Thanks for all the info, cr8zy4MAC, it's highly appreciated. ^_^ I think I'm going to call my local Sephoras tomorrow and see if they've gotten it in/are getting it soon.
I can't remember, did anyone say they picked up the storybook palette? All these threads have me in a tailspin lol. Just want to know if it's worth picking up for reasons besides the packaging/collector aspects.
You are quite welcome.

Well, ladies .... drum roll, please .... we got the shipment in tonight. Here is where it gets a tad murky. I could not get (no matter how I tried) the actual on-the-floor release date, but we do have it in our back room. You just might want to try giving your Sephora a call tomorrow to see if they can (and management is willing) to bring out a few pieces for you to see (granted that they are not too swamped). It never hurts to try, right?
I didn't get a chance to look through everything yet, but I did manage to look at the storybook palette. It's pretty cool. The colors are also pretty cool. Some of them reminded me more of some of the NARS shadows (a deep, rich sparkly blue and another one that was kind of a mustard color). There wasn't anything available to swatch, but they look as though the pigmentation would be pretty darn good. I'll be able to tell you more of what I think once I can swatch it all over my hands!
Now I did get a chance to pull out the Jasmine mirror. I know that some of you said that you had an issue with the front looking smudged. At first glance at it while still in the wrapping, I could see what you were talking about. But once I got it out of the box and really got a good look at it front, back and inside, it looks perfect!
One last thing about some people having a hard time with getting all the BI emails from Sephora, you might want to first try checking out how you have your preferences set on the Sephora website. First, make sure that you are registered on the website. Even I had to do that, so that all of my points would be showing up the same as if I were in the store purchasing products. If some of you are not getting VIB offers, it might be a case of not having your card linked to your online account. You might also want to go down to the very bottom of an email that you received from Sephora. There you will see a number of different choices. Click on the choice of "Email Preferences". From there you can pick the frequency of the amount of emails Sephora will send to you. Also, you might want to choose some of the other options such as Facebook, Twitter, etc. I believe they have a few promos going as well.
I hope this helps. If all else fails, you can always call the number on the back of your card and they will walk you through everything. I know it's one or more things for you to have to do in your busy day, but if you're not getting the emails you're needing or the points accruing properly, it is worth it, especially for the VIBs to keep their points correct to receive the nice perks and special events to save a nice chunk of change.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask.
Sleep tight,