yeah i know i go on about him loads but i really am so proud and happy to be married to him! even when he leaves wet towels on the bathroom floor!!That is okay! It isn't like your busy or anything. Hehehehe... That must be cool to have his credits on the box! You have every reason in the world to be proud of him!
i'm so pleased people are buying from you at the moment! i hope it continues! and i think that it is best to just keep the bare essentials and your favourites - i never hang on to items because they just take up too much room - i like the minimalist look! lol!lol Lou! Sorry I have not written, but after a few quiet days I have yet another frenzy of tarot selling going on. It seems to just get easier and easier to let go of these. I thought I would be so heartbroken, but in the end, when I have a handful of favourites and a slew of drawer space, who cares? I love letting them go to new homes and not having this weight on me (or the house for that matter)!! Not to mention watching your neighbour's house go up in flames and just about everything in it gone due to fire, smoke or water damage, it puts life into perspective. I am finding myself cutting back on certain things. Not makeup, because that expires anyhow and you use it. But magazine, decks, other stuff will also go. It feels good!
well technically your hubby is correct because his dad is alive in a different dimention (the one where lionel adopted clark rather than the kent's) but i feel that in this episode it was purely his fathers spiritOkay, that is what I thought. That his father was a ghost, memories, a spirit, whatever. I mean, that is a tradition...that his father dies. And one minute he is talking to him and the next he turns around and his father is gone, so in spite of the fact that my husband kept telling me his father must have been saved in another dimension, I wasn't buying it! lol Thanks for clearing it up. My heart just leapt when they started overlapping the theme of Smallville and the music from the Superman music and then full out on the Superman music at the end. That was incredibly cool and moving! Ah, another era gone. Now I want to see it from the beginning!
I actually bought 2 Opi oranges. Hot and Spicy, which would look very cute this summer, and A Good Mandarin is Hard to Find! I will wear that too, but especially plan on wearing that in October and on Halloween! It is the perfect orange!! The other one, Aphrodites Pink Nightie is a perfect year round mauve pink!
I am having an argument with myself, over here, trying to decide which mug to go with to keep my 24/7 Glide On liners in. lol
oh yes! i would love to see your orange nails!Well, that part we knew. I saw the episode where Clark meets his father in the other dimension, but hubby thought he was transported back alive into this dimension and all was well and I kept saying, um, noooooo! Hehehe...
I will totally take pictures when I have these oranges on. They will be wild!
oh wow!! that is so awesome that you sold that 225 deck! great going! what is next on your to get list though? bags, make up, polish or jewelery?! hee hee! and i really do hope you feel back to normal soonI know that feeling! I seem to be in a state of constant PMS these days! Not a fun thing! Some cramps got me last night, now they are quiet, but they will be back! But I had several days of getting out and getting things done, so that was good and my husband needs to cut our lawn (we have over an acre, so that takes 4 hours with the driver alone) and will be well occupied as I laze about! Yesterday I sold off about 150.00 worth of decks and oracles and woke this morning to find out I sold 1 deck for 225.00. Yay! Not bad for a weekend, which is usually the dullest of selling times for me. And I will be celebrating with strawberries on my cereal, too! Now I want to crawl back into bed! lol
oh i would be amazingly happy at everything sold!! in fact if i were to sell things (if i had anything to sell!!) i would buy a pandora bracelet and some charms to start me off. they are so pretty!
Debi i am so bloody angry for you right now! how dare they look at you in such a way!! this makes me so upset and annoyed. i know for a fact you look bloody amazing so sod them! seriously you need to go back and wear even more make up and bangles and rub their noses in it!!!Yesterday was a weird day for me. I put on my makeup, my jewelry, tossed on a new shirt and flowing skirt (it was super hot and humid) and went out to the local nursery gift shop to browse about. It is one of my favourite stores. While there I noticed people noticing me. Looking at my makeup, looking at my outfit, my 3 bracelets, until I felt like a clown or a gypsy. They were not approving looks, to say the least. I live in an area where there is a lot of high society (I really don't belong here) and people are very preppy. If you are going to wear jewelry, wear real diamonds, not fashion jewelry. Dress conservatively and in the norm, not flowing skirts and bangle bracelets. Don't wear smokey eyes (no one would dare wear falsies or they would be labeled a hooker in a moment), etc. It made me very self-conscious and sad. That norm, that boring, boring norm, is what I followed for 25 years. I am sick of it. If you see someone today and then again in 5 years they will be wearing the same makeup, the same way, with the exact same hair style. But their faces will be older. And so it goes. I wanted to scream at them and say "layering bracelets is in and three is nothing!" Or "haven't you ever seen grey eyeshadow???" I know I looked fine, but being summed up by both workers and customers there (yes, most older than me) made me come home in tears. Some places I get compliments but sadly right around here I am constantly being sized up. Back in the 90's I would toss on a flowing Laura Ashley skirt with a cute white lace petticoat, a sweater, some super comfy Victorian styled boots and hair back in a bow and take walks around the neighbourhood a few times a day to stay in shape. I got labeled as the "weird lady". Apparently I have not outgrown it. My mother (drives me crazy, anyhow) refers to me as her gypsy.
4 bangles today, pink eyeshadow with dark mascara, and rosy lips. Deal with it world. This is me and I won't succumb to boring soccer mom looks or lifestyles. Sorry for the rant, but it was a sad day and I am still upset by it. Luckily my MAC order is coming and maybe I can find solace in making up my first blush palettes.