Stretchmarks/cellulite concerns


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Originally Posted by martygreene
If they are stretch-marks, then there isn't really anything that you can do once you have them. Stretch-marks are scar tissue from where the skin does not grow at the same speed as the body part that it is encompassing, and stretches the connective tissues causing scarring. Stretch marks can be minimized during the time when they are being created (growth spurts, pregnancy, etc.) with such things as vitamin E oil and cocoa butter, but once they are there just like any other scar tissue, there isn't a whole lot that can be done about them.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by martygreene
If they are stretch-marks, then there isn't really anything that you can do once you have them. Stretch-marks are scar tissue from where the skin does not grow at the same speed as the body part that it is encompassing, and stretches the connective tissues causing scarring. Stretch marks can be minimized during the time when they are being created (growth spurts, pregnancy, etc.) with such things as vitamin E oil and cocoa butter, but once they are there just like any other scar tissue, there isn't a whole lot that can be done about them.

Bummer. This is bad news for me...


Well-known member
I don't understand why some doctors say cellulite does not disappear. Mine is almost gone, and I have pictures that proves it! Eating well, drinking lots of water and green tea plus working out has made my skin flat :) And I use the Niveal goodbye cellulite lotion which is way better than a lot of high end lotions I've tried.

Stretch marks never disappear it's true. But you can make them invisible! Palmers cocoa butter and vitamin e lotion & bath and body by Tracy belly balm are my favorites! I have stretch marks since I was 13 years old, and I've tried everything! These too worked the best, and they aren't expensive. I exfoliate with Lush sugar scrub or buffy 2 to 4 times a week on that area and I have seen a BIG difference. I'm really happy with these results. A self tanner in the summer it's essential.If you go out to the beach and be tanned by the sun, girl, they will look worse. So make sure you're tanned.

I am pretty fair, and my stretch marks are old now, after reading so much junk about how you can't make them better after years of having them, I'm seeing now, it's all a bunch of crap lol you just have to be patient and always be trying new things to get rid of them.


Well-known member
I have them too. All around my hip area then the upper arms. I'd say the arms is what bothers me the most because I dont show my hips in public. I too like many here had gained weight then lost it. I was always average weight through school then after highschool my sugar levels went whacko and by 19 I was 221lbs! It took me 7 yrs to get it all of my just changing my diet....cutting out sugars, salt and fat plus the amount I ate. I've been around 130-140 since then but I've noticed now that I'm older ..eeek 41.....the extra skin that was left from the weightloss/gain has gotten looser and now the dreaded cellulite. I wish so badly I would've never gained the weight so I wouldnt have what I have now.
I had used Strivetin at one point for the stretch marks but I didnt see any results


Well-known member
Even though they're permanent you can get them greatly visually reduced. I was reading up on a lotion that was featured on the Tyra Banks show called Trilastin Sr. It's kind of expensive but it does have a 60 day money back warranty. You can also do laser surgery which I believe ultimately would be pretty expensive, but pretty effective.

If you look up reviews for the cream you'll see a lot of great reviews. Some are bad but make sure you're actually looking at Trilastin SR and not the old formula. Of course it will depend on the individual but it does seem that a lot of people have great permanent results with it.


Well-known member
I used to be a Bio Oil fan but now I've been converted to Trilogy Rosehip certified organic oil stuff after I got sent some. I love it, its definatly working, plus it is helping to even out my skin. (I always have weird red marks)


Well-known member
Ahhh Stretch marks...they SUCK ASS and are pretty much genetic. As if it's not hard enough dealing with hormones and body changes when you're pregnant!

Some people have amazingly elastic skin and never get them. A very small portion of women. Others get them just from puberty! Boys get them too from growing.

When I was younger my weight fluctuated and I got them in the usual areas, hips underneath the belly button and on the underside of junction from arm to shoulder. They have since turned silver, I cannot remember them ever being "red" like you would see on a Mummy Tummy.

After consultation with a plastic surgeon (for other reasons) he told me the only way you can ever truly get rid of them is to cut them out. Anything else is just "improving the appearance". Stretch marks happen when your skin expands beyond it's tolerance-it is literal tearing of the skin. They can beunsightly and can have massively negative effects on your self esteem if you let them.

Coco butter/vitamin E soften the skin and help it expand, which can lessen the amount but you can rub it in your skin 4 times a day and still get them if you are growing, gaining weight or are pregnant-as I said above it's genetics.

I probably posted this somewhere similar in this thread earlier but I hate to see young(er) girls get down on themselves over something they don't have too much control over if they decide to have a family.

Time is probably your best bet, and perhaps weight loss to fade them-but don't feel bad about yourself, almost EVERYONE has them!

Hugs girls


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Brie
I used to be a Bio Oil fan but now I've been converted to Trilogy Rosehip certified organic oil stuff after I got sent some. I love it, its definatly working, plus it is helping to even out my skin. (I always have weird red marks)

Rosehip oil is one of the best remedies for everything! it helps with stretch marks, wrinkles, scares etc I love it too!


Well-known member
guys, i have been using Bliss' fat girl slim firming/cellulite cure for 1.5 weeks, and let me tell you.... im in love

I was SO skeptical at first. I thought, all these cellulite creams seem like total BS. But then we got in a kit at work, and i started asking around. To my suprised all of my co workers that used it LOVED it. So, i made myself some hefty samples.... and i thought that after 3 days i could feel an increase in firmness.. so i bought it.
Well, it works. It really does. After a week, my thighs had signifigantly less jiggle going on. Right now, they are firm as firm can be! I had cellulite on my thighs(back and outer side) and to the naked it is like 95% gone! My bottom looks a lot better too. Full results are supposed to be seen in 28 days.

My complaint? this stuff goes so fast. Im using it uber sparingly only on my tighs and butt, but i dont like how often im gonna have to buy this...

So fat girl slim will not make you slim. You wont get smaller/loose weight. But you certainly will feel smaller and more confident. I walked by a store window yesterday, wearing my short shorts, and i exclaimed outloud, "my legs look fucking awesome", and they do! Even if this stuff goes quickly, its truly worth it for the confidence booster.

Courtney <3

Well-known member
im barely 18 and have sufferd from stretch marks as long as i can remeber. recently i broke down and told my mom that its affecting my confidence, espcially with summer aproching. i went to the dermatologist and she gave me a prescription for retin-A. theres also a generic brand of it, with insurence it only cost me $7, less than stri-vectin i was using. and truth be told, it WORKS! ive only been using it for a week and can already tell a differenc, not a huge "omg its life changing" difference, but with time, im sure its gonna work.
its totally worth looking into if you can!


Well-known member
hey I have a 15 month old daughter and when I was pregnant I used plamers coco butter and it worked great but you have to use it before you get stretch marks or it doesnt work as well, you see I used this all over my stomach but being only 20 I didn`t know I`d get stretch marks on my boobs and butt area as well, so I never applied coco butter there and after I had my daughter I had stretch marks on my but and my boobs, my butt wasn`t to bad but my boobs were the worst so I went and bought bio oil and it worked wonders for my stretch marks. My daughter was about 4 months when I started using it and the stretch marks on my butt completely disappared, the ones on my boobs were really bad but the bio oil really helped fade them.

I also learned a trick about wrapping the area where your stretch marks are with plastic warp. Apply the oil, rub it in to your skin until it not greasy any more and wrap that part of your body up with plastic wrap, do this for a couple weeks and it should really help. It worked miracles for me. check out my blog I`ll be writing an article on it in a couple days.

Hope I helped. I hated those stupid stretch marks although a lot of women wear them proud, they call them tiger stripes, it`s just a mark left on your body from the beautiful miracles that grew inside you.



Well-known member
I've read that any kind of moisturizing oil helps, olive, almond... I've been using coconut oil, and it makes my skin very soft, but I don't know if it'll help with the stretchmarks...


Well-known member
My sis in law had babies fairly close to each other and with both pregnancies she used olive oil and she has NO stretch marks. AMAZING!


Well-known member
Bio Oil did wonders for my stretch marks, but you have to use it twice daily if possible. They never go away but it evens the skin out so they becomes smooth and less noticeable.


Well-known member
Natural white sugar is one of the best natural remedies to get rid of stretch marks. You can use the sugar to exfoliate your skin. Mix a tablespoon of raw sugar with some almond oil and a few drops of lemon juice. Mix it well and apply it on the stretch marks and other skin areas. Gently rub the mixture on the skin for at least 10 minutes every day before taking a shower. Do this for a month or so and watch your stretch marks become lighter.

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