Strange metal pans- could these e/s be fake?


Well-known member
My fakes also have the same batch number on the box as on the container.

Angelcake - A84
Falling Star - A75
Honey Lust - AC8
Jest - A86
Kid - A66
Vapour - A86


Well-known member
Ooops, sorry, typo! Should be AC6, not 8. I'd better buy some specs!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by rockin
No idea, but with all 4 of my fakes the batch number printed on the barcode sticker matches the batch number printed on the pot label.

In case it helps someone with a comparison, my fake eyeshadows have the following batch numbers:

Black Tied - A94
Humid - A36
Nocturnelle - B56
Brun - A86

guys some of these are real batch numbers on the right colours - the fakers are obviously now finding real mac products to copy the numbers from for the right colours and batches to put on the corresponding fakes. just like the pigments - the fakes now have the correct batch codes as well.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by stingray
My fakes also have the same batch number on the box as on the container.

Kid - A66

Ouch, I posted here about an eyeshadow I got from eBay that I suspected might be fake 'cause the pot was oddly shiny and smelled funny, it's... Kid and batch number A66. I never depot my shadows though, so I don't know what kind of pan it has and I'm not really into trying to depot either, I've bled enough for one day. (lol). I've never had other Veluxe shadows so I couldn't tell if the texture was off or anything... Maybe I'm just paranoid.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by rockin
They're becoming so much harder to spot

I love the new baby pic, Panda

aww, thanks hunny! he's a bit of a cutie, but he can also be a little devil!
, he knows nothing about these things....
LOLOL!! But when he's good I could just kiss him all day


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ambi
Ouch, I posted here about an eyeshadow I got from rio5743 that I suspected might be fake 'cause the pot was oddly shiny and smelled funny, it's... Kid and batch number A66. I never depot my shadows though, so I don't know what kind of pan it has and I'm not really into trying to depot either, I've bled enough for one day. (lol). I've never had other Veluxe shadows so I couldn't tell if the texture was off or anything... Maybe I'm just paranoid.

My (fake) Kid I bought was also batch A66. I don't know if it helps, but here's a swatch of the real Kid (bought last week from a MAC store) and the fake one. Real one is top. What was really noticeable to me was the lack of pigmentation in the fake one - I had to swipe it several times just to get this much colour to show, and you can see it's still quite a bit lighter and a slightly different colour. The texture of the real one is amazing -really silky and pigmented. I love it! So glad I found out the other one was counterfeit- I had been quite disappointed in it before, as my other MAC shadows are so pigmented (that's why I like 'em so much I guess!)



Well-known member
Originally Posted by elleread
My (fake) Kid I bought was also batch A66. I don't know if it helps, but here's a swatch of the real Kid (bought last week from a MAC store) and the fake one.

Can you let me know which of the fake traits your fake Kid has? I'd like to compare them to mine to see if they're the same, being as we both have the same batch number on them.

From the list I did earlier, my fake Kid e/s has these:
- The round ridge on the bottom of the pan.
- Box leaves scratchmarks when scratched even if only faintly.
- The round sticker on the lid of the box is blacker and shiny.
- Less glue when depotting.
- Shinier pots.
- A bump in the bottom of the pot instead of a CH.
- Doesn't have the ridges on the underneath rear of the pan holder.
- The fonts on the stickers may or may not vary in colour - on my Kid it's cream not silver grey.
- The lip of the bit that tucks into the top and bottom of box is less deep than on the real boxes.
- Don't have the bubbles around the plastic tray.

I don't have a real Kid to compare it with but you're right, the fake one does seem to be difficult to apply, needing to try to put lots on as I can hardly see it but then it looks very skin coloured to me and not that silky or pigmented at all.

I think I should remove the "shinier pots" from the list as I got two shadows from MAC online yesterday and both have shinier pots than my other real shadows which I bought at a counter.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by stingray
In examining the boxes some more, I've discovered something else which applies to all of my fakes. The lip of the bit that tucks into the top and bottom of box is less deep than on the real boxes. The real ones are about 1cm deep, the fakes ones are about .8cm deep.

I've just checked the flaps on my boxes. Whilst my fake Humid, Brun and Black Tied all have the smaller flaps, my Nocturnelle has the same size as genuine ones. It has a blacker, shinier box than either the fakes or my genuine shadows, too, and doesn't have the super-shiny sticker. This is the one that's had me puzzled all along.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by stingray
Can you let me know which of the fake traits your fake Kid has? I'd like to compare them to mine to see if they're the same, being as we both have the same batch number on them.

Well, unfortunately I don't have the pot any more.
I do have the box though. So I can say it has, in common with yours:
- The round ridge on the bottom of the pan.
- Box leaves scratchmarks when scratched even if only faintly. [I would say the box is a slightly different 'kind' of black if that makes sense. More of a warm black than a cool black? I'm comparing it with the box of Malt I bought recently (from a store).
- The round sticker on the lid of the box is blacker and shiny.
- The lip of the bit that tucks into the top and bottom of box is less deep than on the real boxes.

In addition to this the box was really badly glued together (has pretty much come apart completely now). And there's maybe the tiniest whiff of .... crayons? about it, very very faint though. Also, it suffered very badly in the depotting process and has crumbled quite badly (I'm not that bad at depotting, usually!)

I have a swatch of Jest as well if it helps anyone. It's a bit harder to see, as it's so pale on my super-pale skin. Again, the biggest difference is the pigmentation. You have to swipe the fake one several times to get much colour whereas the real one is very intense. Top is real.



Well-known member
I just went to look at my Jest now, and the box fell apart in my hands with my barely touching it
. You're right again, it does seem to need more applying. Mine seems more silvery white than pink though and I've got very pale skin on my arms too.

Yes, all my fake boxes are also a different shade of black, perhaps a bit more matte than the real ones too?

So far, we seem to have 3 Kids all with the same A66 batch number. Do the same colour shadows always have the same batch numbers or can they vary?

Is your Jest the same batch number as mine, A86? Maybe it'll be interesting to see if we all have the same batch numbers for the same shadows? If we do, then it would be another indicator?


Well-known member
Hi ladies

I've just sent 10 different eyeshadows to xqueeze-me for her to investigate (they're all fake by the way - horrible boxes that mark)
I've still got 4 here but they're all different batchcodes Falling Star A75
Creme de Violet A86
Budding Beauty A16
Folie A17

The thing I have noticed with the new improved shiny boxes - they are very much like the ones used in the Lure Collection - minus the green letting and green inner. No idea if that has any relevence?

Still waiting on MAC
Checked the recorded delivery slip and they've had them so just waiting for a verdict - obviously you will all be the 1st to know what they have to say!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by stingray
My fakes also have the same batch number on the box as on the container.

Angelcake - A84
Falling Star - A75
Honey Lust - AC8
Jest - A86
Kid - A66
Vapour - A86

Snap with the Falling Star A75!


Well-known member
I suspected by burnt orange and budding beauty are fakes because of the shadow pay off. I depotted both of them (haven't done the deep truth yet Julie) and the pots seem to be fine. They both have the "CH" in the bottom of the pot. Taking the eyeshadow out of the pot was easy. I used a knife to take it out. some of the shadow broke but when i lifted it up. it had a ring on the bottom of the pan. I kinda knew when I received them so I'm not bothered. I'm just going to throw them away. Don't know how safe they are


Well-known member
Maybe I should do that list of fake traits again but separate them with with what they all definitely seem to have and with with what some of them might have?

What they all have:
- A round ridge on the bottom of the pan when depotted.
- Box leaves scratchmarks when scratched even if only faintly.
- The lip of the bit that tucks into the top and bottom of box is less deep than on the real boxes. The real ones are about 1cm deep, the fakes ones are about .8cm deep.
- The round sticker on the lid of the box is blacker and shiny.
- There's much less glue when depotting which seems to only be inside the ridge and it's much less sticky glue so the pan comes away much easier.
- As there is no glue around the outside of the metal pans, none of the fakes have the bubbles around the plastic tray.

What some of them have:
- The clasp has a champher.
- Shinier pots (but so do some real ones).
- Shinier boxes.
- A bump in the bottom of the pot instead of a CH.
- Lids that flop downwards.
- Don't have the ridges on the underneath rear of the pan holder. Photos in this post - Fake MAC from StrawberryNet?
- The shadows are softer and more prone to crumbling as the pan itself might be thinner (I didn't experience this).
- The boxes might not be quite as well put together as the real ones and may fall apart.
- The fonts on the stickers may or may not vary in colour.
Please correct if any of this wrong.

Have we yet established if the fakes are all not as pigmented as the real ones?


Well-known member
The flap on my shinier fake box (Nocturnelle B56) is as big as that on the real ones.

Not having the genuine article to compare them with, I can't say whether my fake shadows are as pigmented as the real thing, but I have to say that the Black Tied, Humid and Nocturnelle don't put much colour on my skin. The Brun goes on quite smoothly, though, and deposits a reasonable amount of colour, although of course I don't know what the real thing should be like.


Well-known member
My suspected fake Kid's box also scratches easily so I'm now pretty positive it's not authentic, it actually had a lot of these faint scratch marks to begin with though, I just didn't really pay attention right away, her being a praised seller on here and all. And the smell of the shadow is just so strong it makes me cringe everytime I open it, totally different from my other MAC shadows. As they don't reek.

So, I should probably contact rio5743 about the shadow but what do I say, I've never actually had to confront someone about fake MAC before. They're probably gonna come up with the usual "I know my stuff is authentic, not gonna refund you" stuff so I'm not expecting much. I also bought a Paint from her, it's my first Paint so I don't have anything to compare it to but I'm guessing they're not faking those just yet? I haven't really been reading this forum since Sarah went MIA so I'm very out of loop.


Well-known member
I bought three of these fakies. The pots are really well done.
I just depotted it, scraped off the shadow, used the pan to press pigments.