Sex Post * Personal Question


Well-known member
i know my hubby 9 yrs and we have been married 4 1/2 yrs. sex was never "spectacular" but it was often. Since we had our daughter (she is 3 1/2 yrs old) the sex went downhill. im lucky if we make love once a week. (i want to have sex every night!!)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by butterflydream
I have had bad luck with pills and my insurance won't cover the patch. I also have hypo-thyroid disease. Any one know of a better B/C?

I was on the pill and seriously considered Mirena before we decided we'd try for another kid. I'm hypothyroidic and I know one other girl who is too. She also has Mirena and she's loving it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by butterflydream
Ive been with mf Bf for a year and a half, we had sex every chance we could get until I was about 6 months pregnant, then I found out he cheated.We worked things out, but sex was kindof ackward for a while. Well I had my son 12 weeks early via c-section, but I was not able to do anything for a while. We now have sex almost everyday, but sometimes it's kindof painful because my muscles are still so weak. Im currently on Depo, and have gained about 12 pds and it sucks. I lost pretty much all of my weight after the baby but now im packing on the lbs. I was about 125-130 and im 5'6. I fell so awful, but he say's the weight is sexy....ugh. I have had bad luck with pills and my insurance won't cover the patch. I also have hypo-thyroid disease. Any one know of a better B/C?

Nuva-ring!!! It's been great for me. I'm thinking about switching to Yaz to have the emotional benefits that it can bring (i have MAD pms- sobbing, etc), but I love the Ring


Well-known member
Originally Posted by miss holly j
How long have you been with your so ? How often do you have sex ?

I've been with my bf for 2 years, we have sex a few times a month. But I've recently had alot of stress in my life, coupled with trying to find an anti depressant that doesn't kill my sex drive. Meanwhile, my bf could handle sex all day everyday.

Stress will kill anyone's sex drive...also remember that women (ok, most women..
) handle stress differently, and are in no mood for sex sometimes, while men can have their world crumbling around them, and they'd be up for it in a minute!


Well-known member
my bf & i make a year next week!! on avg. we have sex 7 times a week. usually everyday, if not, sometimes more than once a day... yeah, we're still in the *HONEYMOON* stage. i wonder how long this will last??


Well-known member
^^Not very long, you'll develop a bit of a pattern, but hopefully still plenty of enjoyable moments. My boyfriend and I have been together for just over a year, and he was my first. So needless to say, he kinda let the cat outta the bag. I'd always kind of assumed I'd be into sex once I actually had it, it intrigued me in my awkward stages of puberty and I used to get jealous listening to my friends who had boyfriends talk about it. So we used to go at it pretty often, whenever we saw each other, and more than once each time. I don't see him as often, so i'm gonna say 1x-2x per week on average. But there are periods where we miss each other a lot and we just go crazy, these instances are a rare treat.

I disagree with people who joke that the longer a relationship goes on, the less exciting and frequent sex becomes. If you're in a happy and healthy relationship, you and your SO will find a pattern that works for the both of you, which might be once a day or once a month. It's all about finding a balance that you're both happy with, and that could take some time for some couples. I wish you all long and happy sex lives lol *toast*