Small rant: The Beauty Review Bandwagon


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Ok is it just me....Lately it seems like a bunch of you-tubers and beauty bloggers will all decide to review the same product around the time at least 10 others have already reviewed it. How many reviews saying the same thing do we really need to see? Honestly, if peeps had something *new* to add to the conversation that's one thing....but to just say what everyone else has already said? Why?

I think that's why I am becoming skeptical of product reviews from anyone...even trusted sources for tips/tricks etc. If everyone starts hyping something I start to think "they must be getting free product for good reviews". Seriously, take the case of Sigma brushes. I have nothing against them, and in fact I have ordered from them before and just did again. It's just one example lately....I am not trying to accuse anyone of anything. I am not saying that "gurus" are lying. I am just saying that the redundancy is making me skeptical and turning me off to product reviews in general... I am skipping blogs and vids and such because of it.

Another recent example: the OCC lip tars. I bought one and despised it...tried to give it to a friend and she hated it too. I wasn't particularly impressed with the e/s I bought either, though it was ok....just nothing "spectacular" like the reviews have made it seem. I haven't seen one youtuber or blogger have a negative word to say about their product. I find that a bit odd. I thought at least one person out there, of the many who have decided to review OCC...might agree with us? But nope. They all say the same thing, the same reviews.

Just had to get that off my chest and please don't take offense....I do appreciate all the effort and time that so many put into reviews/tuts/blogs and I usually love watching them. I am just starting to feel like sometimes things are over-promoted...overly starts to feel like a commercial when you see the same review 10 times from 10 different people. I know some have said "I don't have to review anything I don't why would I lie?"....that's not my issue and I am not accusing anyone of lying. All I ask is before doing a review, do a search on youtube or google...or just check out your fellow bloggers/youtubers to see what they have been up to...Just check on how many other people have already done that review-and said basically the same thing- recently


Well-known member
I can't even begin to voice my opinion without offending people.....So let me just say

I mean like is there any product they review that is NOT GREAT??????


Well-known member
I have to agree with you. (And no, I don't see it as you accusing anyone of anything, least of all dishonesty). I also find there's been a dramatic increase in the number of YouTubers who focus on makeup/beauty and while it's great to have a vast array of tutorials to choose from, lately I just haven't been able to keep up with everyone.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1124
I can't even begin to voice my opinion without offending people.....



Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1124
I mean like is there any product they review that is NOT GREAT??????

LOL it would be refreshing to see "Stuff that sucks this month" vids from the youtubers once in a while
That said, some of them do say, once in a while, when they aren't impressed...

I have seen MissChievous and TiffanyD do that...Julia hated some dazzleglasses, has criticized a lot of MAC stuff...and Tiffany has said she isn't impressed with certain MSF's or MAC collections that come out.


Well-known member
^I agree...I read some of the blogs and it's like every item they review is FABULOUS....and you have to wonder....ok just how much did you put into the reviewing get it one day and it is so wonderful immediately...Have you had time to try all the products or does hand swatches count as a review or free products automatically get a FABULOUS stat...I just draw my own conclusions on products...My opinion is all that matters at the end of the day...what is good for one is not always great for another


Well-known member
I think I've gotten to the point where I treat YouTube as a medium for learning about new products - not as a place to hear reviews or opinions. It's just too easy to get sucked into the hype there. And, to be honest, judging by a lot of the viewer comments some of the gurus have, there are a lot of young teenagers that don't really know any better. (Sad, but true). Of course, this is the target demographic for most companies, no?

If I want to get a decent review of a product I'm more likely to check its rating on makeupalley (or something along those lines). At least there there's a potential that the reviews come from a larger sample of people.

The Sigma brush example Leelee brought up is a good one. I will admit that I have also purchased from Sigma but my decision to do so had nothing to do with Tiffany's reviews and everything to do with the discussion that took place here on Specktra. Based on that I decided to buy one brush and evaluate things myself before deciding on any larger purchases.

Good for gurus who never meet a product they don't like...but that's just not realistic.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by LeeleeBell
Another recent example: the OCC lip tars. I bought one and despised it...tried to give it to a friend and she hated it too. I wasn't particularly impressed with the e/s I bought either, though it was ok....just nothing "spectacular" like the reviews have made it seem. I haven't seen one youtuber or blogger have a negative word to say about their product. I find that a bit odd. I thought at least one person out there, of the many who have decided to review OCC...might agree with us? But nope. They all say the same thing, the same reviews.

Come on know them OCC lip tars are the best thing since Buttered bread!!

Yep same thing...OMG so pigmented...last great! I'm in love! I have a new favorite...Don't sleep on these....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by frocher
See, I think most of these reviewers did meet products they didn't like before they started getting them free to review on their channels or blogs. If they give a bad review, the well of free stuff dries up. They want to keep it coming in, it's only human. But to be less than honest with your viewers, your mad viewers will be stuck with crappy products which equates to less viewers/viewers that don't trust you. Seems like a bad business decision to me, or personal one for that matter.

Your reputation and word is not worth free makeup imo. That's selling yourself pretty cheap.

Here's a question... Would your opinions change at all if the reviewer(s) in question came out and admitted they were sent the product (under review) for free? Would it be better for them to admit that it might not have been a product they would have considered purchasing and advise their viewers accordingly?


Well-known member
Honest reviews impress me no matter what.....because we as followers expect honesty...then we go buy it and it's crap...that makes me not listen to anything else you review...If it's great say that...If you would not purchased it say that....But their hands are tied when they get it free they basically feel inclined to lie to keep the freebies coming i would think

If a reviewer said...Thank Goodness this was free because I personally wouldn't purchase it...speaks volumes ...Thats a honest person


Well-known member
Originally Posted by malaviKat
Here's a question... Would your opinions change at all if the reviewer(s) in question came out and admitted they were sent the product (under review) for free? Would it be better for them to admit that it might not have been a product they would have considered purchasing and advise their viewers accordingly?

For me, I think it's obvious that some bloggers and "gurus" are sent a lot of stuff for free...I mean where do you buy OCC liptars or Sigma brushes? They were new products/brands that needed to get word of mouth going, so they sent freebies to people. And there's nothing wrong with people accepting that IMO...As some have said they don't "have to" review a product or hype it if they hate it.

But maybe, just maybe, a product isn't "perfect" in every way. Maybe a brush or two they got has shed several hairs...for example. Maybe the pigmentation or texture was off on some items...and not others. Maybe there was a funny scent. Maybe the company didn't package the items well and they were bent on arrival and had to be reordered. What if that information was left out of a review because "overall" a guru liked the products or the people who sold them. What if they just don't want to hurt the feelings of these new entrepreneurs who are so excited and so kind to ship their products for free? Now that's where it gets tricky for me. The hype gets passed on and some of the truth doesn't get passed along with it.
That's all I want: the whole truth.

I swear that some of the reviews online of Sigma brushes are scripted LOL! They all say the same thing....the same way...Sooo strange.

Regarding! I read the specktra thread about that and was disgusted to hear some of those experiences. Another big part of buying a product online is customer service: the gurus/people who get freebies don't have to deal with that when they get free stuff. So they might rave about a product and recommend purchasing it through an online retailer because of their own "easy" experience...They shouldn't be held accountable/blamed for stuff if they didn't know about it, but at the same time....why would they promote an online retailer they didn't have direct experience with (ordered products with their own money)? Just to get free stuff? That's so wrong


Well-known member
i agree that alot of people are reviewing the same products and in the same way which yes is getting a little annoying! so i agree with you totally.

as others have said some youtubers admit when a product isn't so hot. doesn't mean they hate the whole brand but certain products aren't great. to me that is honest. but other people... well i feel like they could be sent some poop and they'd say how much they love it!


Well-known member
I'm like MalaviKat - I use YouTube as a way to learn about new stuff, mostly. I mean, if it weren't for these reviews some great products would have never been brought to light, and that would've been a shame. I tend to take product reviews with a grain of salt. I realize that people take their time to make these videos, but at the same time, it's pretty draining to come up with a thorough, in-depth analysis and review of a product. Much easier to just pick the stuff you like and talk about that.

Sometimes I like to think of "reviews" as literally, reviews - like a once-over of what the product is and what it does, as opposed to an opinion on the product. If I REALLY want to know how well a product performs, I'm going to check it out on Makeupalley or something for a mass opinion.

Also, maybe think about how YouTubers simply weed out the stuff they hate and talk solely about the stuff they like, i.e. they are being honest. I know some people are outspoken, but a lot of people don't have the balls to be sent something by a company, then go on to bash the product publicly in a video. As the saying goes, "if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all"...after all, most YouTubers aren't professional critics. The closest I can think of is pinkiecharm, who I think gives the most thorough and objective reviews (but even she limits herself by not making How-to/tutorial videos).

I don't know. I'm a pretty optimistic person, have a pretty optimistic view of human nature. I don't think most YouTubers would lie openly just to continue getting products, so maybe these are some other reasons.


Well-known member
I can't tell you guys enough how much I dislike watching youtube and vlogs now, just because of it.

As an example, I started doing videos on youtube, but mostly for the fun of it, and also in French because there are not a lot right now. Someone who knows me will tell you that I'm all for MUFE. So, in my videos, I mostly use their products. But it's been like that for years now, nobody paid me to tell how much I loved a product. If I dont like it, I'll say it. I just did a video the other day about stuff that I like to use, and compare it to other things I bought and that IMO arent worth it, even tho everyone says it is...

Some people will never admit they had stuff sent for free if they did a good review of it, some people will. I have a friend of mine who has her own blog, and she told me franckly : I'm waiting for offers before having my hair done

Right, a girl does what she can to save money I guess
But personnaly, I'm not into it at all
I hate going on a blog and seeing banners here and there, about the same products, offers, 15% off... Not for me.

As I am a very honest and direct person, I really dislike watching somebody's BS on a blog/video. I know you were ''paid'' for it, your game doesnt work on me.

What's the next hype?