So how successful was FAFI compared to Barbie Loves MAC???


Well-known member
Originally Posted by caroni99

I think people are making a huge issue out of the stickers on the packaging. It's not like MAC is charging us more for the product. The price is still the same.

I agree. I haven't seen the Fafi products yet, but it doesn't really matter to me if there are stickers on them or not. I like Fafi b/c of the colors and shades, the packaging comes in the second place.
(I don't know why but I didn't like the packaging of the Royal Assets Eyes and Lips last holiday collection and I bought them anyway.)


Well-known member
I've managed to pick up a few Barbie e/s colours but they're Meh. Same with Fafi (I passed on both quads) as Fafi seemed dupeable (or at least as much as I would be satisfied with). But Fafi and the lipsticks I think were HUGE winners!!! This was a collection that if I could've afforded it, I probably would buy all lip stuff. Barbie's didn't seem to appealing to me. *shrug*

Oh and paintpots--if I could, I would buy them all as well!! On the whole, I LOVE Fafi (the lipstick packaging that already came off is not my cup of tea but I do like the dolls!)


Well-known member
So the packaging on it a sticker on the actual product (like stuck on the side of the tube) or is it a plastic sleeve with a sticker on it?


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I loved the Barbie collection. I haven't seen anything as good as Barbie over the last year. I bought everything and like 6 mothbrown because it is my favourite eyeshadow. The only thing I missed out on was the actual Barbie and I was so disappointed.

I haven't gotten my Fafi yet but I still bought the entire collection because I knew I would regret it.


Well-known member
what i bought from Barbie Loves MAC collection:

Beautyburst e/s
Magic Dust e/s
Playful e/s
Springtime Skipper e/s
Don't Be Shy blush
Pearl Blossom BP
Pearl Sunshine BP
Style It Up l/s
Sweet & Single l/s

i bought Beautyburst and Playful e/s about 6 months after the release b/c my need for those colors occured only then.

what i bought from Fafi for MAC collection:

Fashion Frenzy blush
Hipness blush
Sassed Up IPP
Verve-acious IPP
Sugar Trance l/g
Strawbaby l/s
Cash Flow p/p
Nice Vice p/p
Perky p/p
Rollickin p/p

so for me both collections are equally successful, then again i always find something to buy from any MAC collection.


Well-known member
Barbie had a great selection of colors that appealed to anyone! Packaging was lovely and perfect for the grown up barbie lovers! Quality of the packaging of BLM already left FAFI in the dust. Eye colors were all right FaFi eyes 2 worth a buy and lipglasses have very lovely shades! Lippies were nice and I do like the glaze finish! Overall Heatherette seems to be more promising to me. Make sure you pick up cashflow paintpot and the blueish one(can't remember name). BLM still remains an unbeatable collection thus far!


Well-known member
I didn't like that you had to buy quads for FAFI, I would have preferred single e/s like there were for Barbie. That said, I like the Fafi lippies WAY more than the Barbie lip products -- they seemed a lot more universal to me as well. The Fafi Paint Pots were also awesome, people seem to be overlooking those. I'm a bit bummed about the lower-quality Fafi packaging, but not enough to take it out on the awesome products.

They come out about the same in my book, with Fafi being more wearable for me personally.


Well-known member
FaFi packaging was to say the least ... Tacky and disappointing! I wish they had taken the time to actually print it on the product
I do also wish they were eyeshadow singles!


Well-known member
This is the first time in a long time that I've not bought ANYTHING when I went in. I was really underwhelmed and disappointed. I liked a few things, but overall... I felt like what I have in my collection already acts as fair substitutes for the things in Fafi.
I probably would have bought a few eyeshadows if there had been singles.


Well-known member
I don't get all this talk about the packaging....I couldn't care less what the packaging looks like ~ I'm paying for the product. All I could say is if the packaging bothers you that much, don't buy the product.

Overall I feel Barbie was a much more wearable collection. Fafi products, especially the lipsticks, have too much glitter. The eyeshadow textures in quad #2 leave alot to be desired - I'm not a fan of lusters.


Well-known member
Well, I really thought Barbie Loves MAC was easier to relate to and more people know who Barbie is. It was also much easier to bring home Barbie packaged stuff home to parents than Fafi is (slightly inappropriate).

Cosmetics wise--Barbie was much nicer. I originally bought $100 worth of stuff, but had to return because my parents flipped.

Fafi did not have a wide range in my opinion (Lustre shadows, glaze lipsticks....bleh). I also think Fafi was TOO hyped up. The website and stuff....I felt overwhelmed on a disappointing collection.


Well-known member
I love both. I bought everything from Barbie as well as triples of some of the items because I loved the single eye shadows & lipstick colors. I also like the Fafi because the colors are a little more current & fun. Each collection always offers something that is updated...which is what I love. I do wish MAC would do away with the glitter already!


Well-known member
i missed out on barbie but i checked out fafi on valentine's day and spent waaay too much. i really want to get one of the compacts but talked myself out of it. i just want the cute packaging, not really what's inside...


Well-known member

Looking at Fafi on it's own, I think it's cute. Looking at Fafi v. Barbie, I definitely feel like Barbie wins that one.

Overall Barbie had better colours, formulas and packaging. There were great, substantial colors esp: Springtime Skipper es, the BPs, Modern Ms. LS, Malibu Barbie LG, Rockin' Chic LS, Honey B and Plum Royal cremestick liners. It was just better quality (with the exception of that icky, dusty, bland pink Whistle es).

I know Barbie had the initial "wow" factor as it was the first time they did something like that, but that was tempered by the fact that they sold out of everything a nanosecond after it was put up for sale. Enter the Barbie backlash.

Fafi is cute. Don't get me wrong. I love the designs, the dolls, and a lot of the colours, esp: Fun N' Sexy LS, Totally It LG, a revamped 210 brush, Boom! nail lacquer, Rollickin' and Nice Vice Paint Pots. What I don't fully care for is the shadows, packaging, shirts, iridescent powders and the bags.

Packaging: I guess I am a little disappointed in the sticker overlays. For what they are, they did a good job, but they are stickers nonetheless and will wear off/tear as you use the product.

The quads would have been nice with a mirror inside, but then again they don't normally have mirrors and not many people carry their shadows around with them (when a mirror would come in handy). I think it would have made them look of a better quality, though.

Shirts: They're quirky, but kind of Pippy Longstockings. Barbie was better, IMO.

Bags: The minis look like they came from a toddlers dress up kit. I don't really think they brought their "A" game on these. The tote, well I think it looks like something a nana would wear with a transparent raincoat, galoshes and headscarf to the market.

Iridescent Powders: Who is really dying for more of these? Let alone three of them. I think most of us would have been happier with Beauty Powders.

Shadows: With the exception of the one veluxe pearl, the others are listed as lustres, satins and velvets, but they all look/perform so similarly. They are kind of that dusty, flat formula that MAC seems to continually put out lately. Frankly, it's a disappointing trend of theirs. It seems cheaper.

I love the marketing they do. I think the parties and promo products are fun, but they incur an expense. MAC has to make up that money somewhere. I feel like it is starting to show in their shadows. I would rather have better shadows and less launch parties.

One good thing with Fafi is that I imagine they aren't facing strict licensing issues like they did with Barbie. I think ultimately that is why they sold out so fast (with the Barbie collection) and couldn't keep up with the demand. At least with Fafi, more of us will get a chance to partake in the collection

I did end up spending a lot of money, but to be honest, if the overall quality doesn't pick up in future collections, I am getting over the MAC frenzy. I see the amount I spend on each collection lessening.

Damn....someone take away my keyboard. MAC_Whore's feelin' wordy.


Well-known member
I agree 100%, MW.

I saw Fafi in person for the first time Friday, and I was underwhelmed. I realize that we all get hyped for new collections, and that pictures will never do them justice and that what we want isn't what we get...but overall, this particular collection is not at all something I want or would have expected.
I'm not fond of the glitter bombs. The IPPs are not products that attract me or my eye at all, and two of the lipsticks I bought are heavy on the glitter and less on the color. I don't like that.
None of the totes interest me, simply because I don't like clear plastic anything. It gets gronky and gross and it's not something I want/need.
I did get two paint pots, Perky and Rollickin'...but if I had gotten the blue McQueen paint pot and Fresco Rose, I wouldn't have gotten those.

Overall, for me, too much glitter in this collection. It was remarked to me that this collection looked like it was marketed directly for the 12-16 year old crowd, what with all the glitter and sparkles. I can agree with that. This is 2008, not 2001. I stopped coating myself in glitter at the same time I stopped drinking Purple Hooters and Jello shots while having liquor dumped all over me in clubs. Ugh.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
.......I stopped coating myself in glitter at the same time I stopped drinking Purple Hooters and Jello shots while having liquor dumped all over me in clubs. Ugh.

So, that's like last weekend, right?