Take me to the Specktra-ites! (Central Texas Meet Planning Thread)

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Well-known member
I don't mind car pooling
I am in Southest Houston area


Well-known member
I just found this thread tonight and I'd love to join the meet-up. I'm in SA, too

How can I get more details: when and where to meet, etc? Also, I don't really know my way around Austin, but I can read a map pretty well. I hope it will be easy to find (like off a major highway).


Well-known member
I'm so pissed!!! I live in Houston and my best friend in the whole world lives in Austin. That would be perfect for me expect I promised my mother I would go see the "Janis Live" play/musical on the 19th. Man that sucks!!! Please have another one, PLEEEAAASSE!!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Hilly
That would be fantastic! What a great coincidence!

Bah, it doesn't look like I'll be able to find any free time to attend; we've been given a pretty exstensive schedule. Oh well, maybe next time just don't forget to take lots of pictures!



Well-known member
Update - We've decided to reschedule this event to accommodate more people as many of you are experiencing a conflict with scheduling.

If anyone in Austin wants to go to dinner or something together this weekend I'm more than happy to meet up with you!
Just PM me to make arrangements.

We are looking at the weekend of Feb 9th & 10th for the reschedule. We will be maing a new thread for it so I am closing this one.
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