Sarah Palin


Well-known member
OMFG!!! I dont understand people who can support a person who is an obvious idiot, and liar!!! holy shit we made that mistake with Bush!! obviously some of us still dont get it!! STICK TO THE IMPORTANT ISSUES!! seriously people on here were upset because I called Palin a bitch, when really who cares??? this should be about what I said to back up why I call her that in the first place!! the issue is not that she has a vagina, so what?? a dumbass is a dumbass no matter whats between the legs, and in my opinion palin is a dumbass!! and for those of you upset because I'm calling her that, you must not have been keeping up with the news!!! I'm so glad that most of us ladies have opened up our eyes and want whats best for this country.. for US


Well-known member
Originally Posted by bellaconnie80
I'm so glad that most of us ladies have opened up our eyes and want whats best for this country.. for US

Shit, I wasn't aware that one party held a monopoly on wanting what's best for this country.

I am too boggled to form a coherent response. I'm sure Shimmer will be along with one.


Well-known member
stargazer wanting whats best for this country means a common interest.. what benefits ALL of us!! would you not agree that we all want the economy to improve? do you see how a trigger happy idiot can hurt us all? I'm not sure how much research you do babe, but , this Country is in alot of trouble financially and its getting worse. We need someone strong, honest, and intelligent. Most politicians fib here and there but Palin is absurd!! this woman also thinks God put dinosaurs her to play a joke on us.. I understand you want to stand behind your GOP but at what cost? we have to make good and smart decisions now.. we need to think who is honestly the best person for the job at this time!!! and please if you disagree with me tell me why.. tell me whats so great about Palin that I should ignore everything she has done and said, something that makes me want to say 'wow, she should be our next VP, and possibly my president'!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by concertina
Its fine to call both of them names, as long as they're based on fact.

Fact: Sarah Palin fired her sister's ex-husband from a job without provocation
Fact: Sarah Palin tried to bully a librarian into banning books she didn't agree with
Fact: Sarah Palin is as anti-choice and anti-equal right to marry as anyone I've ever seen

...yep, that makes her a bitch in my book.

thank you, thank you, thank you SO much for this post

these are proven facts. and to me, these actions are TOTAL contradictions of what she claims to believe in. so once again, THANKS!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by concertina
Its fine to call both of them names, as long as they're based on fact.

Fact: Sarah Palin fired her sister's ex-husband from a job without provocation
Fact: Sarah Palin tried to bully a librarian into banning books she didn't agree with
Fact: Sarah Palin is as anti-choice and anti-equal right to marry as anyone I've ever seen

...yep, that makes her a bitch in my book.

Originally Posted by Lauren1981
thank you, thank you, thank you SO much for this post

these are proven facts. and to me, these actions are TOTAL contradictions of what she claims to believe in. so once again, THANKS!!

The post to which you are referring has been clarified below.

Originally Posted by concertina
Its fine to call both of them names, as long as they're based on fact.

Fact: Sarah Palin fired her sister's ex-husband from a job without provocation
Fact: Sarah Palin tried to bully a librarian into banning books she didn't agree with
Fact: Sarah Palin is as anti-choice and anti-equal right to marry as anyone I've ever seen

...yep, that makes her a bitch in my book.

Originally Posted by bekins
not fact Her brother-in-law is still employed as a State Trooper. The one who was fired was Public Safety Commissioner Walter Monegan, he states it was because she was trying to get her to fire her Brother-in-law, but no evidence of that has acutally been found, and they are investigating the "incident". ThWalter Monegan himself has said, According to Monegan, he was unsure why he was dismissed, but not firing Wooten "could be part of it."[
Could be part of it, even he isn't saying thats why he was let go, and he was an at will employee(most of americans are) meaning they can be fired for any reason or no reason at all! Just wanted to put that in here. If we are going to judge someone on past incidents lets make sure we have all the facts correct.

Originally Posted by concertina
Thank you for pointing out my mistake, I appreciate it the clarification. The fact still stands that she *fired* someone that didn't do what she wanted him to. There are numerous stories coming out the state about her bullying and intimidation techniques. I think those are worth paying attention to.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
What about the people whose views she DOES represent?
What about the people who DO believe that marriage is between a man and a woman?
What about the people who honestly believe in preserving life?
What about the people who believe it's poor decision making to have a life based on credit that one can't afford?
What about people who believe sex is a commitment that shouldn't be made without some kind of active commitment between the partners?
What about the people who believe in marriage as a lifetime commitment?
What about the people who believe in the right as guaranteed by our Second Amendment to keep and bear arms, not for the purpose of inflicting harm but for the purpose of defense?
What about the people who believe that life gives you what you earn, not what the government 'owes' you for existing?
What about the people who believe in working for what they get, and teaching their children the value of honest labor, honest sweat, and an honest education?
What about the people who believe in the right to practice religion and believe as they wish, as long as they're not inflicting harm on another person?
What about the people who believe children should be cared for, moms and dads should parent the children, and a stable home is the best environment for a child?

What about the people who DON'T believe as you do? Don't they deserve representation? Wouldn't YOU want representation in their shoes?

Just because you don't agree with them doesn't mean they shouldn't have representation.

Ah yes, because Democrats don't believe in hard work, caring for their children, freedom of religion, that marriage is a lifetime commitment or any of the other plethora of generalizations made above. We just want to hand money to anyone that will take it and let 'the gays' have sex in the children's section of the public library!! God, I should have checked my 'Democrat's Handbook' before signing up!!

The fact of the matter is, I give a crap what you believe in your personal life. What I care about is how you implement policy. And those on the right have a tendancy to legislate their own morality and restrict civil liberties. (For the record, I think gun ownership is perfectly fine. I draw the line at neighbor Bob needing an Uzi, though)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by bellaconnie80
OMFG!!! I dont understand people who can support a person who is an obvious idiot, and liar!!! holy shit we made that mistake with Bush!! obviously some of us still dont get it!! STICK TO THE IMPORTANT ISSUES!! seriously people on here were upset because I called Palin a bitch, when really who cares??? this should be about what I said to back up why I call her that in the first place!! the issue is not that she has a vagina, so what?? a dumbass is a dumbass no matter whats between the legs, and in my opinion palin is a dumbass!! and for those of you upset because I'm calling her that, you must not have been keeping up with the news!!! I'm so glad that most of us ladies have opened up our eyes and want whats best for this country.. for US

I'll say this one more time.
It's my last vestige of patience on the subject.

If you can't discuss the issue without calling names, even if they're political figures, then simply don't discuss the issue.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by concertina
Ah yes, because Democrats don't believe in hard work, caring for their children, freedom of religion, that marriage is a lifetime commitment or any of the other plethora of generalizations made above. We just want to hand money to anyone that will take it and let 'the gays' have sex in the children's section of the public library!! God, I should have checked my 'Democrat's Handbook' before signing up!!

Democrats believe in those things, certainly. I'm not saying they don't.
Yes, the Democratic template IS to hand money out to anyone who'll take it, while creating a series of generations of people unable to help themselves.
The idea of the US being the Welfare nation it is is a mostly Democratic template.
The fact of the matter is, I give a crap what you believe in your personal life. What I care about is how you implement policy. And those on the right have a tendancy to legislate their own morality and restrict civil liberties. (For the record, I think gun ownership is perfectly fine. I draw the line at neighbor Bob needing an Uzi, though)

I certainly agree that neighbor Bob doesn't need an Uzi.

And, you're right, one's personal beliefs dictate how they approach legislation. The problem is that BOTH parties have nominees whose personal beliefs change with the poll numbers.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
I'll say this one more time.
It's my last vestige of patience on the subject.

If you can't discuss the issue without calling names, even if they're political figures, then simply don't discuss the issue.

Shimmer I'm I to waive my freedom of speech to be on specktra??!!?? I have not offended any but you because I am opposing you on this debate and because you are a mod I feel you are threatening me!! NOT ONE Palin lover has answered my question which is "what is so great about Palin that I should forget all she has said and done and and take her as my VP?" and also shimmer I feel like your picking on me because others have used my language in this and other post and I dont see you getting on them!! but never mind that.. whats more important to me is hearing your answer to my above question!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by bellaconnie80
stargazer wanting whats best for this country means a common interest.. what benefits ALL of us!! would you not agree that we all want the economy to improve? do you see how a trigger happy idiot can hurt us all? I'm not sure how much research you do babe, but , this Country is in alot of trouble financially and its getting worse. We need someone strong, honest, and intelligent. Most politicians fib here and there but Palin is absurd!! this woman also thinks God put dinosaurs her to play a joke on us.. I understand you want to stand behind your GOP but at what cost? we have to make good and smart decisions now.. we need to think who is honestly the best person for the job at this time!!! and please if you disagree with me tell me why.. tell me whats so great about Palin that I should ignore everything she has done and said, something that makes me want to say 'wow, she should be our next VP, and possibly my president'!!

You so very obviously have NO clue. At what point have I EVER said I ever said a word about supporting "my" GOP? Or have I said anything about Palin being great? You are the one throwing around a lot of nasty invective about conservatives. You have a seriously immature way of trying to make a point. If the best you can do is insult people who don't plan on voting the way you do, you won't win many people to your side. You've made nothing but assumptions (erroneous ones at that) and then have the nerve to question my research habits?

Originally Posted by bellaconnie80
Shimmer I'm I to waive my freedom of speech to be on specktra??!!??

Guess what? You checked your freedom of speech at the door when you agreed to the T&C to start an account on Specktra. Freedom of speech on this site is whatever Janice (or her agents) decide it is.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
Yes, the Democratic template IS to hand money out to anyone who'll take it, while creating a series of generations of people unable to help themselves.
The idea of the US being the Welfare nation it is is a mostly Democratic template.

Ehhh, I dunno if I would go that far. Certainly Democrats are fiscally liberal and therefore promote government sponsored programs such as welfare, but I don't think I would blame them for "creating a series of generations of people unable to help themselves". Perhaps I don't understand what you are referring to? I think most people are more than able to help themselves in this day and age. In fact, my faith in the American people is so high that I believe most government-funded social programs could be done away with, leading to the unnecessary ones falling by the wayside, and the necessary ones finding private funding (which many already do) and being even more effective than they already are.

I also wouldn't agree that the democratic template is to "hand money out to anyone who'll take it." See, I would GLADLY take any money they want to get rid of, but sadly, in order to get that money I would either have to dramatically reduce my standard of living, or commit perjury. So yeah, I guess anyone can get these handouts, but the consequences aren't really worth it to most.

All that being said, I don't see either party as actually being fiscally conservative. In spite of what they say they will do, both parties (and their respective candidates) have been wayyyy too spend-happy over the past years for my taste.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by bellaconnie80
Shimmer I'm I to waive my freedom of speech to be on specktra??!!??

No such thing as Freedom of Speech on a privately owned website.
I have not offended any but you because I am opposing you on this debate and because you are a mod I feel you are threatening me!!

You're not offending me.
You're simply offering unnecessary invective that doesn't contribute anything to the conversation, at all.
NOT ONE Palin lover has answered my question which is "what is so great about Palin that I should forget all she has said and done and and take her as my VP?"

You don't have to take her as your VP. Vote for someone else. Same as I don't have to take whomever for my VP, I can vote for someone else, but majority rules are majority rules. If, on a VP level, you don't agree with the person, you'll have to start at the lower level and have people representing you who DO offer some kind of values you stand for.
I'm not a Palin fan or not fan. I'll say that given her position, she IS an intelligent woman, regardless of whether I agree with her, given her history she IS an educated woman, and she's an aggressive woman.
and also shimmer I feel like your picking on me because others have used my language in this and other post and I dont see you getting on them!! but never mind that.. whats more important to me is hearing your answer to my above question!

What's important to me is that the thread not be derailed by unnecessary name calling.
I couldn't care less about your language. Everyone here knows I'll drop an F bomb as quickly as I'll look at you. That's fine. But simply saying 'OH MY GOD SHE'S SUCH A CUNT!' isn't really a contribution to the thread at all.
Obviously you don't agree with her.
We got it.

Now please cease with the ad hominum and invective.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by duckduck
Ehhh, I dunno if I would go that far. Certainly Democrats are fiscally liberal and therefore promote government sponsored programs such as welfare, but I don't think I would blame them for "creating a series of generations of people unable to help themselves". Perhaps I don't understand what you are referring to? I think most people are more than able to help themselves in this day and age. In fact, my faith in the American people is so high that I believe most government-funded social programs could be done away with, leading to the unnecessary ones falling by the wayside, and the necessary ones finding private funding (which many already do) and being even more effective than they already are.

You have FAR more faith than I do.
I also wouldn't agree that the democratic template is to "hand money out to anyone who'll take it." See, I would GLADLY take any money they want to get rid of, but sadly, in order to get that money I would either have to dramatically reduce my standard of living, or commit perjury. So yeah, I guess anyone can get these handouts, but the consequences aren't really worth it to most.

All that being said, I don't see either party as actually being fiscally conservative. In spite of what they say they will do, both parties (and their respective candidates) have been wayyyy too spend-happy over the past years for my taste.

I'm not at ALL going to disagree with that last part. >.<


Well-known member
Originally Posted by *Stargazer*
You so very obviously have NO clue. At what point have I EVER said I ever said a word about supporting "my" GOP? Or have I said anything about Palin being great? You are the one throwing around a lot of nasty invective about conservatives. You have a seriously immature way of trying to make a point. If the best you can do is insult people who don't plan on voting the way you do, you won't win many people to your side. You've made nothing but assumptions (erroneous ones at that) and then have the nerve to question my research habits?

Guess what? You checked your freedom of speech at the door when you agreed to the T&C to start an account on Specktra. Freedom of speech on this site is whatever Janice (or her agents) decide it is.

Not once did I call anyone on specktra any names or insult them in any way.. but you have done it to me! call me all the names you want to I dont mind, I have not insulted anyone on this post nor have I ever touched the issue on people who dont want to vote so please dont put words in my mouth!! I've had a sharp tongue against Palin and I gave my reasons why and many have agreed with me.. and I'm sorry I was not aware that I could not give my opinion on specktra unless it was to the liking and agreement with the mods.. I will stop posting on this topic since I am not to have an opinion which disagrees with the Mods I am in debate with in this thread! I do wonder why its accepting of you to call ME names but I could not call Palin any.. and sorry if I misunderstood you but from your post you are very supportive of Palin so if now you say your not, then I've been misled!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
You have FAR more faith than I do.

LOL! Well, I'm young yet (25) and spend about 95% of my time interacting with science and engineering graduate students, so I recognize the possibility that my faith in people might be somewhat misguided by my experience (or lack thereof). Still, I like to think that most people do what they think is "right", and given responsibility for themselves will step up to the challenge and end up better for it. Crazy, right?


Well-known member
Just my 2 cents on the whole issue---I'm pretty upset that the *first time* a woman has been on the ticket, which is a big deal to me, has turned into nothing more than a punchline. I'm not saying I agree or disagree with Sarah Palin, but it pains me to see that even news anchors are commenting that she's sexy, or good-looking.

To me, that says more about the election than anything else. Every magazine cover last week had a picture of Sarah Palin on it, there were comments about her glasses, her choice of cosmetics (btw, she wears MAC, lol) everything. When Obama was put on the ticket, or McCain, or Biden, there weren't running lists of the designer ties they're wearing, or which fine hand tailored the suit.

And there was that one photo in particular of her posing with a what, that makes her a bad person? She lives in Alaska, for crying out loud! There's moose, and all manner of things you wouldn't want on your property trampling you. People were acting as though she's got 12 guns stashed on her person, just waiting for a fight.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by bellaconnie80
Not once did I call anyone on specktra any names or insult them in any way.. but you have done it to me! call me all the names you want to I dont mind, I have not insulted anyone on this post nor have I ever touched the issue on people who dont want to vote so please dont put words in my mouth!! I've had a sharp tongue against Palin and I gave my reasons why and many have agreed with me.. and I'm sorry I was not aware that I could not give my opinion on specktra unless it was to the liking and agreement with the mods.. I will stop posting on this topic since I am not to have an opinion which disagrees with the Mods I am in debate with in this thread! I do wonder why its accepting of you to call ME names but I could not call Palin any.. and sorry if I misunderstood you but from your post you are very supportive of Palin so if now you say your not, then I've been misled!

Let's see, you've implied that gun owners are "trigger happy idiots", you've implied that anyone who supports Palin is stupid ("I'm so glad that most of us ladies have opened up our eyes and want whats best for this country" AND "obviously some of us still dont get it!" AND "we have to make good and smart decisions").You've REPEATEDLY implied that anyone not agreeing with you is ill informed. For someone who claims they haven't insulted anyone, you've sure implied a lot of not so nice stuff about anyone who supports the GOP ticket.

Where did I say anything at all about people not voting? Must be in the same phantom post where I said I support Sarah Palin.

You haven't been misled, you are simply completely and totally wrong in your ASSUMPTION that I support Palin.

And on top of being immature in your insults, you now appear to be sulking because you've been called out.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sharkbytes
Just my 2 cents on the whole issue---I'm pretty upset that the *first time* a woman has been on the ticket, which is a big deal to me, has turned into nothing more than a punchline.

She's not the first woman on the ticket. But I'm with you on the rest of your post.


Well-known member
True, not the very first. But the first in my lifetime where it's an actual, feasible possibility. I should've clarified~~


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
What about the people whose views she DOES represent?
What about the people who DO believe that marriage is between a man and a woman?
What about the people who honestly believe in preserving life?
What about the people who believe it's poor decision making to have a life based on credit that one can't afford?
What about people who believe sex is a commitment that shouldn't be made without some kind of active commitment between the partners?
What about the people who believe in marriage as a lifetime commitment?
What about the people who believe in the right as guaranteed by our Second Amendment to keep and bear arms, not for the purpose of inflicting harm but for the purpose of defense?
What about the people who believe that life gives you what you earn, not what the government 'owes' you for existing?
What about the people who believe in working for what they get, and teaching their children the value of honest labor, honest sweat, and an honest education?
What about the people who believe in the right to practice religion and believe as they wish, as long as they're not inflicting harm on another person?
What about the people who believe children should be cared for, moms and dads should parent the children, and a stable home is the best environment for a child?

What about the people who DON'T believe as you do? Don't they deserve representation? Wouldn't YOU want representation in their shoes?

Just because you don't agree with them doesn't mean they shouldn't have representation.

i see exactly what you're saying. i think my issue with her is that i've heard beliefs straight from her mouth but it seems like she contradicts every last one of them. main reason being i've heard her say that she's about a person's independence and freedom but her beliefs, TO ME, cut into all of that.

like i said, yes, i'm a very strong democrat but whoever ends up in office, i want them to be about US and to me it doesn't sound like she would benefit us. i understand her morals and views but to me she's more about dictating someone's life.

also, i think the reason she's getting so MUCH attention is (well, from me) is NOT because she's a mother of 5 with a preg teen (i know you didn't say this specifically but i know a lot of people think that's the reason she's catching so much heat) but because mccain is so long in the tooth that if the republican's do happen to win this election, it's a STRONG possibility that she will end up being the one running the country so to me, it's almost like for the republican side of it, the nominee is palin not mccain so she will be HEAVILY scrutinized. for whatever reason she's being scrutinized, to me, it's because of his age. i'm not even going to front, if barack was as old as mccain, i'd be paying a bit more attention to biden to see what he's all about and his views and plans rather than barack's. i know anything can happen to anyone. there's no specific age on someone expiring but that's what's out in our faces so yeah, people ARE going to weigh in on palin because what we see is that there's a big chance that she WILL run the country. we can't rule that out.

this is just the game of politics.

although my vote stands firm for barack & biden i'm still checking this woman out and so far i (ME PERSONALLY) haven't found anything about her that makes me comfortable with the possibility of her running this country, if elected. you know? i'm not a republican by any means but there have been a few very small things about mccain that put me at ease IF elected. my vote will not go for him by any means but if it turns out with him in office, i'm more at ease with him than palin.....

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