Strange metal pans- could these e/s be fake?


Well-known member
It's definitely possible. I think someone has said the same for closetmustgo, another seller on ebay who has some real and some fake.
Have you tried depotting your e/s though- that could be the decider! (And have you swatched them next to a genuine one?)
Which colours did you buy, out of interest?


Well-known member
I bought 2 colours off the 'danger list' - Twinks and Honey Lust - which sent me into a mild panic last night. I was planning to depot all my eBay e/s today but put it off as I felt sick just thinking about it. I'll just take a deep breath and depot them tonight and tomorrow morning. Wish me luck!
P.S. I might go to the MAC store in Covent Garden this week to swatch the colours I bought on eBay for a comparison.


Well-known member
Hey, don't worry, at least it's only two! I had Twinks as well. Good luck with your depotting and I'm interested to know what you find! It's a really good idea if you can get to a store to swatch the colours directly together- that should be a great help.
Also very interested to hear what the 'Quality Assurance Laboratories' (!) have to say about the indented pans...


Well-known member

I'm totally new to this forum but an absolute LOVER of MAC and a HATER of all things counterfeit and fake.

I've been reading a few of the "fake mac threads" over the past few days and it makes me hella sick. EGH!

I've decided to make it my mission to bring down these suppliers who sell fake products. If Louis Vuitton can go ahead and take counterfeit sellers down then the giant cosmetic companies should be able to do the same thing to. They are losing money on this. With lots of persistance and fighting something has to be done. I know there's more to it then just bombarding companies with emails but I believe eventually it will all come to light and people will be brought to justice.

The only way we girls and boys can stop these sellers is if we DONT buy their items and warn as many people as possible in the best way we can - ie messaging the winning bidder on ebay and informing them they have purchased fake MAC and link them to this forum and have them provide negative feedback to the seller.


Well-known member
Hi sweetangelkiss, and welcome on board.

Just be careful if messaging winning bidders on ebay, as it is actually against ebay rules as it's considered 'auction interference' and you could find yourself warned then banned by ebay if you get reported.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by elleread
Hey, don't worry, at least it's only two! I had Twinks as well. Good luck with your depotting and I'm interested to know what you find! It's a really good idea if you can get to a store to swatch the colours directly together- that should be a great help.
Also very interested to hear what the 'Quality Assurance Laboratories' (!) have to say about the indented pans...

OK, I depotted all my e/s. I'd bought 16 in total from different eBay sellers over the past few weeks. 9 of these have the strange metal pans.
7 of them don't. Afraid I can't take any photos as my camera is kaput (muggins here threw out the charger by accident when she moved house). In case it's any help, here are the 9 with the ridges:
- Twinks
- Honey Lust
- Budding Beauty
- Sumptuous Olive
- Mulch
- Romp
- Soba
- Black Tied
- Deep Truth

I really hope they're not all fake.

One thing I noticed with the e/s in ridged pans was that these tended to crack more easily when I was depotting them. Also, the e/s in flat pans seemed to be stuck in with a different kind of glue and in a different way. There was a very sticky glue all across the bottom of the pan and even on the sides. The other ridged pans were stuck in with a more brittle glue, mainly in a spot in the middle.

Hope this helps someone!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by amber_j
OK, I depotted all my e/s. I'd bought 16 in total from different eBay sellers over the past few weeks.

Well... 9 out of 16 is a bit worrying, but I'm glad it's not just me who's been on an ebay spending spree recently!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by amber_j
One thing I noticed with the e/s in ridged pans was that these tended to crack more easily when I was depotting them. Also, the e/s in flat pans seemed to be stuck in with a different kind of glue and in a different way. There was a very sticky glue all across the bottom of the pan and even on the sides. The other ridged pans were stuck in with a more brittle glue, mainly in a spot in the middle.

I found exactly the same as you with the glue. But I found my flat pan shadow cracked but the ones in the ringed pans didn't, maybe it was the way we depotted them? But the glue definitely seems different and VERY sticky on the real pan, right round the edges as you say. Maybe that's why I couldn't depot them using the freezing method but the others were SO easy with the freezing method?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by stingray
I found exactly the same as you with the glue. But I found my flat pan shadow cracked but the ones in the ringed pans didn't, maybe it was the way we depotted them? But the glue definitely seems different and VERY sticky on the real pan, right round the edges as you say. Maybe that's why I couldn't depot them using the freezing method but the others were SO easy with the freezing method?

I think you're right. I tried doing the EnKore method (wire cutters & rubbing alcohol) but that was so difficult. The plastic just wouldn't break or bend easily. So I resorted to my own version of the candle method, which involves less burning and uses pliers to pull away the softened plastic so the pan can be easily prised out. Worked a treat on the genuine e/s.

elleread - I'll take some comfort in that knowledge!
I can't wait to hear what MAC said to Julie about the ridged pans. Hopefully I'll be able to get a refund on the 9 possible fakes...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by amber_j
OK, I depotted all my e/s. I'd bought 16 in total from different eBay sellers over the past few weeks. 9 of these have the strange metal pans.
7 of them don't. Afraid I can't take any photos as my camera is kaput (muggins here threw out the charger by accident when she moved house). In case it's any help, here are the 9 with the ridges:
- Twinks
- Honey Lust
- Budding Beauty
- Sumptuous Olive
- Mulch
- Romp
- Soba
- Black Tied
- Deep Truth

I really hope they're not all fake.

unfortunately, if they have the indentation, they're fake.

this isn't pointed towards you or anyone in particular, but why are people so surprised when they find out that stuff they bought off ebay are fake? if you want the real deal, buy directly from mac.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by erine1881
unfortunately, if they have the indentation, they're fake.

this isn't pointed towards you or anyone in particular, but why are people so surprised when they find out that stuff they bought off ebay are fake? if you want the real deal, buy directly from mac.

If MAC were cheaper, maybe people wouldn't feel the need to buy it on ebay instead. We can't all afford their prices.

Personally, when I first inadvertently bought fake MAC on ebay, I was new to MAC and had no idea that fakes existed. Specktra has been an eye-opener


Well-known member
There are a few reasons ebay seems better for some, than MAC stores/counters/websites:
- Availability (LE, discontinued, hard to find, country specific items eg the Asia only items).
- Price (Currency rates mean buying from USA when you live in UK or Australia means you save quite a bit of money, because MAC is quite a bit dearer in non-USA countries. Also some sellers buy something and decide they dont like it/dont use it and sell it on ebay at a cheap price - occasional sellers tend to be authentic unless they have the 'bought from a stall in China' items).
- Pro Card members and people that have access to discounts (staff, friends/family of staff etc) sometimes sell on ebay for reduced prices/sell their training cases off/have samples of products up for sale.
- People that buy from CCO's and sell for retail or just under (CCO should mean you cant get it at regular/Pro stores anymore, but i think there are loopholes to this).
- Buyers that want to 'try out' a product before purchasing new/full sized etc (referenced mostly to sample sellers of pigment and the sale of used eyeshadows/blushes/other pressed powdered - and thus can be sterilized - products).

There are plenty more reasons that are also valid though (but ebay IS very dodgy nowadays)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by rockin
If MAC were cheaper, maybe people wouldn't feel the need to buy it on ebay instead. We can't all afford their prices.

Personally, when I first inadvertently bought fake MAC on ebay, I was new to MAC and had no idea that fakes existed. Specktra has been an eye-opener

Originally Posted by wolfsong
There are a few reasons ebay seems better for some, than MAC stores/counters/websites:
- Availability (LE, discontinued, hard to find, country specific items eg the Asia only items).
- Price (Currency rates mean buying from USA when you live in UK or Australia means you save quite a bit of money, because MAC is quite a bit dearer in non-USA countries. Also some sellers buy something and decide they dont like it/dont use it and sell it on ebay at a cheap price - occasional sellers tend to be authentic unless they have the 'bought from a stall in China' items).
- Pro Card members and people that have access to discounts (staff, friends/family of staff etc) sometimes sell on ebay for reduced prices/sell their training cases off/have samples of products up for sale.
- People that buy from CCO's and sell for retail or just under (CCO should mean you cant get it at regular/Pro stores anymore, but i think there are loopholes to this).
- Buyers that want to 'try out' a product before purchasing new/full sized etc (referenced mostly to sample sellers of pigment and the sale of used eyeshadows/blushes/other pressed powdered - and thus can be sterilized - products).

There are plenty more reasons that are also valid though (but ebay IS very dodgy nowadays)

you may get it cheaper, but if its fake, in the end you've wasted the money up front and time and energy trying to resolve the issue (returning product/getting refund). and if the time limit elapses, then you're out the money and stuck with the fake product. i understand that people want to save money and get LE products, but when you realize its fake, don't complain about. you have no way to guarantee that a product is real when you don't buy directly from the company and when you can't see it.

i'm happy to help anyone identify a fake product when i can. i don't want them going around thinking they have the real deal when they don't. they need to know if its fake. but at the same time, i have no sympathy for anyone that buys off ebay and ends up with a fake. thats the chance you take.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by erine1881

i have no sympathy for anyone that buys off ebay and ends up with a fake. thats the chance you take.

it may be the chance some people take but it SHOULDNT be a chance at all... Sellers have a legal obligation NOT to sell counterfeir items. Its ILLEGAL! - have we all forgotten this?? In the past we have seen sellers prosecuted for the sale of counterfeit items, one particular seller in the UK comes to mind. People SHOULD be able to buy off ebay because the law supports that standing that counterfeit items not be sold. Sellers have a LEGAL RESPONSIBILITY to make sure they are not selling or producing counterfeit items. By your standard a doctor could hack a patient and not be held accountable because after all, thats the risk you take with surgery isnt it...... now I'll admit thats an extreme, but it IS true to point, people sue all the time when things go wrong - buyers on ebay have the same right to protect themselves when it comes to purchasing items.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by panda0410
it may be the chance some people take but it SHOULDNT be a chance at all... Sellers have a legal obligation NOT to sell counterfeir items. Its ILLEGAL! - have we all forgotten this?? In the past we have seen sellers prosecuted for the sale of counterfeit items, one particular seller in the UK comes to mind. People SHOULD be able to buy off ebay because the law supports that standing that counterfeit items not be sold. Sellers have a LEGAL RESPONSIBILITY to make sure they are not selling or producing counterfeit items. By your standard a doctor could hack a patient and not be held accountable because after all, thats the risk you take with surgery isnt it...... now I'll admit thats an extreme, but it IS true to point, people sue all the time when things go wrong - buyers on ebay have the same right to protect themselves when it comes to purchasing items.

you're right. people shouldn't have to take that chance. but unfortunately, even tho its illegal to sell fake items, they are still getting thru the cracks.

if i wanted plastic surgery, then i need to go to a plastic surgeon. i'm not gonna go to a family doctor just because they say they can do that type of surgery for less cost, am i? its illegal for them to perform surgery they aren't qualified for, but unfortunately some doctors do that. it doesn't mean that i SHOULD get hacked up, but if i do, then its partially my fault because i didn't take responsibilty and go to someone qualified for my specific needs (and unfortunately things happen to people by people that are qualified, but that's another issue). if i want to ensure that i get real mac (plastic surgery), i'm gonna go to mac (plastic surgeon), and not someone that is just selling mac (family doc) at a lower cost. i'm not saying they deserve to get ripped off and receive fake goods, but they should've gone directly to mac to ensure they get real mac products.


Well-known member
You and I are looking at this from two completely different points of view.
The seller has the responsibility to be accountable for their actions!! If a buyer goes to a seller then that seller should also uphold their obligations! It shouldnt matter that the seller is reselling - and you dont need to go to estee lauder direct to buy cosmectics either, plenty of commercial businesses are simply resellers of items (ANY items) that they can get wholesale regardless of brand/company etc - the fact of the matter is that sellers have a job to make sure items are authentic and should know what they are doing before flogging it off. While I concede that purchasers should have some knowledge of items they intend to buy, we are talking cosmetics, it shouldnt require 3 hours of pre-education to know what you want - and plenty of
first timers who walk into a mac store have as much or as LITTLE knowledge as a first time ebayer. And before you argue that MAs are there to help many of them go out of their way NOT to help, I have seen plenty of MAs at various cosmtics counters/stores ignore their customers completely because they didnt fit "the look" or for whatever other reason and that person then leaves the store the worse off for having that experience.

You say that you dont have sympathy for those being stolen from so I sincerely hope that no-one ever steals from you, but I do. No-one sets out to be stolen from, and I find it difficult to use your reasoning that these people are partly responsible for themselves being stolen from.... No-one deserves to be ripped off regardless of where they make their purchase. These sellers set out to steal from the sale of fake items - thats INTENT - so no matter which way you look at it its theft.

Now I am pretty sure that we arent going to agree on the topic, we have different but both valid standpoints so I am going to leave it at that


Well-known member
erine1881 - I know you said you weren't directing your comment at me, but I feel I need to respond.

I bought from eBay because I wanted a bargain. There's nothing wrong with that. I know there are risks to buying online - I've been doing this for about 5 years now. But I researched the sellers as best I could, asked questions, requested more photos etc. I'm familiar enough with MAC e/s that I felt I'd managed to eliminate the dodgy sellers from my shortlist. There was one e/s I was foolish enough to buy as I didn't look at the photo closely enough and I think I'm lucky to have gotten a refund for that. The rest of the fakes are from sellers who I believe genuinely didn't realise their items were counterfeit. Almost all have given me a refund now. I just have 3 more to contact.

Unfortunatley this kind of thing happens, on eBay and IRL. I've learnt my lesson with regards to buying MAC on eBay, and if I can't get something from one particular seller I'll just go to the MAC store and buy it there. But I totally agree with panda - people have the right to buy stuff online if they so wish, and they have every right to expect that they will be sold genuine goods.


Well-known member
the point of selling is if unhappy with purchase you return as a seller on ebay myself I AM 100% positive if someone emailed me stating a product i sold them was fake, id ask them to return and refund promptly and id REMOVE all items from specific supplier no ifs or buts about it
You cannot derive buyers for wanting a bargain, we all hit the sales dont we?
I have sold cosmetics on and off for 5yrs on ebay, and im still unsure how to tell a fake from a real one!!!
I think its saddening to say a forum member would be so cold as to state its your own fault for buying but id help
I dont think id ever ask for your help!!!


Well-known member
Also take into account that many people DONT KNOW MAC can be/has been faked - as with other brands.
Plus the fact that many of these sellers write '100% authentic guaranteed' (or something similar) on auctions and insist that they have bought direct from MAC if questioned.

Dont assume that people are ignorant or careless for buying a fake on ebay - they are usually just a little naive and trusting (and lets face it, they should be able to trust the sellers - no ifs or buts).

Ebay stores dont differ to any other company/online website - they are a business and need to follow most if not all the legulations that other businesses have to. This includes not conning the customer by selling counterfeit goods. Ebay auctions are LEGAL CONTRACTS, which means that the buyer should feel safe about the transaction, and about the product they are purchasing (due to there being rules and regulations). Ebay also makes such bold claims about them preventing counterfeit sales/stopping them when they happen that you cant blame the buyer from feeling safe to purchase.

Buying from a source other than the company doesnt mean someone should expect or deserve to be conned - blaming the victim is awful IMO (a very extreme version: blaming a rape victim for wearing a short skirt at night, ie 'they should have expected it').
The only people that i think should be blamed are these 'wholesalers', the clued up counterfeit sellers and anyone who allows/helps these crimes to continue.

You have a right to say what you think - and i respect your right to voice your opinion, but i personally am unsure why someone who thinks its the buyers fault would bother to try helping them (sounds a bit patronising to me).
Though i do agree that ideally the buyer should have some understanding of what they are buying - like those that buy the really bad fakes (a google search or a look at the MAC site will usually tell them that they are fakes, if not by just looking at the packaging differences). But still, they should not be conned just because they didnt know better.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by panda0410
You and I are looking at this from two completely different points of view.
The seller has the responsibility to be accountable for their actions!! If a buyer goes to a seller then that seller should also uphold their obligations! It shouldnt matter that the seller is reselling - and you dont need to go to estee lauder direct to buy cosmectics either, plenty of commercial businesses are simply resellers of items (ANY items) that they can get wholesale regardless of brand/company etc - the fact of the matter is that sellers have a job to make sure items are authentic and should know what they are doing before flogging it off. While I concede that purchasers should have some knowledge of items they intend to buy, we are talking cosmetics, it shouldnt require 3 hours of pre-education to know what you want - and plenty of
first timers who walk into a mac store have as much or as LITTLE knowledge as a first time ebayer. And before you argue that MAs are there to help many of them go out of their way NOT to help, I have seen plenty of MAs at various cosmtics counters/stores ignore their customers completely because they didnt fit "the look" or for whatever other reason and that person then leaves the store the worse off for having that experience.

You say that you dont have sympathy for those being stolen from so I sincerely hope that no-one ever steals from you, but I do. No-one sets out to be stolen from, and I find it difficult to use your reasoning that these people are partly responsible for themselves being stolen from.... No-one deserves to be ripped off regardless of where they make their purchase. These sellers set out to steal from the sale of fake items - thats INTENT - so no matter which way you look at it its theft.

Now I am pretty sure that we arent going to agree on the topic, we have different but both valid standpoints so I am going to leave it at that

i do agree with most of what you are saying. its the sellers responsibilty to make sure that what they are selling is real. no doubt about it. unfortunately, there are people out there that purposefully sell fake stuff on ebay (and elsewhere), and people buy it, thinking that its real. and i do consider that fraud and theft. and i do believe that no one deserves to be stolen from. i specifically said that no one deserves that. what i'm saying is that if you want to make sure that what you get is real, then buy it directly from the company. everyone knows that there are real things sold on ebay, and there are fakes sold on ebay. since you know that fakes are sold on ebay, why take the chance of buying something you think is real, when you can't be 100% sure? many people come to specktra stating that they've seen ebay auctions with plenty of positive feedback, yet they want others optinions as to whether its the real deal. obviously, they aren't sure. so why even consider it? why take that chance?
in this situation, you can't put all the blame on the seller of fakes. tho they do deserve the majority of it, the buyer needs to take some responsibilty as well. you can't go around in life thinking that everyone else is at fault for things that happen, and that you are blame free in everything. again, i do agree with most of what you're saying, and we can agree to disagree on the rest.

i'm glad to offer help to anyone that i can when it comes to questions reguarding mac, or anthing else that i have knowledge about. and i hope that people will appreciate the help, as i appreciate others help towards me. that's why i come here and post the things that i do.

Originally Posted by amber_j
erine1881 - I know you said you weren't directing your comment at me, but I feel I need to respond.

I bought from eBay because I wanted a bargain. There's nothing wrong with that. I know there are risks to buying online - I've been doing this for about 5 years now. But I researched the sellers as best I could, asked questions, requested more photos etc. I'm familiar enough with MAC e/s that I felt I'd managed to eliminate the dodgy sellers from my shortlist. There was one e/s I was foolish enough to buy as I didn't look at the photo closely enough and I think I'm lucky to have gotten a refund for that. The rest of the fakes are from sellers who I believe genuinely didn't realise their items were counterfeit. Almost all have given me a refund now. I just have 3 more to contact.

Unfortunatley this kind of thing happens, on eBay and IRL. I've learnt my lesson with regards to buying MAC on eBay, and if I can't get something from one particular seller I'll just go to the MAC store and buy it there. But I totally agree with panda - people have the right to buy stuff online if they so wish, and they have every right to expect that they will be sold genuine goods.

i'm glad that you were able to get a refund on the majority of the fakes that you bought. and i hope that you get a refund on the rest of your stuff. the statement that i bolded in your quote is my whole point. that you realize what you did, and that you took some of the responsibility. and in order to avoid getting fakes from other sellers when your go-to seller doesn't have an item, you go directly to mac to get it. and that's the only way to know for sure that you get the real thing.

Originally Posted by look_divine
the point of selling is if unhappy with purchase you return as a seller on ebay myself I AM 100% positive if someone emailed me stating a product i sold them was fake, id ask them to return and refund promptly and id REMOVE all items from specific supplier no ifs or buts about it
You cannot derive buyers for wanting a bargain, we all hit the sales dont we?
I have sold cosmetics on and off for 5yrs on ebay, and im still unsure how to tell a fake from a real one!!!
I think its saddening to say a forum member would be so cold as to state its your own fault for buying but id help
I dont think id ever ask for your help!!!

first off, i never said it was your own fault. so don't say that i did. i said don't complain about getting something fake when you have no way of making sure if the item is real or not. you can't physically see the item that you're buying. and since many sellers use stock photos, you don't even know if you're buying the item in the picture.

second, if this type of thing happens to you, its unfortunate, but you need to take some of the responsibility. just like amber_j said, she was foolish for not doing what she usually does, and got fakes as a result. she also said she learned her lesson. she is taking part of the blame, and does things differently to ensure she gets real mac.

and if you don't want my help, fine. i'll make sure not to offer any help if you need it, since you don't want it. if others do need help, i'll be glad to do what i can.

Originally Posted by wolfsong
Also take into account that many people DONT KNOW MAC can be/has been faked - as with other brands.
Plus the fact that many of these sellers write '100% authentic guaranteed' (or something similar) on auctions and insist that they have bought direct from MAC if questioned.

Dont assume that people are ignorant or careless for buying a fake on ebay - they are usually just a little naive and trusting (and lets face it, they should be able to trust the sellers - no ifs or buts).

Ebay stores dont differ to any other company/online website - they are a business and need to follow most if not all the legulations that other businesses have to. This includes not conning the customer by selling counterfeit goods. Ebay auctions are LEGAL CONTRACTS, which means that the buyer should feel safe about the transaction, and about the product they are purchasing (due to there being rules and regulations). Ebay also makes such bold claims about them preventing counterfeit sales/stopping them when they happen that you cant blame the buyer from feeling safe to purchase.

Buying from a source other than the company doesnt mean someone should expect or deserve to be conned - blaming the victim is awful IMO (a very extreme version: blaming a rape victim for wearing a short skirt at night, ie 'they should have expected it').
The only people that i think should be blamed are these 'wholesalers', the clued up counterfeit sellers and anyone who allows/helps these crimes to continue.

You have a right to say what you think - and i respect your right to voice your opinion, but i personally am unsure why someone who thinks its the buyers fault would bother to try helping them (sounds a bit patronising to me).
Though i do agree that ideally the buyer should have some understanding of what they are buying - like those that buy the really bad fakes (a google search or a look at the MAC site will usually tell them that they are fakes, if not by just looking at the packaging differences). But still, they should not be conned just because they didnt know better.

i don't think the buyer is ignorant or careless, and never said so. everyone knows that there are some things on ebay that are fake. there's no one out there that doesn't know this. so, you should never feel 100% safe that you are buying a genuine product when you know that fakes do squeeze thru ebay's preventative steps. you're right, just because you buy from someone other than the company themselves doesn't mean you deserve to be conned. correct me if i'm wrong, but ebay doesn't guarantee that you will get the real thing. they say that they try to prevent fake items from being sold, but there's no guarantee. so people need to realize this when they buy.

btw, the "rape scenario", completely different! no one deserves to be raped, ever! whether you're young or old, covered up or dressed sexy, or a businesswoman or prostitute. NO ONE! there's my feeling on that.

i'm not patronizing anyone. i'm not saying "hahaha, you bought fake mac, and i'm gonna tell you so". if someone bought something fake, they deserve the right to know. they shouldn't have to use the product thinking that its real when its not. and if anyone, myself or you, knows for sure that its fake, they should let the person know. this is what we all do in the counterfeit forum.