School bus brawl

Johnny Wal

Well-known member
im not defending either one in this situation, because i may have acted the same way on BOTH parts depending on the situation. if i was the girl, i might have acted up and made a scene too, and if i were the bus driver, i may have gotten extremely annoyed and stiff armed the girl (but if i was a bus driver, i wouldnt push/punch/etc a student).

anyways, i just want to say that im pretty sure none of us know either of these people. the girl may have been being harassed by students and felt uncomfortable to the point of needing to get off the bus. or she may have been harassing other kids and the bus driver felt the need to stop and take control.

the bus driver may have had previous incidents with the girl, like every day having to try to control the girl on the bus

or maybeeee even the girl had done something like shit her pants. she'd probably want to get off the bus after that, and not many teenage girls i know would want to tell the bus driver straight up thats why she needed to get off the bus.

you never know. maybe they're both bitches, maybe they both just had a badddd day?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Johnny Wal
im not defending either one in this situation, because i may have acted the same way on BOTH parts depending on the situation. if i was the girl, i might have acted up and made a scene too, and if i were the bus driver, i may have gotten extremely annoyed and stiff armed the girl (but if i was a bus driver, i wouldnt push/punch/etc a student).

anyways, i just want to say that im pretty sure none of us know either of these people. the girl may have been being harassed by students and felt uncomfortable to the point of needing to get off the bus. or she may have been harassing other kids and the bus driver felt the need to stop and take control.

the bus driver may have had previous incidents with the girl, like every day having to try to control the girl on the bus

or maybeeee even the girl had done something like shit her pants. she'd probably want to get off the bus after that, and not many teenage girls i know would want to tell the bus driver straight up thats why she needed to get off the bus.

you never know. maybe they're both bitches, maybe they both just had a badddd day?

lol, nicely put


Well-known member
Originally Posted by adela88
so fucking what if she was being a brat? the driver was an adult, and had a job where she was around kids/teens and would come across usual teen behavoural problems.
she should have had the insight to manage the incident without hitting the who the hell does that?
i think the busdriver deserves jail time. but somwhre out there that kids parents need to take a firm hand to her backside lol

Like I said, pay a bus driver more than McDonald's wages, and s/he might make the effort.

Originally Posted by MAC_Pixie04
I just watched it again. Like I said, I can see where they're both at fault. The girl shouldn't have gotten so volatile and loud, but that driver clearly shoved that girl first, that was the first physical incident of the entire thing. The girl came up to get off, the driver stood up and SHOVED her back. Unfortunately those cameras don't show what's happening up toward the front window where the driver is, so there's no telling if maybe she grabbed at something or tried to pull the handle that opened the door, but based on the tape alone, there's nothing going on that would give that woman a right or reason to shove someone's child. You guys keep saying she has the right to defend herself...from what? A 14 or 15 year old girl coming up to try and get off the bus

From someone being physically threatening? From someone physically invading her space? From someone being confrontational and aggressive?
Originally Posted by MACpro__*
When i was in high school, which was about a year ago ... we got on and off the bus as we pleased. the bus driver didn't know what stop we were supposed to get off at. i'm not saying that the safest of practices, but that probably wasn't even the bus drivers reason for not letting the girl off.

And then when one of the girls who got off the bus and was raped murdered dismembered and left on the side of the road, the bus driver would be blamed for not making sure the girl was off at the correct stop. Yay.


Well-known member
This is the type of crap that teachers, administrators, bus drivers, etc have to go through in dealing with some of these lousy ass kids. The bus driver was wrong and the student was wrong. As adults working with kids, we can't put our hands on them even though you may want to beat their ass. You have the right to defend yourself only if you feel that the student is a threat to you and will do bodily harm. I don't think this was the situation. The bus driver did not need to stand up or even engage this student in a conversation. You don't go back and forth with the student because they feed into this and it creates more trouble. All the bus driver had to do was sit in her seat and do one of two things: Take the bus back to school and have the principal call the parents to come and pick them up. Stop the bus and call the police and have the police get the student off the bus. I think the bus driver could have used better judgement in this case. However, I was not on the bus and I'm not the bus driver. I just believe that the situation could have been handled differently.

Note: It's good that these buses have video cameras, but as you can see some don't care.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
And then when one of the girls who got off the bus and was raped murdered dismembered and left on the side of the road, the bus driver would be blamed for not making sure the girl was off at the correct stop. Yay.


... yea, cuz that really happened. Truth be told you can get kidnapped, raped, murdered and dismembered and left on the side of the road from getting taken right out of your bed. But this is getting way too heavy. The bus driver shouldn't have put her hands on the girl, and that's it.


Well-known member
I don't see the girl being physically threatening at all. The damn girl was tryna get her phone.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Johnny Wal

anyways, i just want to say that im pretty sure none of us know either of these people. the girl may have been being harassed by students and felt uncomfortable to the point of needing to get off the bus. or she may have been harassing other kids and the bus driver felt the need to stop and take control.

I doubt that. if the students were harassing her I don't think they would have jumped to her defense. if she was harassing the students I don't think they'd jump to her defense.

I also don't think the students would jump up and try to pull the girl away from the crazy bus driver if she driver wasn't doing something to hurt her. teenagers might be brats sometimes but they aren't stupid. I would never go to defend someone if they were in the wrong or hitting someone. I would try to defend someone who seemed to be getting her ass beat by a 250 pound 50 year old bus driver.

Also, in that part of the video where you can't see anyone except the girl screaming.....nobody screams like that for nothing. She might have been screaming for attention and being a bitch, but nobody screams like that for no reason. She was screaming and repeating "get off of me, stop hitting me" that is so sad and scary. You can't see the driver but when all the kids start getting off and the girl is finally released, the driver seems to get up from the floor (or get back into the camera's view). She didn't have to be hitting the girl but she could have been pushing herself into the girl or hurting her in some way, the girl wouldn't have been so terrified otherwise. And all f the students wouldn't have jumped up and tried to break the two up. It would be a different story if the girl was fighting back and hitting/pushing, but she seemed to just be standing there while the bus driver was doing what she was doing.

AND, ummm as soon as the bus driver's daughter came up and attacked the girl, why didn't the bus driver stop her? Why didn't she say "Honey, go sit back down, what the hell are you doing attacking someone?" Why did it seem like she didn't care that her daughter went psycho on this girl? I wouldn't ever let my daughter just stand there and fight someone. And I damn sure can't imagine being a 40+ woman and fighting a 15 year old girl and then letting my daughter jump in as well.

This whole thing is absolutely ridiculous.


Well-known member
That girls' voice needs to be muted permanently. She needs a bitch slap and half. I can't believe today's generation! Get off your cellphone and learn some decency!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
From someone being physically threatening? From someone physically invading her space? From someone being confrontational and aggressive?

I didn't mean to insinuate that a 14 or 15 year old girl couldn't be threatening, but it wasn't like she came up swinging. Yes she came up in a confrontational manner, and yes she was making a scene, but you guys keep saying she had the right to defend herself. Of course, any person who is being physically attacked has that right, adult or child. My point was--and maybe I didn't state it as clearly as I thought since you still found a way to take us back in this ridiculous circle or an argument--that girl didn't come up swinging, she didn't strike the driver first. Rather than stand...just front of the girl, blocking her from whatever she was trying to do, she immediately got up and shoved that child. Regardless of how much of a pain in the ass she was being, or if the driver thought she was gonna do something physical, she didn't swing first, therefore the driver had no right or reason to stand up and shove her the way she did.
It's like a drunk man reaching in his pocket in front of police and they shoot him 51 times (and 39 of those bullets hit) because they assumed he was pulling out a weapon. It was a preemptive strike, it was completely uncalled for. I could see if that girl had taken a swing at her, then you can pull that self-defense bullshit out, but she didn't according to this tape. I don't understand how you can continue to justify the bus driver being in the right to stand up and physically touch that girl first.

I guess for the 2nd time, we'll have an agree to disagree moment. We must have seen different videos or something.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by GreekChick
That girls' voice needs to be muted permanently. She needs a bitch slap and half. I can't believe today's generation! Get off your cellphone and learn some decency!

That doesn't warrant the little pain in the ass being physically admonished by a school bus driver. People on their cell phones annoy the shit out of me on buses and trolleys everyday, and I'm sure it annoys the drivers, it doesn't mean I can shove them or hit them or sick my fucking daughter on them.


Well-known member
Way before the time I was 15, I knew the following:

1) You don't demand to get off the bus at anytime or a stop that isn't yours.
2) If you are in standing in the aisle, the bus driver isn't going to let you out or in some cases move the bus.
3) If you are told to be quiet, you remain quiet.
4) If you are a smart mouth to the bus driver, you don't get a ride on the bus.
5) You don't do anything that would hold up your fellow schoolmates from getting to their stop.

I had bus drivers that refused to have ANY talking on the bus and so we didn't. Some bus drivers had a radio that we could play our music. It just depended on the driver. But, we respected the driver.

If I did what that girl attempted to do, my schoolmates would have jumped me. Why? Because, I was being disrespectful, acting like a total selfish person, and keeping them from getting going home.

There is no reason why that girl should have gotten up. She got up, because she couldn't stand to hear a lesson and an order to be quiet. She made it into a drama scene and it ended ugly.

I see kids act like this all the time. They don't care about anything as long as they get their way. So, we are going to put all the blame on a driver to be in total control of a whatever a teen decides to pull. In that case, no one is going to work with the youth.

As far as this being touched issue, it wasn't that long ago there were paddles in the classroom. I got popped with a ruler for talking to a friend in Kindergarten. There would be 40 kids in my classroom. Guess what? No one was talking. No one had a smart mouth attitude. Children didn't curse. We didn't have to have camera and lived without every kid having a cellphone.

If you did what this girl did years ago, your neighbor, anyone in your family, your religious leader or teacher could have given physical and verbal discipline. She would have been shamed for that attitude. The parents would have felt ashamed of her behavior and also given her discipline. People would even say to the parents - "I hope you have addressed X's behavior appropriately."

Your behavior was a community problem and was dealt with and it wasn't just --you do what you want and say what you want to whoever you want as a kid or a teen.

Now, nothing happens. In fact, what disturbs me the most is some may see more wrong with the adult than the youth.

The bus driver showed rage and total lack of control, but I think there was a lot pushing her to get there. I am not excusing it. She will loose a lot more than the girl. But, I know some would say - Who cares?

That's the mentality that the girl had. She didn't care who or what she affected. It was all about what she wanted and what she wanted to do - to Hell with the other kids on the bus and the driver. She wanted to do her own thing. She was the boss and don't mess with her. Gosh, don't touch the cell phone. She wants to call mommy again to have her scream at the bus driver again.

That bus driver has a family to feed. Now, who is going to hire her? If you want to stick her in a jail. You will be paying for her stay and her child will be left without a mother. It does matter & we do need to care. We all affect one another.

Both were accountable for their own behavior.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SparklingWaves
That's the mentality that the girl had. She didn't care who or what she affected. It was all about what she wanted and what she wanted to do - to Hell with the other kids on the bus and the driver. She wanted to do her own thing. She was the boss and don't mess with her. Gosh, don't touch the cell phone. She wants to call mommy again to have her scream at the bus driver again.

It is SO entertaining to me to watch kids with these attitudes when they make it to the real world. Try that crap with your boss or college professor and you'll be on the streets PDQ.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Pixie04
That doesn't warrant the little pain in the ass being physically admonished by a school bus driver. People on their cell phones annoy the shit out of me on buses and trolleys everyday, and I'm sure it annoys the drivers, it doesn't mean I can shove them or hit them or sick my fucking daughter on them.

Her daughter jumped in, she wasn't 'sicced' on.

Quite frankly, were that my child, I'd be a hell of a lot more aggravated with her behavior and her being a jackass than anything else.


Well-known member
Okay first of all put yourself in the bus drivers position. She has her back to the dashboard based on the position of the camera and the girl approaches her in an aggressive posture telling the person in authority what she's going to do.

The bus driver had no choice, in my opinion, but to attempt to get the girl out of her personal space. Notice, at first, the bus driver is only attempting to get the girl out of her space NOT be over physically aggressive. At the end it escalated because a child couldn't take being told what to do.

Frankly, if that was my kid, they wouldn't be riding the bus for a while because they wouldn't be able to sit down for about a month without a WHOLE lot of discomfort.

This mamby pamby entitlement a lot of kids feel these days wouldn't have gone over AT ALL when I was 15 and it doesn't go over in my house or when my kids are at school or a school sponsored function.

The girl should have remained seated, answered the questions respectfully, done what she was told to do, and told her parents about the situation if she felt she was being singled out and let them deal with it. That's what my kids are told to do and they better by GOD respect it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Trunkmonkey
Okay first of all put yourself in the bus drivers position. She has her back to the dashboard based on the position of the camera and the girl approaches her in an aggressive posture telling the person in authority what she's going to do.

The bus driver had no choice, in my opinion, but to attempt to get the girl out of her personal space. Notice, at first, the bus driver is only attempting to get the girl out of her space NOT be over physically aggressive. At the end it escalated because a child couldn't take being told what to do.

Frankly, if that was my kid, they wouldn't be riding the bus for a while because they wouldn't be able to sit down for about a month without a WHOLE lot of discomfort.

This mamby pamby entitlement a lot of kids feel these days wouldn't have gone over AT ALL when I was 15 and it doesn't go over in my house or when my kids are at school or a school sponsored function.

The girl should have remained seated, answered the questions respectfully, done what she was told to do, and told her parents about the situation if she felt she was being singled out and let them deal with it. That's what my kids are told to do and they better by GOD respect it.

Exactly, the girl got up and walked up into the bus driver and wanted her to get out of her way. She actually made the physically contact with her body.

This girl was aggressive & manipulative in many ways. I suspect this is common behavior for her. She has learned this works for her. Whoever is raising her lets her have her way or she will "have a tantrum."

This behavior by the teen absolutely should not be tolerated. What is an adult to do now? Let it go. Do nothing. Police shouldn't have to be called, because this young woman refused to remain quiet and seated. That's tax payers money going to waste.

If that were my child, I would be outraged. But, I think whoever is raising her is fostering this behavior and now the world is dealing with it. That's why she got injured. Others are going to lose it with her. I am not condoning what the bus driver did, but she cops that attitude with other strangers, bumps them with her body, makes faces, threatens to sue, calls them a pervert, laughs at them, etc. She is going to get a fist in her face and it may not be on camera next time.

This young woman can't understand she needs to follow the rules of "be quiet and remain seated." How basic is that? It didn't need to go where it did.


Well-known member
yeah uhh... i take the school bus to university everyday. this makes me very thankful...

1. i don't share the bus with snotty kids
2. the bus drivers are great people

i don't care how old you are and i dont care what race and gender you are. if you are going to be an asshole and start giving me shit, I won't be so nice either. if you are a cripple in a wheelchair, you're still a asshole in a wheelchair. humans need to be more respectful, geez :T

snotty kids just make me shake my head


Well-known member
I wonder what went on before the bus driver asked her "why are you this bus?" I'm glad the bus driver was charged because she was out of line, yet I don't feel sorry for the girl because she was aggressive to begin with, manipulative, and trying to make a huge scene. She was trying to rile up the other riders (her audience). What does she expect? For the driver to drop her off at the beach and make her a cheese sandwich?

I'm just glad that I took a short bus to school and had it all to myself.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by S.S.BlackOrchid
I wonder what went on before the bus driver asked her "why are you this bus?" I'm glad the bus driver was charged because she was out of line, yet I don't feel sorry for the girl because she was aggressive to begin with, manipulative, and trying to make a huge scene. She was trying to rile up the other riders (her audience). What does she expect? For the driver to drop her off at the beach and make her a cheese sandwich?

I'm just glad that I took a short bus to school and had it all to myself.

Heh Heh...I have driven the short bus many times. I prefer the kids who ride on that bus better. No need for cameras on thoses buses.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by COBI
Charges have been filed now:
PHOENIX — Police on Friday charged a driver with aggravated assault and disorderly conduct in connection with a brawl involving three students on an Arizona school bus, reported.
In addition, the 15-year-old was charged with aggravated assault and disorderly conduct, and the 14- and 16-year-olds were charged with disorderly conduct. - Arizona Driver, Students Charged in School Bus Fight - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News

I can't believe the girl got charged with aggravated assault. From what I recall, she never laid a finger on anyone except trying to get people off her. How can the bus driver's daughter only get charged with disorderly conduct? She clearly jumped on the girl from behind. Being someone who's just out of K-12, I see a lot of students that act like her. Annoying? Yes. But teachers, etc. do not have the right to lay a finger on them for that, let alone grabbing hair, punching, and pushing! That lady was a grown ass woman. She should know better. If a little girl is barking at you, whatever, just sit there and wait for your help to come. She's not your child, you have no right to assault her. She may have been a brat, but that's not an excuse to assault anyone. "Why did you cut him? He was being brat. Oh okay, that makes sense, you're good." The driver may have been pushed to the point of doing so, but hey, I can be pushed to the point of killing someone too. I hope I get that much sympathy if I get charged with homicide.

If it were me, I'd get a good lawyer. Milk it for all it's worth.