Specktra Scoop - MAC Cosmetics to launch LE Lipstick as a California Exclusive


Well-known member
Originally Posted by blackrose
It's all very strange..first random postcards, and since it seemed that hardly anyone got one, this email offer appears..but has anyone on specktra gotten an email for a cd lipstick? And i dont like this criteria of having to be in the store's system to get these offers/promos! I almost always shop online...why does this sound like a conspiracy? hehe..

See, I don't get why people keeping saying you have to be in the system. That's only true at some stores. I went to TWO and that wasn't true...

And I know I didn't get a email or a post card


Well-known member
Well when my BF went for me they didn't ask him for any name or anything, I guess it depends on the store.


Active member
Originally Posted by peachygoldfish
weird. after reading jennifer.'s post, i called the valley fair mac and the mua said that you indeed needed to be in the system. she said, "it's the only way we will know that you received the email/postcard." now i'm debating whether i'll even get one at the one at concord...

you know what might work, if you go to maccosmetics.com right now and make up an account with your email address. Then if the MUA questions you again just say my email is registered on maccosmetics.com. I don't think they can check when you registered. because "technically", you were e-mailed the coupon. When i was first put in the system, they didn't ask me for my email. Try that and the worse that can happen is for them to say no


Well-known member
Well on the email it enables you to "send to a friend" so it shouldn't be a problem unless they were ultimately stingy o_O


Well-known member
Originally Posted by peachygoldfish
yeah, i know its pretty dumb huh? apparently people who were customers didnt get the email. i shop online and in the store and didnt get anything. and that rumor about they sent it to people who havent shopped mac in awhile? my friend stopped buying mac and she didnt get anything either. and what's going to happen to the leftover lipsticks when the promotion is over? (i heard the stores still have A LOT) they cant sell it and it's going to go to waste

I called Valley Fair last night and they said they still have a lot of em! I explained to her that I have the email but my email or name doesn't show on the print out (but a friend gave it to me b/c I DIDN'T get it). She said you have to "prove" it was sent directly to me.

Do the Mac locations really have our email on file?? I know that the website does-- the Mac Valley Fair location had my address but they didn't have the house # (wtf? I shop there all the time and no MA has told me that there was info missing on my address).


Well-known member
Originally Posted by clslvr6spd
My dad went to Valley Fair this morning and got it w/ no problems. I guess it depends on what MA you get.

Did you try it on yet? Or, is it just going to be a 'save'


Well-known member
Originally Posted by peachygoldfish
oh i went to valley fair in san jose. i guess it was a bad day cause the MUA was rude and there was a ton of people in line and in the store. she said i had to be in the sytem and whoever gave me the email had to get it for me. she wouldn't even give the printout back to me!

What a biiiiiiiiiitch
Thats so embarrassing!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by elegant-one
Did you try it on yet? Or, is it just going to be a 'save'

Well I have 3 now. One is for a friend, the other one I got my mom gave me (she hated the color on her) & the other one will be a backup since I love the color!
My Bunny Pink l/s is my only 'save' & least for right now!

I feel bad that I have 2 for myself though, lol. Oh well....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by clslvr6spd
Well I have 3 now. One is for a friend, the other one I got my mom gave me (she hated the color on her) & the other one will be a backup since I love the color!
My Bunny Pink l/s is my only 'save' & least for right now!

I feel bad that I have 2 for myself though, lol. Oh well....

Great, I'm glad you love the color! That Bunny lipstick is so awesome...I'm glad that I got a backup of it.

My CD lippie should be here today...& hopefully will not be melted


Well-known member
Originally Posted by elegant-one
Great, I'm glad you love the color! That Bunny lipstick is so awesome...I'm glad that I got a backup of it.

My CD lippie should be here today...& hopefully will not be melted

I would hope not!

I wish I was able to get another bunny pink. I just don't want to pay the $$$ for it!

I wont see the one my dad got for me until next weekend.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by elegant-one
Great, I'm glad you love the color! That Bunny lipstick is so awesome...I'm glad that I got a backup of it.

My CD lippie should be here today...& hopefully will not be melted

Eeeeek! I am expecting a Costa Chic lipstick in the mail
But I am scared itll melt as well.

Damn you, summertime! Messing with my makeup deliveries


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CantAffordMAC
Eeeeek! I am expecting a Costa Chic lipstick in the mail
But I am scared itll melt as well.

Damn you, summertime! Messing with my makeup deliveries

I put them in the fridge right away. Sometimes, I've actually chased the mailman in his little truck to get them early
He thinks its funny


Well-known member
Just went to FV and got my 2nd one! The first time my BF went and they didnt ask for a name or scan the lipstick. This time they did. BTW, I asked if there were a lot left and the MA said yes.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by blackrose
Just went to FV and got my 2nd one! The first time my BF went and they didnt ask for a name or scan the lipstick. This time they did. BTW, I asked if there were a lot left and the MA said yes.

the drive for me is too much i wish i could go again .


Well-known member
Originally Posted by elegant-one
I put them in the fridge right away. Sometimes, I've actually chased the mailman in his little truck to get them early
He thinks its funny

That is sooooo funny!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CantAffordMAC
That is sooooo funny!!

Can you just see me running after the mail truck in my high heels, freshly painted nails, and blinding Dazzleglass lipgloss yelling....'mr. mailman, do you have my lipstick please?'


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mac*lover
the drive for me is too much i wish i could go again .

But you did get at least one right?
Now that I have 2 I feel like i can finally try it out! I wonder what lipglass would look nice w/ CD... Ahh, the possibilities..


Well-known member
Originally Posted by blackrose
But you did get at least one right?
Now that I have 2 I feel like i can finally try it out! I wonder what lipglass would look nice w/ CD... Ahh, the possibilities..

yah you right and i am still thinking if i should use it or not
, just because i think it is a collector item now


Well-known member
I wish I can get this, but I am stuck at home. I just got my wisdom teeth and the pain killers are sending me in a loop.

Anyone nice enough to help me out?

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