Sarah Palin


Well-known member
Originally Posted by concertina
I'll simply link to this woman's blog. Luckily for her, she had a doctor willing to place her life above that of her fetus.

Uppercase Woman: How I Became the Internet Poster Girl for Partial Birth Abortion

And her story is not unique in any way, shape or form.

ETA: I see ratmist has beat me to the punch.
I will say this; I've read Cecily's blog since before she was pregnant with the boys. I read along with her pregnancy fears and worries and when we found out the first twin died, I cried. When I found out she had to have a LTA or die, I sobbed. I read her grief and pain afterwards. And seeing her with her daughter now always puts a smile on my face.

Her life was saved because she had a doctor that valued her life. Based on recent Supreme Court decisions, it has become appalling clear to me that should I ever be in need a LTA, my life means nothing; I am merely the incubator for the ever-important fetus.

More and more, I feel like there is no place in this country for me.

I read the blog and have to say that I applaud her and her doctor's courage in what I know to have been a difficult decision.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by concertina
Its fine to call both of them names, as long as they're based on fact.

Fact: Sarah Palin fired her sister's ex-husband from a job without provocation (see posts below for clarification)
Fact: Sarah Palin tried to bully a librarian into banning books she didn't agree with
Fact: Sarah Palin is as anti-choice and anti-equal right to marry as anyone I've ever seen

...yep, that makes her a bitch in my book.

Yeah I knew I heard something about her firing her sister's ex(relation of some sort) on The Ride. Everyone was talking about how little exp. Obama had when I was like damn Palin doesnt show an extensive or impressive resume' to me at all. Not to mention now on some journals and blogs shes reached MILF status and oh how uncanny she looks like Tina Fey oh wow how cool*rolls eyes*. Also I think there is some sort of face chart by MAC that was inspired by her "look". Seems like now shes one that should be likened to being like paris hilton.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lovely333
Oh and lets not mention that interview she did with Charlie Gibson. The woman is full of shit!

I believe she said she wasnt at all surprised(something along those lines) when mccain's people called on her for the position.


Well-known member
OMFG!!! I dont understand people who can support a person who is an obvious idiot, and liar!!! holy shit we made that mistake with Bush!! obviously some of us still dont get it!! STICK TO THE IMPORTANT ISSUES!! seriously people on here were upset because I called Palin a bitch, when really who cares??? this should be about what I said to back up why I call her that in the first place!! the issue is not that she has a vagina, so what?? a dumbass is a dumbass no matter whats between the legs, and in my opinion palin is a dumbass!! and for those of you upset because I'm calling her that, you must not have been keeping up with the news!!! I'm so glad that most of us ladies have opened up our eyes and want whats best for this country.. for US

2 words. THANK YOU


Well-known member
Originally Posted by enjoybeingagirl
It does matter if McCain/Palin get elected because in the next 4-8 years, two liberal supreme court judges will retire, which leaves two seats open. Those seats will be filled by conversative judges if McCain/Palin are elected. At this point they only need one more vote to overturn roe v wade. So it can very well happen.

If McCain/Palin get elected, why would a liberal judge retire knowing that a conservative would replace him (and I say him because I doubt very much that Justice Ginsburg is looking to retire)? That makes no sense. If McCain/Palin are elected, the older conservative judges will retire leaving room for McCain to nominate younger conservatives to take their place. It would be the opposite with an Obama/Biden win. Where things might get tricky is if there is a death of a Supreme Court Justice. Then the court could very well change directions.


Well-known member
I highly dislike and disagree with Sarah Palin, purely for the reason that I don't agree with what she stands for.

But as much as I don't like her... I don't condone name calling.
Theres enough bad blood in the world, let's not add to it ladies and gents. Because at the end of the day, its just adding to the amount of negativity in this world which is already out of control.

Healthy discussion is all right, but name calling is never okay. No matter the situation.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by concertina
And how many women will suffer in the inbetween? How many women will die because they can't have the late term abortion they need to save their lives? How many incest and rape victims be forced to carry to term? How many unwilling mothers made? Or worse, how many women dying from desperate attempts to abort?

Originally Posted by kimmy
my intent was to just point out that while everyone wants to attack palin saying that she's going to take away our rights as women but they often forget that we have a checks and balances system that will not allow it.

IF it did, it would be reinstated so fast it'd be like it was never even overturned in the first place. i think the whole debate over palin's view on abortion is much to do about nothing because honestly, abortion will NOT be outlawed.

we'll have to agree to disagree on the significance of her pro-life stance.


Well-known member
Re: Palin -she what?!

drama, drama, drama. this anti-palin bull is just starting to get ridiculous. i read eve ensler's words just now and couldn't help but think "you've got to be kidding me."

i don't know why americans can't pick up a damn science book. global warming is nothing that has never happened before. how do you think the planet got out of the ice age?

the planet's temperature will rise no matter what we do to try and stop it, and it will drop even if we don't do anything at all. it's called nature. every planet's temperature and climate fluxuate.


Well-known member
Re: Palin -she what?!

Originally Posted by kimmy
global warming is nothing that has never happened before.

Good lord, you have got to be kidding me. Species are becoming extinct left and right, the polar ice caps are melting and the world's most vulnerable people keep getting affected by pollution and natural disasters. Yes, the earth's temperatures have changed before, but it's happening at unprecendented speeds, and it's having an immense impact on ecosystems and human communities. We've got droughts all over the world, causing food shortages and famines. Ignoring that human beings' excessive consumption of natural resources is having an enormous detrimental effect on our world and further disadvantaging the world's most disadvantaged-- is just ignorant, especially when the majority of academic literature supports the idea of global warming.

That being said, Palin is an extremely dangerous candidate. A pro-guns, pro-abstinence-only education(which has been completely discredited in academic literature and doesn't impact teenage pregnancy or STD rates at all), anti-abortion, politically inexperienced, "it-was-god's-plan-to-go-to-war" fundie. Especially considering McCain's frail health state-- we could be looking at a Pres. Palin, a thought too scary to entertain.

She's been governor of Alaska for less than two years(during which time she cut funding for programs which helped drug addicts, single mothers, other disadvantaged people), and before that she was the mayor of a small town. That's the extent of her political career, which is just ridiculous! The first time this woman owned a passport was in 2007! Seriously.

Sarah Palin is a menace, a disgrace and a complete joke. Her nomination for VP is completely absurd and I'd love to see more people realizing that.



Well-known member
I'll tell you why I could never vote for a ticket with Sarah Palin's name on it.

She's responsible for policies in Wasilla that charged rape victims for their rape kits.

While mayor of Wasilla from 1996 - 20002, she fired the police chief, Irl Stambaugh, and put in her choice of police chief, Charlie Fannon. Up until 2000, the law in Alaska was so that rape victims had to pay for rape kits used in investigations.

The governor in 2000, Tony Knowles, passed a new law that did not require rape victims to pay for the kits. He stated that "we don't charge robbery victims the cost of dusting for prints, so why would be charge rape victims the cost of gathering evidence to apprehend their assailant?"

Wasilla's new police chief, Fannon, apparently did not agree with the new legislation, saying the law will require the city and communities to come up with more funds to cover the costs of the forensic exams.

"In the past we've charged the cost of exams to the victim's insurance company when possible," Fannon said. "I just don't want to see any more burden put on the taxpayer."

He said requiring the police department to pay for rape kits, including sexually transmitted disease testing and emergency contraception, would cost $5,000 to $14,000 a year. Fannon said he would like to see the courts force criminals to pay restitution to rape victims – rather than passing the charge onto taxpayers.

According to a local paper (the Mat-Su Valley Frontiersman) in Alaska at the time (2000), Wasilla did not pay for rape kits - the charge was passed onto the rape victim - while the rest of Alaska routinely paid for rape kits where necessary. The direct quote from that newspaper can be found here: : Knowles signs sexual assault bill<p> - Frontiersman

If Palin wants to argue that being Mayor was "kiiiiiind of like being a community organizer, except you have actual responsibility", then this is on her head.

She chose a police chief that charged rape victims on spec - in other words, if they could get a conviction, then the rape victim may not have had to pay for the kit.

And if they couldn't get a conviction? What then?

Need I go into statistics on how hard it is to get rape convictions?

And what if the victim doesn't have the money to pay the bill, or insurance to cover the bill? It creates an atmosphere where they may not report the crime, because maybe it wouldn't be investigated properly without footing the bill themselves!

Of all the things I've read about Sarah Palin, this one is the worst. If she's going to proclaim she had responsibility, then this is a huge thing.


Well-known member
Re: Palin -she what?!

Well dont most republicans think that global warming isnt "happening"? Well there is obviously a huge chunk of ozone layer missing in our atmosphere due to pollution, the earth warming and what not, glaciers melting, sea levels rising... How can this subject even be ignored?? I mean earths atmosphere will always flunctuate over thousands of years, but when in earths history has its ozone layer ever been depleted at such a rate where 50 years from now half the ozone could be gone from earths atmosphere. The ozone protects us from the sun, if its gone.. we die.. in 200 years the human species could be extinct from skin cancer.. We created such amazing technology.. but the price is our lives. Its our kids future that will be tremdously effected... and america.. we are the number one green house emitter, this bs of no global warming is ridiculous.

Well, sarah palin.. all though one person cant do much.. She might be VICE PRESIDENT of the united states, that would be a HUGE name for anyone to fulfill.. a leader even (VP) is a reflection of its people.. If elected she is one of many leaders who represent the american people to others all around the world. I personally dont agree with 99% of the things she represents.. so im not going vote for team mccain/palin


Well-known member
Re: Palin -she what?!

Originally Posted by xxManBeaterxx
Well dont most republicans think that global warming isnt "happening"?

No. Generalize much?

That letter from Ensler is so full of assumptions and stereotypes I can't even stomach it.


Well-known member
Re: Palin -she what?!

Originally Posted by *Stargazer*
No. Generalize much?

That letter from Ensler is so full of assumptions and stereotypes I can't even stomach it.

Well i'm not into politics at all, my face is normally stuffed in medical books but from what little i know, maybe like 10 republicans, i know all 10 of them don't acknowledge global warming, e.g. bush. Sorry for the stereotype.


Well-known member
OMFG!!! I dont understand people who can support a person who is an obvious idiot, and liar!!! holy shit we made that mistake with Bush!! obviously some of us still dont get it!! STICK TO THE IMPORTANT ISSUES!! seriously people on here were upset because I called Palin a bitch, when really who cares??? this should be about what I said to back up why I call her that in the first place!! the issue is not that she has a vagina, so what?? a dumbass is a dumbass no matter whats between the legs, and in my opinion palin is a dumbass!! and for those of you upset because I'm calling her that, you must not have been keeping up with the news!!! I'm so glad that most of us ladies have opened up our eyes and want whats best for this country.. for US

I agree with you 1000%!!!!! Mrs. Palin doesn't even know what a VP does!!!!! LMAO!!!! Total Idiot!


Well-known member
Re: Palin -she what?!

global warming has happened before. believe it or not. there is no way to prove how old the hole in the ozone layer is, therefore we cannot prove if it was caused by us or not. it could have been there all along, but before we had no way to measure/study it. the hole in the ozone layer is constantly changing shape and size.

like a said, pick up a science book and do some research. just because the television tries to guilt you into thinking that you're at fault for the world's fate doesn't mean you are. you can choose to live with liberal guilt and feel bad for the rest of your life, or you can read up on what's real and not worry about what you can't fix anyway.

and i'd like to see what kind of car eve ensler drives. i'd like to see how many cross-country flights she's made this year alone. i'd like to see how SHE'S saving the environment before she goes and picks at someone else.

global warming is happening but it isn't completely our fault. we may be speeding up the process but not enough to really do anything. global warming has happened before. it happens on every planet.

Originally Posted by mamadiaspora
Sarah Palin is a menace, a disgrace and a complete joke. Her nomination for VP is completely absurd and I'd love to see more people realizing that.

i have a problem with that comment. while you seem to be railing palin for wanting people's beliefs to be in line with hers, here you are doing the same. there are (alot of) people in this country who don't think it's absurd.


Well-known member
Re: Palin -she what?!

What's the big deal? I don't believe in it either. :/ ...... btw look at the all the hypocrites in hollywood driving their 80 cars they own (which of course are all range-rovers and other cars that cause pollution) where do they get off trying to support someone they DO NOT even represent? Yeah they really give a rat's ass about global warming.Oh yeah, they definitely aren't voting for whomever they think is cool. It just reminds me of people who are religious but deal dope and kill people left and right. please, people.


Well-known member
Re: Palin -she what?!

Originally Posted by mamadiaspora
Good lord, you have got to be kidding me. Species are becoming extinct left and right, the polar ice caps are melting and the world's most vulnerable people keep getting affected by pollution and natural disasters. Yes, the earth's temperatures have changed before, but it's happening at unprecendented speeds, and it's having an immense impact on ecosystems and human communities. We've got droughts all over the world, causing food shortages and famines. Ignoring that human beings' excessive consumption of natural resources is having an enormous detrimental effect on our world and further disadvantaging the world's most disadvantaged-- is just ignorant, especially when the majority of academic literature supports the idea of global warming.

That being said, Palin is an extremely dangerous candidate. A pro-guns, pro-abstinence-only education(which has been completely discredited in academic literature and doesn't impact teenage pregnancy or STD rates at all), anti-abortion, politically inexperienced, "it-was-god's-plan-to-go-to-war" fundie. Especially considering McCain's frail health state-- we could be looking at a Pres. Palin, a thought too scary to entertain.

She's been governor of Alaska for less than two years(during which time she cut funding for programs which helped drug addicts, single mothers, other disadvantaged people), and before that she was the mayor of a small town. That's the extent of her political career, which is just ridiculous! The first time this woman owned a passport was in 2007! Seriously.

Sarah Palin is a menace, a disgrace and a complete joke. Her nomination for VP is completely absurd and I'd love to see more people realizing that.


yeah because these are the people I'd love to help out. Guns don't kill people, people kill people. My cousin is a drug addict and he is going to "LOVE mooching off the welfare your increased taxes will be paying for when you vote for obama."(his words, not mine) Also, whether someone is pro or anti gun there will be guns, except YOU won't have them the SCUMBAGS will. Did the prohibition of alcohol keep it out of america in the 20's? I think not. And where do you think we are getting money for the healthcare....?! I have lived with too many scumbags over the period of my lifetime to want to pay for them to get healthy! I am dirt poor and would NEVER want someone's (unwilling)help in paying for my healthcare. Welfare was created in the 20s to help people get a JOB, it has now become a crutch and excuse for women to have more children. When is that going to end? let alone MORE help? Look past the sugarcoating, and also what 'in' or 'hip'... Hasn't anyone ever considered not voting at all? Just because we have a choice of two people doesn't mean we have to like either. And I agree the ripping on the republican party is so blatanly obvious is makes me want to puke. The media is obviously filled with very few republicans. Which imo, for America being a democracy(?) is very sad. And if anyone is wondering I am not republican nor democrat. One last thing, how about we all keep the name calling to a minimum, I would never say anything vile about either obama or mccain(or their VP's) they are both very respectable people who have been through a lot, it must be very difficult to be running for president(or vp) and I'm sure it's way beyond our heads(actually I know it is lol)

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