sick of being told i have a pretty face...


Well-known member
Woohoo! It will add up quickly! The first 10lbs was the hardest for me.
You're doing great!


Well-known member
another week gone and 3lbs lost this week! woooo!
it was really hard this week because it was that time of the month and i was craving sugary crap no end! but the worst thing i had was a 6'' chicken breast subway sandwich - my first one for 3 weeks or so and usually i'd go for a foot long, drink and cookie but not this time. i only had the sandwich because even though i brought my soup into work i felt like crap and really wanted something solid inside of me.

i have even more motivation to loose weight because i ordered more work shirts but they are a little tight around the tummy (even though my old ones are too big the size smaller is too tight!!!) so i need to loose a couple of inches so that the shirts fit nicely.
each week i'll try one on to see how i'm doing (i'm not into measuring myself because i may cry at the results!!)

last night i went on a night out so i did drink about 10 shots of vodka mixed with various juices throughout the night like pinapple, cranberry and orange. i still haven't caved and had any fizzy drinks so that's pretty amazing and i'm proud of myself!

this week i'm going to be a bit more strict with myself. i'm going out for a meal tom night with friends and i'll only have a main course and no alcohol. but i'm going to order what i want as a main for a treat (i love chilli so may order that!)


Well-known member
Hi! congrats on the weightloss. i can understand how it hurts to be told that your face is beautiful, but what happened to the rest of it?

i had heart failure and loss a massive amount of weight from not eating. the mechanical pump in my body made me feel like never eating and i was only 100 lbs after leaving the hospital. (mind you i am only 5 feet fall) and my bf met me when i was very thin.

over time i gained massive weight from water retension (because heart failure can make you very sensitive to salt) and poor diet. though my weight is considered "normal" at 113-115 lbs at my size, my bf always makes fun of me being chubby. my body is quite flabby now and my bf points it out everyday.

seriously, whatever to other people. eat right and exercise because it makes you feel good. do it because you want to, not because other people are being douchebags.

good luck and keep up the good work!


Well-known member
good job! i know how you feel, i was skinny until i got to college.. then i gained a crapload of weight! (oddly, not in the first year though..) it got to the point where i was too embarrassed by my flabby upper arms and annoyed at not fitting into my old jeans. now im on a diet and try to work out at least every other day. it is soo hard not to indulge in cravings though >.<

btw ive been reading up on a lot of fitness, and apparently its not only consistent cardio that works... you also have to do strength training to build muscle. even though building muscle might account for some weight gain short term, it burns more calories per hour at rest than fat does, and is more dense so overall for the best long term results its best to combine both cardio and weights. (I got this from a really great nutritionist). not goot news for me bc i hate lifting weights, but i hope that helps!


Well-known member
oh, and another random fact:

•Carbohydrate = 4 kcal/gm

•Protein = 4 kcal/gm

•Fat = 9 kcal/gm

•Alcohol = 7 kcal/gm


Active member
Hey hunny, let me start by saying I'm in exactly the same position. I used to be about 126 pounds at my best, and after continually putting weight on over the past five years, I'm 232
I turned 30 last Wednesday and I thought that would have been a turning point.
It wasn't, until today when I saw my party pictures

I can't believe how HUGE I look. So, I've decided enough is enough, and I'm really gonna try to do something about it. I love make up, this site and everyone on it, and I'm sure with support, we'll get there xxx

Buddy me if you need a pal, good luck! xxx



Well-known member
thanks agian for all the tips and support ladies. it's really nice knowing i can vent here and read all the lovely and interesting comments

this week was not so good. i only lost 1lb which is guess is still good that i at least lost something... but i have such a way to go i like to loose 2-3lbs a week. i even cut out bread last week completely... not even pita bread!! so this week i'm going to cut out bread again and also drink more water rather than fruit squash / cordials. but on the plus side i had a sip of coke (my first in weeks and weeks!!) and i didn't like the taste anymore! it made my teeth feel funny and it was just too sweet. so i guess i really have kicked my coke habbit!! dr pepper on the other hand i won't even risk having a sip of it because i loved it so freaking much!!!

i'm also finding that i'm not getting hungery all the time anymore. my stomach must be shrinking i guess which can only be a good thing. not tried on my work shirts again yet... i'll give it another couple of weeks and then i'll see if they fit right!

i also have a managers meeting coming up in april so i'd love to loose about 5lbs before then. i'll feel more confident if i feel i look a bit better!
only downside is that my hubbys parents are visting us next sunday - they'll take us out for a meal so i need to make sure i order something healthy from teh menu. but also his mum likes to critisise me whenever she possibly can - usually comments that i'd look better in my clothes if i was a few sizes smaller. but what i am looking forward to is the following weekend my mum and brother are coming to vist! so that means another meal but my mum is so lovely and she always makes me feel better about the way i look. she says because i'm tall (i'm 5'6 which is not tall but compared to her i am!) i carry the weight well and don't look like a walking blob!

soo anyways fingers crossed i'll loose more than 1lb this week and that i do manage to drink more water


Well-known member
Aw, that's so great for you! A loss is a loss! Also, very sweet of your mom. My mom nags me about my weight... that's why when I go visit I get all dolled up to take the focus off of how much I might have gained or haven't lost.


Well-known member
3lbs off last week! yay! i'd been doing really well so me and hubby decided to go out for a meal where i could eat what i wanted. however i decided that i didn't want alcohol or any fizzy drink so i had oranage juice and for my main course i had a chicken breat fillet thing with fries and i barely touched the fries. not because i didn't like them but because i didn't feel hungery and also i didn't want to wreck my good work! so go me! for once in my life i have very good self control when it comes to food! hubby was proud of me too.

my new work shirts are still tighter than i'd like but don't look too small on me anymore... hopefully by next week they'll fit perfectly! my work trousers however are really sagging in the bum! and also fall down if i walk really quickly! so that's a very good sign! and also a sign that i need to be buying a belt!

i'm finding now that when i get home from work i'm not starving hungery either... i pretty much don't eat when i get home until 7.30 - 8pm. i used to get home and eat an extra bowl of cereal to fill my up until dinner.

all in all i'm super pleased with my progress. i'll never be really thin and i don't want to be. but i would like to get back down to a uk size 16 and would like to loose about 2-2 1/2 stone more than what i've already lost.

thanks again for your comments and support.


Well-known member
You should be SO proud of yourself!!!!
One to two pounds a week is VERY healthy and realistic. Also, losing at that rate will prevent loose skin. So it's a very good thing. I am glad you aren't denying yourself of *everything*.. that leads to binging. You are being very smart about it all and I can see you are on your way to success!!! Keep on doing what you are doing
I have been a lifetime member at weight watchers for about 8 years, so I totally understand the struggle with food. It's all about portion control and making sure to load up your day with healthy foods. After a while, I stopped craving all the crap food.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Hilly
Yay!!!! What is your total so far?

i've lost 10lbs so far which i think is pretty good going seeing as before i'd try to diet and loose 2 lbs one week and put it back on the next!

thanks so much for all your support girls! it's my day off today which is always tough because i get bored and want to eat! guess i'll have to use specktra to distract me! oh the hardship!


Well-known member
so another week gone and another 2lbs lost! yay!! i had a bit of a nughty day yesterday... and by naughty i had half a panini with some cheese! not particularly bad but i felt naughty eating it!

i think tommorow will be a problem... i'm going to a vip thing where there will be free alcohol and a buffet of food. and because i would have been travelling since 1.30 and won't get there til 6 i think i will be pretty damn hungery! must make sure i stay away from the pasteries!!! and teh day after i'm in a meeting all day where once agian there will be a buffet! which always has a big ass cake collection! argh!!! i need to stay strong!!!

Now i've nearly lost a stone i'm really excited... i've lost a clothes size now which is also great. so my clothes are fitting loads better (i was spilling out of the top of my jeans!) so i feel alot more attractive. it is getting harder each week though because there is always something that i want to eat. and saying no is really hard!

me and my work mates have been watching a show called the biggest loser on sky every day. they're all very big people and some of them loose like 10lbs in one week!!!! freaking insane! but i think tehy're in a gym for like 8 hours a day which is not really an option for me! it's a really addictive show though and you really start to feel for the people on it! some look like completley different people now!

anyways thanks for all the support and advice. in a few weeks i'm going to a theme park with friends and hubby so will take pictures. i'll post some here so you can see my progress! still got miles to go though!


Well-known member
i've been bad at uodating recently but i've not lost a stone (14lbs!) just another 2 stone to go unmtil i'm at my goal weight.

this week me and hubby have friends visitiong and we're going out quite alot. already trying to plan my meals in advance and i know where we'll be eating which helps. one guy from work was off for a few days and ate what he wanted and put on 4lbs! so i really don't want to be going crazy! i think the issue is that even when i have lost all the weight that i want i will still have to be careful with what i eat and not pig out all the time agian. that's what happened when i lost weight years ago. i thought it was ok to eat bad because i was thin! it's just annoying that i never stay thin for long!!

ideally i would like to loose my other 2 stone before september when i go on holiday. and then between september 2009 and may 2010 i would like to loose another 1.5 stone. seems like alot but i am quite overweight so it's not too much. i'm just taking it step by step.

in other news i bought a new dress last week that looks really lovely on! because my tummy is alot flatter (still fat just not sticking out like a pregnant lady!) the dress looks really nice!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by LMD84
i've lost 10lbs so far which i think is pretty good going seeing as before i'd try to diet and loose 2 lbs one week and put it back on the next!

thanks so much for all your support girls! it's my day off today which is always tough because i get bored and want to eat! guess i'll have to use specktra to distract me! oh the hardship!

Keep a mixture of fresh Carrot chips, cucumbers & celery in baggies...I try to grab those and munch when bored...I dip them in Low-Fat Italian dressing ..I think it's the crunchy I am after more so than the actually junk food taste!! You are doing so great!!

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