School bus brawl


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Originally Posted by MAC_Pixie04
If you look, the driver shoved and hit that girl repeatedly during what was a verbal confrontation.

Teenagers, particularly girls, these days have a tendency to be confrontational with little regard for consequences.
That girl bowed up to the driver, believing there would be no consequence. It's also worth noting that numerous times the girl screamed 'stop touching me' when there were no hands on her. She's a 15 year old attention whore.
Apparently the bus driver's daughter rode the bus. She had NO reason to get involved. Her mom clearly assaulted that girl, who then fought back, from what I can see. And she got up and jumped on that girl for nothing. You can hear the girl screaming "Get off of me, you're hurting me." over and over and over, and she sounds terrified.

No she doesn't, she sounds aware that there's a camera recording her behavior and she didn't like what was going on so she acted out. There's not a single note of sincerity in her voice.
That entire thing was uncalled for and I can't believe those students are being charged and not that goddamn bus driver. No adult in a position of authority who is responsible for the lives of children should be handling a child like that. She shouldn't be allowed to drive a school bus or ever work with children period. So what if the girl was being a brat or a pain in the ass? That's something you fucking sign up for when you agree to work for a school district, whether it's in the classroom or driving a bus.

Pay the bus drivers more than $9 an hour and the district may get more 'professional' people in the situation, but pay low wages, have concurrently low expectations.

There's not enough money to entice me into working with teenagers on a regular basis. Fuck that. Bratty ass self entitled over pampered lazy lot, for the most part. The ones I deal with due to my volunteering prove to me that most parents are retards who shouldn't be trusted with a potato gun, much less the development and shaping of a human life, as is evidenced by their asshole children.


Well-known member
OK...this whole situation makes me sad. I am a bus driver. At my company and by law we are not allowed to let children out at undesignated stops. There are different ways to go about getting let out at other stops. You gotta go throught the proper channels. Example: notes from home to the principal or parents/guardians contacting the bus co. itself.
Now on this vid we don't see what led up to this altercation. In my opinion it looks as they are both at fault.
She probably, in my opinion, pulled over because the girl was disruptive. Its very hard to drive a 37 and a half foot school bus through different situations with out of control kids. As far as her hitting the girl...what was she thinking? The girl was not physically threatening her. Now from there on out...i don't know. I'm just upset because most bus drivers do not respond to situations like that with physical contact. It gives the rest of us a bad name.


Well-known member
Standing in the driver's face and screeching at the top of her lungs whilst the driver spoke in an even tone really helped the girl too.

There's also no way to tell who initiated the contact that escalated the confrontation. That's a big girl, she's larger than I am, and were she to shove/kick/punch/etc. me, I may be twice her age, but I will defend myself. We never lose the right to defend ourselves.


Well-known member
The driver had it right until she kept trying to shoo the girls hand out of her face when she was pointing at her. At that point she should have gotten back in her seat kept the door shut and radio back into her dispatcher to call the police. From what I could get from the vid. they sent a rep. from the co. not the police. Whick is actually common for different situations, like accidents. But the driver seeing the girl getting more and more agitated she should have insisted for the police to come.


Well-known member
Trip75, absolutely.

The finger in the face thing is just aggravating because these kids think they can just do that, or anything else, or call someone a bitch, or scream in someone's face, and there are no consequences for their actions.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
Trip75, absolutely.

The finger in the face thing is just aggravating because these kids think they can just do that, or anything else, or call someone a bitch, or scream in someone's face, and there are no consequences for their actions.

It is aggravating!! You just gotta be the adult. Easier said than done, I know.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by little teaser
the driver crossed the line when it became physical

So when this 15 year old girl is physically up in the driver's face, physically bumping her and pushing her, it's all good? When the girl hit the's all good?


kristina ftw!

Well-known member
I have absolutely no sympathy for this girl, at all. None. She was being a complete brat.
As for the bus driver stopping - have you ever tried driving with brats screaming and yelling and making all kinds of distracting fuss in the background? I haven't, I'm not old enough to drive here yet, but I know that my mom and dad will pull over if my siblings are fighting or being noisy in the backseat. It's a hell of a lot better than crashing the car, and I in no way think the bus driver was wrong in doing so.
It shocks me that kids my age act like this, and it's embarassing. No wonder a lot of people have so little faith in teenagers! A lot of us act like we own the fucking world, and can scream and yell and call people names and throw fits for no real reason, and not having to deal with any kind of consequences for it. It makes me sick. What the hell ever happened to "respect your elders"?

Edit: Oh, and don't give me the "But the bus driver is an adult! She should act like one!" shit. I'm sorry, but if you're almost old enough to drive a car (referring to the girl here, obviously) you are also old enough to know how to behave yourself.


Well-known member
i so agree with you. Quote:
Originally Posted by MAC_Pixie04
So, first of all the bus driver had a right to refuse to let her off the bus if it wasn't her stop, but she shoved her initially. The girl was being whiny and bratty, but she never touched that woman according to this tape. That bus driver had absolutely NO right to push that girl, regardless of how much of a pain she was being. And the girl called her mother and offered to let the driver speak to her, which would have allowed her to let the girl off of the bus. If you look, the driver shoved and hit that girl repeatedly during what was a verbal confrontation. Things wouldn't have gotten out of hand if she'd been an adult and tried to resolve it without touching her.

Apparently the bus driver's daughter rode the bus. She had NO reason to get involved. Her mom clearly assaulted that girl, who then fought back, from what I can see. And she got up and jumped on that girl for nothing. You can hear the girl screaming "Get off of me, you're hurting me." over and over and over, and she sounds terrified. That entire thing was uncalled for and I can't believe those students are being charged and not that goddamn bus driver. No adult in a position of authority who is responsible for the lives of children should be handling a child like that. She shouldn't be allowed to drive a school bus or ever work with children period. So what if the girl was being a brat or a pain in the ass? That's something you fucking sign up for when you agree to work for a school district, whether it's in the classroom or driving a bus.

Unfucking believable.

When I was in 4th grade, we had the meanest bus driver. One day a kid gave him attitude, I can't remember what for, but what I clearly remember was the driver stopping the bus, grabbing the boy by his shirt collar, shaking him and calling him a "little motherfucker" before dropping him back into the seat. The busdriver was NOT a driver after that. As I heard, he was arrested and charged with a minor assault charge (not so minor considering it was a 30 year old vs. a 10 year old), lost his license, and can not take a job with the San Diego Unified School District, not even to be a fucking janitor. I was terrified and never rode the bus again.



Well-known member
I dont understand how the girl was being "bratty". The bus driver shoulda just let her off the damn bus. The girl was in her face, so? She was trying to get off. She even said "if you let me off, that'll be the end of it". In this situation I can't justify why a grown woman would put her hands on someone else's child. Not just putting her hands on her ... but damn near beating the girl up. Thats just ridiculous.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MACpro__*
I dont understand how the girl was being "bratty". The bus driver shoulda just let her off the damn bus. The girl was in her face, so? She was trying to get off. She even said "if you let me off, that'll be the end of it". In this situation I can't justify why a grown woman would put her hands on someone else's child. Not just putting her hands on her ... but damn near beating the girl up. Thats just ridiculous.

Which part of 'the kids aren't allowed to get off the bus at an unauthorized stop' is unclear?


Well-known member
she was being a BRAT. if she had calmly asked to get off, she would have been politely refused & could sit down & wait like a sane human being. if you posses all the manners & social grace of a drunk housefly, generally you'll get the same treatment. no sympathy whatsoever.


Well-known member
so fucking what if she was being a brat? the driver was an adult, and had a job where she was around kids/teens and would come across usual teen behavoural problems.
she should have had the insight to manage the incident without hitting the who the hell does that?
i think the busdriver deserves jail time. but somwhre out there that kids parents need to take a firm hand to her backside lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
Which part of 'the kids aren't allowed to get off the bus at an unauthorized stop' is unclear?

that could come off a little rude.

anyway. maybe she should have explained that. she lost her job anyway, so yea, so much for the rules. i bet it's not a rule to not "put your hands on a child" either huh?


Well-known member
I just watched it again. Like I said, I can see where they're both at fault. The girl shouldn't have gotten so volatile and loud, but that driver clearly shoved that girl first, that was the first physical incident of the entire thing. The girl came up to get off, the driver stood up and SHOVED her back. Unfortunately those cameras don't show what's happening up toward the front window where the driver is, so there's no telling if maybe she grabbed at something or tried to pull the handle that opened the door, but based on the tape alone, there's nothing going on that would give that woman a right or reason to shove someone's child. You guys keep saying she has the right to defend herself...from what? A 14 or 15 year old girl coming up to try and get off the bus...who didn't hit her first, who didn't shove her first. And that bus driver was quite large, she didn't need to shove the girl. Simply standing in her way would probably have sufficed.
The girl should have just sat down and relaxed for whatever was left of her busride. Getting up and making a scene was totally on her, but for a grown ass woman to SHOVE and hit someone's kid like that is completely unacceptable. It would have been one thing if that brat had come up swinging, but she didn't, so there was no reason. And like someone already said, she should have radioed for assistance and police if she felt she was being threatened. She obviously hadn't been trained on the proper ways to restrain a volatile child, because that's not how you do it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by adela88
so fucking what if she was being a brat? the driver was an adult, and had a job where she was around kids/teens and would come across usual teen behavoural problems.
she should have had the insight to manage the incident without hitting the who the hell does that?
i think the busdriver deserves jail time. but somwhre out there that kids parents need to take a firm hand to her backside lol



Well-known member
When i was in high school, which was about a year ago ... we got on and off the bus as we pleased. the bus driver didn't know what stop we were supposed to get off at. i'm not saying that the safest of practices, but that probably wasn't even the bus drivers reason for not letting the girl off.


Well-known member
I'm not sure how they do it where they are from but our kids in the junior and high schools get bus passes they have to have to get access to a bus ride on any certain route. So if they don't belong on the certain run they don't get access. Normally if a child acts up or is disruptive we pull their passes and it gets taken care of in the school office.
What I would have done is pulled her pass, if she had one, and let her out. Let the office take care of it.