried to fire a librarian for not banning certain books.. seriously this bitch is NUTS!!! I love the interview they did with a group of her friends... they all said they wouldnt vote for her or 'have to think about it'.. shit, if your own friends wouldnt vote or support you, to me that says ALOT!! Ladies PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE lets keep this nutbag away from power!!!

this whole quote had me dying!!!

you hit the nail on the head


Well-known member
*a little venting*
i am just upset that we have only two choices for President to choose from and its seems as if neither one is good enough. and reading about sarah plain frustrates the hell out of me because i didnt know much about her until i read this post, her views on gay people, abortions, etc..she really needs to get over it. It's 2008 going on 2009 and its just really sad to think that a HUMAN BEING could even think of making someone keep a fetus/child that was conceived of rape by another person especially if it was by blood. if she becomes VP and like many has said Mccain will probably croak soon after if he is elected she will be our President i seriously would want to crawl under a rock and be ashamed that we might have an idiot (sarah palin) who is representing USA. And having a son who is 19 who signed up to go fight in Iraq still shouldnt mean diddly squat in terms of getting votes for Mccain. i really hope/wish that everyone do their research if their considerding voting for Mccain/Palin.


Well-known member
I don't care what color your skin is or what bits you have between your legs. I just really would like to know, from Palin's own mouth, what her policies are. One interview is not enough to satisfy my questions. I think Palin is incredibly intelligent and tenacious from what we've seen so far, and that is precisely what scares me. She could very well be president, and she could very well have the power to choose court justices one day, and that is what scares me the most about her.

Obama is smooth, very very smooth, and that scares me too. He's an incredibly inspiring speaker, and his policies are all out on the table, which I like very much. Frankly, I would not want to be president, and anyone who does scares me a little. I wish for once the race didn't feel like choosing the lesser of two evils.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by *Stargazer*
A little bit of both
Fact is, I don't like him. I don't like Sarah Palin, either. I just think it's laughable that it's ok to call one of them names but not the other. And it's even more laughable to call someone a name when you have no firsthand experience of their personality.

Its fine to call both of them names, as long as they're based on fact.

Fact: Sarah Palin fired her sister's ex-husband from a job without provocation (see posts below for clarification)
Fact: Sarah Palin tried to bully a librarian into banning books she didn't agree with
Fact: Sarah Palin is as anti-choice and anti-equal right to marry as anyone I've ever seen

...yep, that makes her a bitch in my book.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by chaut_01
*a little venting*
i am just upset that we have only two choices for President to choose from and its seems as if neither one is good enough.

We have more than two choices. I'm certainly not voting for either the Democrats or the Republicans.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by concertina
Its fine to call both of them names, as long as they're based on fact.

Indeed, it's not fine. It shouldn't be, at least.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
Problem is, that person doesn't exist. With our easily offended, captious public and the loss of all privacy in the lives of candidates, it just can't happen.

What I don't get... is that we all make mistakes, (I certainly do), so why do we expect a candidate to be so sanitized and perfect when we can't be?

Why are we always surprised when something comes out? Something always will. Really, it is just a matter of what you find offensive, how offensive you find it and if you can look past it or will it speak for the candidate. We need to stop being so unrealistic in our views of candidates. Incredulity is now an Olympic sport in this country.

I think it is possible for McCain to have a picked a Republican woman who is less controversial, though. Sure, there'd be stuff people wouldn't love about her, but the pregnant daughter (no matter how I personally feel about it) does leave a bad taste in many people's mouths, among other things. There are, IMO, more offensive things about her that actually will affect me.

I know people aren't perfect. I also know people expect a shitload more out of people in the spotlight on personal levels, hence the websites that pick apart women for having a microscopic pimple.


Well-known member
I love this thread I was wondering what people were really thinking about her. I can't stand her ass. She is not the best person for the job. It is quite obvious that she is here to save a failing campaign. Oh and lets not mention that interview she did with Charlie Gibson. The woman is full of shit!