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steamy...with step by step pics


Well-known member
Wow. This is stunning. Thank you so much for the tutorial. I am a complete novice when it comes to eyeshadows but you have inspired me! I am definitely going to try this out... I doubt my result will look quite like yours though!

CeCe bOO13

Well-known member
i have steamy just sitting with the other eye shadows i dont use; i am now going to try this look out for tonight =]



Well-known member
Originally Posted by silentstorm143
WOW love it you are so talented LC. Wish I was as good as some of you girls on specktra.

thank you hunny


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ms. kendra
I'm sooo going to try this with Tilt!

Thanks, and I hope you do more pictorials like this!

haha pictorials, i love it.

tilt will be so pretty! the nice thing about this "look" is that you can literally substitute that steamy with any shadow!


Well-known member
I'm buying Steamy online in about 30mins. This tutorial is the reason I am, lol.

Absolutely gorgeous - please do more like this - so simple.

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