Sucessful Benefit Demo/Interview

Indian Barbie

Well-known member
I have been applying to a billion cosmetics retailers and finally got a response back from Benefit Cosmetics!

I attended this "audition" at the Brighton Debenhams with 4 other girls. They roleplayed with us Traffic Stopping and showed us 4 products, we had to learn the one-liners:
  • DR.FEELGOOD - Miracle Finisher
  • Some Kinda Gorgeous - Foundation Faker
  • BeneTint - Sexiest Flush in a Bottle
  • Dallas - Outdoor Glow for the Indoor Girl
So she gave us 4 hours to do traffic stopping in the store, she said the audition isn't about selling anything, its about getting as many people to put their butt on the chair.

When I broght them to my counter, I had to apply these 4 products on them, telling them the one-liner and about the product, also being very chatty and friendly.

I got about 8 people to my counter and sold 4 items! She was obviously impressed :p

Yesterday I got back from an interview with the Beales Store Manager (where the counter is) and she asked me these questions:
  • What is your definition of good customer service?
  • What skills can you bring to the role?
  • What motivates you?
  • What don't you like being at work?
  • How would you play a part in loss prevention?
  • If your best friend was sitting here and I asked her to describe you in 3 words, what would that be?
  • What do you think your day to day job would be?
Thats all I can remember. At the end of the interview she said that Im the perfect candidate for the position and I'll start training on 7th July! I'm so excited!!!


Well-known member
OMG, Congratulations. I am so happy for you!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Indian Barbie
It turned out the job wasn't for me and I handed in my resignation yesterday.

Why? What happened?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Indian Barbie
It turned out the job wasn't for me and I handed in my resignation yesterday.

I'm sorry to hear that...Benefit is a tough line to work for...your job is out there...

Indian Barbie

Well-known member
Im used to working in a extremely busy environment like Disney and I can't go work for such a quiet place. This job just didn't pay me enough and I was unhappy about the whole traffic stopping thing and making sure I follow the magic formula religiously.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Indian Barbie
Im used to working in a extremely busy environment like Disney and I can't go work for such a quiet place. This job just didn't pay me enough and I was unhappy about the whole traffic stopping thing and making sure I follow the magic formula religiously.

Well I hope you find something that's more your speed and makes you happy!


Well-known member
i hope you find something more suited for you...

that really explains why every time i pass benefit, they always try to stop me. one girl basically helped herself to my face with products which i found extremely rude.. normally i would be okay but i was running late for work that day...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Indian Barbie
Im used to working in a extremely busy environment like Disney and I can't go work for such a quiet place. This job just didn't pay me enough and I was unhappy about the whole traffic stopping thing and making sure I follow the magic formula religiously.

I've been working for this company for a little over five months now. It's surprises me how so many people think they will love it and hate the traffic stopping. It's not as easy as it looks huh? Try Urban Decay. It might be a little less intense and the product is still fun.


Well-known member
I applied to Benefit a few weeks ago and I had a phone call today and my phone interview at the end of it she told me that I passed! And I have my audition/demo next Friday (on the 6th), she told me that I will be there for around 4 hours, I'm guessing that it will be just like the audition/demo you had Indian Barbie! Kinda nervous coz I know it's mainly about traffic stopping and I know how mad I get at people who attack me and try and get me into a chair, so I'm gona feel so bad but I'll just have to keep my aim of MAC in mind.. more experience I get on a counter the better!


Originally Posted by unbelizable
I applied to Benefit a few weeks ago and I had a phone call today and my phone interview at the end of it she told me that I passed! And I have my audition/demo next Friday (on the 6th), she told me that I will be there for around 4 hours, I'm guessing that it will be just like the audition/demo you had Indian Barbie! Kinda nervous coz I know it's mainly about traffic stopping and I know how mad I get at people who attack me and try and get me into a chair, so I'm gona feel so bad but I'll just have to keep my aim of MAC in mind.. more experience I get on a counter the better!

hey lovie,
traffic stopping can be kind of nerve racking the first time you try it. don't be afraid to venture away from right in front of the counter, and attempt to pull anyone who passes by. sometimes ladies that look like they'd never be interested will buy everything you use on them. the worst thing that really can happen is that they'll say, "no."
the sales coordinator/counter manager mostly wants to see that you have a positive attitude and don't stop trying.
a lot of people are put off when you ask them if they want to sit down and try on some makeup. pulling is a lot easier when you use a single product (if you get hired benefit will teach you how to pull using one liners), but make sure it's something you like/are familiar with. for your audition, i would keep the product demoing to a minimum, like 2 or maybe 3 fake its (unless they instruct you otherwise). just make sure you're interactive and friendly with the people you actually sit down. all my trainers at benefit have said they hire primarily based on personality.
benefit is a really ambitious line to work for, it's VERY goal oriented, and you're definitely held responsible for meeting your goals (i.e. you can't slack off). in my opinion it's one of the hardest lines to work for --there's no gift, no advertisements, and your sales coordinator/executive work along side you on a regular basis. you don't get to hang out and wait for people to approach you. you have to be proactive about getting your sales. that being said, if you're good at what you do and meet minimum sales goals, benefit pays you additional commission called POG, which no other line does. working for benefit is a lot of hard work, but VERY fun and rewarding.
hope some of this info is helpful.
GOOD LUCK with your interview, i'm sure you'll do fine. let us know how it goes.


Well-known member
Wow, thanks so much for sharing what you know! I'm still nervous about this coming Friday but EXCITED at the same time! I'm really going to give it my all! Thanks! I'll post again on Friday after my audition!


Well-known member
Sorry it didn't work out for you, it's uncomfortable to be in a job that's not right for you.
I have to say I don't really like Benefit, a lady asked if I wanted to try on an eyeshadow I was looking at (this was a while back), I foolishly agreed and she plastered me with makeup, I looked orange!! And didn't even try the eyeshadow on..
I was talking to a MAC MA (she was the assitant manager) and she said Benefit are more money/sales driven.


Well-known member
Ok, so I had my audition today! We started out by roleplaying traffic stopping and then we had to practice demonstrating the four make up items we were given, these were:

Dr. Feelgood, You Rebel Lite, High Beam and Benetint! - All really easy to apply!

All this was done downstairs at the back of the store, we had to practice on each other so we all had a full face of Benefit make up on.

Then for the next few hours we were out on the store floor traffic stopping - which was really really really nerve wracking at first, but I soon got into the swing of things! There was 11 other girls auditioning! Lots of competition! The majority of them had lots of experience working for make up counters but the girls that work for Benefit already told me it's not about what qualifications/experience you've got, it is all about showing and demonstrating what the product can do and getting as many people into the chair as possible. It was very very hard but I think I did alright as I made it to the last 4 girls!!!! - throughout the four hours, some girls left because they didn't feel it was right for them and some were told they hadn't made it to the next stage and asked to go and enjoy the rest of their day. Couldn't believe it when I found out I had made it to the next stage! I was really happy to make it that far! I didn't think I would, these other girls were all incredibly pretty and bubbly!

I made it the full four hours with the audition and then I was asked to go for an interview and was asked more in depth questions than what they had asked me in my telephone interview, mostly customer service questions like 'How would you deal with a sensitive subject', 'Have you ever had a challenging moment and how did you deal with the situation'. I was then asked which store I would prefer to work in, asked what hours I could work and told what the pay is like - basically my basic, what I would expect (they asked me what I was on now, I wish I'd lied and said a bit more so I would get paid more if I got the job lol! I said £5.52 which is what I'm on now) I was then told I would also get 2% commission and told about other things like I get the new products that are released etc. I think I didn’t do that well in my interview because I get extremely nervous in interviews for some reason! I can talk for England but when I’m in an interview it just goes downhill!

I find out soon if I've got the job - I really hope I have, and if not it was a really good experience, I mean today was the first time I applied make up to perfect strangers so I was proud of myself - I thought I would be really nervous about that or really rubbish at it, and sure it's Benefit and it IS easy to apply but it's totally different doing amazing make up on yourself and then doing make up on a stranger, so that really built my confidence just because I realised it was something I could do for the first time in my life I felt really comfortable doing something! But it's just confirmed even more that I want to work in make up!

Halfway through today they gave me some advice, they said that I was demonstrating really well but when I traffic stop I need to be more bubbly and really persuade them over to the counter - unfortunately I don't know whether I did this very well but I managed to get 6 people to the counter (which considering there was 12 of us auditioning and the store wasn't incredibly busy I was proud of!)and I sold a few items too! So I am proud of myself even if I don't get the job!

Thought I would share my experience because I got some really great advice from everyone here and I’d like to do the same for other girls who are thinking of applying to Benefit!

So thank you everyone for all the great advice that I found on here and for wishing me Good Luck - it really prepared me for today!

P.S Sorry if my English is bad - I'm just excited about today and I can't get my words out fast enough...hence random bits here and there and extra words because I've forgotten what I typed!


Active member
It sounds like you did really well!! I spoke to you on the facebook thing didn't I? Fingers and toes and everything inbetween crossed for you! x


Active member
I had my Benefit audition on Saturday... it happened basically like Unbelizable said, we had 4 products to use on people, You Rebel, High Beam, Dr Feelgood and Posie Tint. We all practised on eachother in the training room (there were about 8 of us) and then went out into Debenhams to pull as many customers as possible! I managed to sit a fair few people down and got a couple of people to buy stuff. I really enjoyed the traffic stopping, it didn't really bother me at all to be honest, no one was rude, most people just said 'sorry I haven't got time' or just said 'no' and walked off, so it's easy really. I loved chatting to all the different customers, it made the time go really quickly. A couple of the girls went a bit earlier as it was not right for them, then the area manager started to interview everyone. We were told we would all finish by 4 at the latest, but at 4:30 I was still on the counter! I took this as a good sign. I then went into the training room again for my interview - I can't remember alot of the questions - But she asked about how you would deal with a sensitive issue and how you would deal with a difficult situation/customer. I then got a bit nervous because she was asking all about why I have had so many jobs in the last year (I was made redundant and haven't been able to find anything permanent that I like - I was kind of waiting for an opportunity like this anyway...) but I must have done OK because she then said she would like to hire me for the job!!!
It was quite funny, as I have bright purple hair, so she said she would have to check with the House of Fraser (the store I will be working in) if this is OK - according to 'official store policy' it is not allowed, but they thought they would probably make an exception for a brand like Benefit as it's quite a funky brand. So I was sent over there to show my purple hair to the section manager who said it was fine! Yay!
All I need to do now to make it official is pass the store approval in the House of Fraser, I think it's just so they can see who you are and ask a few questions.
I'm so pleased, as I really enjoyed the audition day, so hopefully I will be in a nice job that I enjoy (even if it is going to be very hard work!)