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steamy...with step by step pics


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Laurie
Is there a Cloudbound dupe?? This is lovely!!!!

closest thing to cloudbound is probably the pigment "vanilla"


Well-known member
omg, thank you! i was always hating on my steamy e/s but now that i've seen this tutorial i feel inspired to pick it up.


Well-known member
Thankyou for the tut! I tried this last night but did not have steamy so I used shimmermoss instead!


Well-known member
I cant see the pics


Well-known member
Lauren has a new website and a new blog, so I think that's why the pictures aren't showing up anymore, because they were linked from the old blog.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by InspiredBlue
Lauren has a new website and a new blog, so I think that's why the pictures aren't showing up anymore, because they were linked from the old blog.

thank you girl! that's exactly right, I'll go ahead and link the new pics to this...sorry everyone!


Well-known member
if before this I thought that I wanted to buy steamy, now I know I want it!
this is so beautiful!


Well-known member
Lovely! I've always been curious about steamy, but I'm not certain I could pull it off.

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