Stretchmarks/cellulite concerns


Well-known member
exercise to help cellulite, it takes awhile, but u will see a difference if u keep it up! self-tanner or tanning helps hide it too. and stop salting ur food(this helped me).....

and palmers cocoa butter helped stretchmarks 4 me when i was younger, i got them on my boobs and applied palmers everyday until about 2 months later they were gone.


New member
I used to have pretty bad cellulite which only got worse after I get pregnant. I had it mostly around my inner thighs and bottom and a bit on my tummy as well. I tried eating more healthy food and did a lot of exercise as well which friends and family members recommended but my skin was still lumpy and floppy. I then recently read an article by a lady who claimed to have got rid of her cellulite by using a particular cream. I tried it and it worked pretty well. It took a couple of weeks but my skin had improved a lot and I managed to get rid of my cellulite completely. You can read more about the lady's article at the link below:

Cellulite - It Can Be Treated


Well-known member
I am a mother and I have some stretch marks on my thighs after having my daughter. after a few sessions of tanning the white lines went away! excercising helps as well to tighten the skin back.


Well-known member
Ok this depends entirely on your budget, people suggest bio oil and cocoa butter which is a great and cheap way to help reduce stretch marks and since your only 24, it will be more effective.

BUUUT, my aunt has recently purchased (for a cool £10,000!) a machine for INABE(?) treatments which really do reduce cellulite, jowels, puffy eyes, stretchmarks and scars etc. It really does work and she already has a cliental of some particularly famous people as a result
The machine itself looks like a computer from the 70's haha. Unfortunately courses run into the 100's mark and for it to have an effect you WILL have to have around a course of 20 maybe more.

If you have the cash or desperately want to get rid of them, this is the best way and maybe you should search around for anyone who does this?

Also, for cellulite, when your in the shower, try using a scrubbing brush to massage your problem areas, that should help the lymphatic drainage.

I recently got a cigarrette burn on my arm (nice) and Ive been using bio oil on the morning and evening for almost 3 months now, I cant tell if its really improved but it does seem like its fading faster.


New member
hi! im new here..
anyway, i gave birth two months ago and i also had stretchmarks on my tummy, at the back of my legs and on my breasts due to my pregnency.. i am using retin a cream for 5days now and the results are quite good, cause my red marks are starting to fade, although its still there but i can already see results.. you guys can give it a try, its cheap and can be bought otc.

but i don't realy give an assurance to it since results differ from person to person and it also depends to the kind of marks you have. since mine are just new and still red.. but if you desire to use it make sure to have a patch test first, since the formula is strong.. goodluck!


Well-known member
I just found new stretch marks on my sides and my inner thigh area, ughh! At first I thought the ones on my sides were a rash since they were really red, raised and super itchy. But now thinking about it, they've been there for months now so yeah there stretch marks.

I'm gonna start mixing some lotion and emu oil and rubbing it on those areas at least twice a day until I can get my hands on some palmer's coco butter. Has anyone tried emu oil with good results?


Well-known member
I just got some of that Palmer's Cocoa butter Stretch Mark Massage cream this Monday. I've already gone through like a third of the tube, and this stuff isn't cheap either grrr! I can't really say anything about results yet since it hasn't even been a week. I'm thinking about also buying the Lotion version of this with the pump and using that all over and to supplement the cream. I've also been applying some emu oil afterwards since it helps moisturize even better and makes it easier to rub in.


Well-known member
^^^ I've also recently bought the Stretch Mark Massage Lotion (the one with the pump - it did seem easier) after sudden weight loss and it seems really moisturising upon application but again I've only been using it a few days so it's too early to comment upon any improvements. I'm also using bio oil on the areas that are worst, inner and outer thigh area mainly aswell as collagen gel.

Will let everyone know how it goes, I want these bad boys gone! And fast!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by NatalieMT
^^^ I've also recently bought the Stretch Mark Massage Lotion (the one with the pump - it did seem easier) after sudden weight loss and it seems really moisturising upon application but again I've only been using it a few days so it's too early to comment upon any improvements. I'm also using bio oil on the areas that are worst, inner and outer thigh area mainly aswell as collagen gel.

Will let everyone know how it goes, I want these bad boys gone! And fast!

I went through the first tube of the Massage Cream like it was nothing. If I applied it religiously it wouldn't even last me 2 weeks! I ended up just getting a generic version of it from Walgreens.

I was suppose to also purchase the Lotion of it but they didn't have it at Sally's. I had a $5 off coupon for there and my cheap ass felt like using it and not spending anymore money lol. So I just bought their big bottle of cocoa butter body and hand lotion and another tube of the Massage Cream.

But, I've been being so lazy with using it though. I also use emu oil too on the areas. My hands and arms just get super tired from all of that rubbing since you have to do it in a circular motion too.


Well-known member
The only thing that ever made a difference in my stretchmarks is some heavy duty moisturizers, hemp oil worked really well. But that was just because it plumped up the skin. Boooo!! Better than nothing, though!

I was researching needling of stretchmarks and peels but got too overwhelmed in the end. The needling sounded promising but all the before/after pics I saw were so faked!

I'll squeal if they ever find a way to rid 'em!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Septemba
The only thing that ever made a difference in my stretchmarks is some heavy duty moisturizers, hemp oil worked really well. But that was just because it plumped up the skin. Boooo!! Better than nothing, though!

I was researching needling of stretchmarks and peels but got too overwhelmed in the end. The needling sounded promising but all the before/after pics I saw were so faked!

I'll squeal if they ever find a way to rid 'em!

I felt the same way when researching this stuff too! I'm not expecting miracles though at this point. I'm just going to hope these new ones I have fade soon. I'll just slap some sunless tanner on to help cover up the "white" marks they become. I've also heard that it helps with covering up the appearance of cellulite too.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jennifer8055
I used to have pretty bad cellulite which only got worse after I get pregnant. I had it mostly around my inner thighs and bottom and a bit on my tummy as well. I tried eating more healthy food and did a lot of exercise as well which friends and family members recommended but my skin was still lumpy and floppy. I then recently read an article by a lady who claimed to have got rid of her cellulite by using a particular cream. I tried it and it worked pretty well. It took a couple of weeks but my skin had improved a lot and I managed to get rid of my cellulite completely. You can read more about the lady's article at the link below:

Cellulite - It Can Be Treated

Got some other way i can check this out. That site was suspended for violates terms of service. very interested becuz i havent been able to get rid of the flab either after all the working out and stuff and having a baby.


Well-known member
palmers cocoa butter and bio oil works! if you have the money to spend try strivectin from sephora. it's a bit expensive but i hear it works. but remember you must use it continusously




Well-known member
So, I have been lurking on this thread for a few days and finally decided to post. I just started developing stretch marks over the past few months and I find it rather weird. I am 18, not now nor have I ever been pregnant, i haven't gained weight, I'm not particularly overweight (a little chunk but hopefully not for long), and haven't grown (height wise). I got them on my thighs, hips, stomach and boobs and I HATE them. I was just wondering if anybody else has had them just show up overnight with no explanation and if so how easy were they to minimize. Thank you so much in advance, they are making me really self conscious and uncomfortable showing any area that has them (and I'm a bellydancer, my confidence has taken a big hit).


Well-known member
I got them right around my belly button, on my hips and on the insides of my thighs from gaining weight. I've lost most of what I gained, and I've used Palmers cocoa butter lotion in the morning and their cocoa butter oil at night after getting out of the shower. Done that for about 6 months and they've seriously faded. Most of them really can't be seen unless you're actually looking for them lol.

And fake tans make them totally disappear


Well-known member
I got them from gaining weight and losing weight. They aren't going anywhere. I've tried cocoa butter and bio oil. However, exfoliating helps to minimize them.


Active member
BioOil is great for scars... I know from experience. Also great for stretch marks, and jsut foe evening out skin tone in general. I use it every day, and despite the name and look of it, it isn't really oily at all. The skin absorbs it straight away, and doesn't feel sticky.


Well-known member
I have surgical scars and stretch marks-from the lips of my PS nothing will "get rid" of stretch marks short of cutting them out. Time and perhaps lotions will fade them but that's about it. Skin elasticity is determined by genetics. Curses!!

Most women have them somewhere. Don't feel bad about them-they will fade from angry red to white eventually.

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