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**Smoky eyes & Bronze blush tutorial**(Im an asian girl)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by tinavuu
Hi, what brand of lashes did you use?
They look so natural!

I use MAC #7


Well-known member
Thanks so much for this tut! I'm a fan of your others as well but thought I'd reply to this one as it was the first to draw me in. As a newbie, I had no idea so many different colors went into the overall effect. Much love to you and your awesome skillz :loveya:


i love the tutorial and i like the foundation you used..look so silky and glowy..
i dunno if i should get prescriptives or armani, i really cant decide =/


I have a question. Which is better? Bobbi Brown Shimmer Brick in Apricot & Brownie? Or NARS Madly & Sertao.

I love the way you use soft colors to make a big difference! Very pretty and sculpted! Or maybe your face is just pretty to begin with! :]