Sex Post * Personal Question

miss holly j

Active member
How long have you been with your so ? How often do you have sex ?

I've been with my bf for 2 years, we have sex a few times a month. But I've recently had alot of stress in my life, coupled with trying to find an anti depressant that doesn't kill my sex drive. Meanwhile, my bf could handle sex all day everyday.


Well-known member
Been with my SO for a bit over 5 years and on average (throwing in the random times its only 1/wk or 3/day) we have sex about every other day. It seems to equal out- sometimes I'm really in the mood and sometimes he's really in the mood and we seduce each other- or sometimes we hit gold and we're both in the mood.

But, early on, we both agreed that sex was a big part of our relationship and a big indication on how our relationship is doing. Not to say that this is true for every relationship, but for us it's a need we each have and want to keep fulfilled.


Well-known member
Ive been w my husband for almost 2 yrs.
And since we've had our son, my libido is down.
Im recently getting more into it again,
but for us, it doenst determine how our relationship is going.
The way I would notice something is gone would be like
his loss of interest in spending time w me,
or just noticing that he no longer cares. as a guy I think
that things could be bad, and he still would have sex.
Not that that is my husband in anyway, but
i know guys who tell me that just cus
theyr mad at their GF doesnt mean they dont want sex.

I enjoy sex w my hubby not only the quality time,
but he truly takes me "there" =]

He says its not the most important thing for him..
i dunno


Well-known member
Yeah, I will admit that my libido with my SO has not always been this high. I went through my periods of stress, depression, and medication and feeling unattractive and I had to talk to him about it and he helped me turn it around for our benefit. There are some weeks that go by and we just don't and it's nice because there is no pressure whatsoever- he does care more about me but we also both do care about that sexual need we each have and would have if we were or were not together. I'm not saying this to criticize or anything just to state that I've had my off-periods with my SO and everything (sexually) wasn't so hot. To let you ladies know that if it is something you want to hang in there and find ways to work at it.


Well-known member
Try wellbutrin, it's supposed to have less of an effect on the libido.
You also may try exercise, and keep in mind, the less you have it, the less you want it. :/


I've been with my boy for about 4 months. We have sex probably once a week, if even that. We both are college students, work, and involved in a frat/sorority. We barely have time to say "Hi" to each other in person! In sucks,


Well-known member
My husband and i have been married 5 years. We have sex about 2 times a week. We'd like to more, but don't have the oppurtunity alot due to the children that the wonderful sex has brought us. lol.


Well-known member
I've been with my boy for 3 years, and we currently go at it about once a week. We've both been busy used to be every other day, or more! I can't wait until this semester is over!


Well-known member
Me and my boyfriend have been together about a year.. and were only having sex about once a week if were lucky. Weve probabley gone a month before without sex.

I used to be on Ortho Tricyclen Lo. Lo meaning low hormones. But then about 5 months ago Planned Parenthood switched me to regular Ortho Tricyclen cause I guess the government switched which one it is covering now. They said it really isnt meant for teenagers.. so I went to my gyno and got a prescription for Ortho Tricyclen Lo and then I discovered it was going to be $50 a month.

So I went back to PP and got on OT. And my sex drive has like diminished. But I just can't afford $50 a month, when I get it for free.

So we dont have sex very much.. =[


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
and keep in mind, the less you have it, the less you want it. :/

So true heh.


Well-known member
been with my boyfriend for about 2 1/2 years.. i think we average 3-4 times a drive is kinda high


Well-known member
I've been with my boyfriend 2 years today actually and we have sex probably 6/week. As sad as this is to say, we get bored and just have sex (we're both poor college student lol). We go through times where we don't have sex at all. It really does depend on stress levels and work. We don't live together so having time to see him can be hard.
I suffered from really bad depression 1.5 years ago after an illness and it killed our sex life for a good 6 months. I found that I felt bad as a his significant other for not meeting his needs and just in my mind had to force myself to have sex with him (force really isn't the right word because I truly did want to). I really had to work myself up a few minutes at a time; but soon those minutes added up until everything felt right again.
I wish you the best in finding something that will help you out.


Well-known member
We've been together a little over 4 yrs. We do it usually once a week and that would be considered "good".


Well-known member
i was with my ex for nine months and we went at it about 9 times a week for most of our relationship. it wasn't until i realized he was probably going to fail at life and was a compulsive liar that we quit messing around constantly.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kimmy
i was with my ex for nine months and we went at it about 9 times a week for most of our relationship. it wasn't until i realized he was probably going to fail at life and was a compulsive liar that we quit messing around constantly.

Dang, that would be nice.

The sex part, not the other stuff.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by eighmii

So I went back to PP and got on OT. And my sex drive has like diminished. But I just can't afford $50 a month, when I get it for free.

So we dont have sex very much.. =[

Oh thats me too..

the BC ruined everything.. I discovered thats how it works.. it just keeps you from doing it.

miss holly j

Active member
Originally Posted by mallory
We've been together a little over 4 yrs. We do it usually once a week and that would be considered "good".

I'm glad to know that we're not the only ones having sex once a week.

miss holly j

Active member
Originally Posted by MxAxC-_ATTACK
Oh thats me too..

the BC ruined everything.. I discovered thats how it works.. it just keeps you from doing it.

I definately laughed hard at the thought.


Well-known member
I've been with my boyfriend for almost a year and a half and we do the deed sometimes 5+ times a week sometimes only 3. He works a lot and that affects it.
I take a generic form of Celexa and it has improved my severe depression/anxiety more than I could have ever imagined and I haven't had any side-effects.

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