Tattoos/ Piercings on Darker Skin


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xxManBeaterxx
If your getting a body piercing, especially a belly button ring or anything on your face for that matter you may not want to, just because you never know if the scar is going to form, but you probably have a very very high chance. I have a belly button ring, and a keloid ring formed around the puncture holes and has been there for the past 8 years.

If your skin is extremely prone to keloids you may have to stay away from getting a tattoo as well, i know some people who have a tattoo had formed a keloid scar where ever the needle touched their skin.

All though you may want a piercing or tattoo badly.. I wouldnt risk having a deformative scar for some bling bling or body art. Or make sure the place you go to are professionals!

I forgot I had my belly piercing I have had it for SOOOO long probably 10+ years ....I never scarred with that either...


Well-known member
I have a keloid in one of my ear piercings (I have 6 holes in my ears) it was done when I was 14 had the correct care and still scarred.
I've had my nose done twice, neither time did it scar nor do I have keloids but they took forever to heal and I took them out both times, the second time I conceived the night I was pierced so pregnancy hormones did play a role there, I tried for a year and it never healed

I have 2 tats, one in color which I've had 8 years, the yellows and pale greens have faded some, the dark greens, oranges and red have not, no scarring at all with them, and I'm actually planning on covering the other which has no color it's gray and black
My dh also has a large arm piece and he has scarring from insect bites but none from his tat.

That said I will be going back to the guy who did my first years ago to do my back/cover piece he works almost exclusively on dark skin (he's based in the Caribbean) and does excellent work.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by yoyie
well i have red and black heart tattoos on my foot that still show pretty well considering i go them done three years ago, i also have a cross anklet that has pink, black, and white in it. it may have been who did it, because the it looks like crap, and i only got it done in may. the black is still there but you can barely see the pink or white... hope this helps!!!

it would be very hard to see white on dark skin .. because of our skin tone , unless you get that done like 6 times ... your skin would barely even look light brown


Well-known member
and not to sound eh .. but if you get your piercing done by a gun ... the back pops on so tightly that when the skin swells it has no space to breathe.. causing all sortsa trouble especially keloids. What i suggest is if you get your ears done by a gun, when you get home and with clean hands pull off the back of your earrings (yeh it's going to hurt like a b!tch) and replace with a looser back ... or change the entire earring on a whole, and switch to a hoop or something that allows the hole the breathe.

Also soaking your piercing in sea salt helps it to heal SOOOOOO much. Do this and you will never regret it. If you start feeling bumps under your piercings , start doing it again and i'm telling you it will go away. And when you are not using sea salt , place some tea tree oil on the affected area , helps to dry it up and heal better ... just my 75 cents from MY personal experiences

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Except for my lobes (and I am even iffy on that), I would never get anything pierced with a gun again. I have 2 cartilage piercings, one done with a needle, the other with a gun. The gun one is kind of crooked, and it's a struggle to change it because it curves oddly. The needle one is perfect


Well-known member
I have alot of piercings and I can honestly say I have had no problems with keloids although no one in my family has them. I will say that I am HEAVILY tattooed and some of the work esp the all black on my pirate flag and on the ankh on my neck has become a slight bit raised and textured but it doesnt alter the look of my tattoos I. I just say make sure you go to a reputable shop I have had no problem with my color tattoos and majority of mine are colored. I hope that my sleeves dont begin to raise once I get them then I will be piiiiiised.

And I second on the sea salt soaks my eyebrow had a bad infection out of no where I had to squeeze out puss and then sea salt soak every day twice a day and sea salt is a miracle worker.

METALKITTY I have lavender as the color in one of my japanese peonies and it looks gorgeous I am NC45 I dont have any pics maybe I will try to take some. I have reds, greens, pinks, orange lots of lavender lol, and blues in most of my work and it looks great alot of the time I notice my artist using white with the purples and blues i dont know if that means anything.

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
I don't have any tattoos, so I can't comment on that, but as for piercings:


I got a surface piercing on my neck and I didn't take very good care of it. It was on the back of my neck, so I kind of forgot about it because I couldn't see or feel it like you can with other piercings. Anyway, I got really bad keloids from it. They're still there and very visible and this was almost 6 months ago that I took it out.


Well-known member
MAC head I think when you can't see piercings or tats you tend to not take as good care, I've done a temporary corset piercing in my back and when I took them out I didn't care for them as well as I did those I could see.


Well-known member
I have a tattoo of cherries on my thigh and the red shows up perfectly fine. It can use some touching up since I've had it for a while.

I've had my tragus, nipples, and the second and third holes on my ears pierced. The ones that gave me problems where the second and third holes on my ears. After a few months, I felt like they were getting hard and immediately took them out. I think it depends.


Well-known member
I am latina but there arequite a few afro-latinos in my family line.
anyway i got my nose pierced thought everything would be fine my mum had hers done, my dad has tattoos, no keloids etc....then surprise a keloid, had to remove the piercing n get a few steroid injections to get rid of it at the doctors, u know like into the keloid itself - took about 3 weeks to go. That was the worse scar i ever had. I was told that because i have very narrow nostrils (im talking tiny haha) this puts pressure on the piercing which may have caused it and combined with my skin type n background its just a disaster hahah!
I was so surprised that it would happen to me, when some mixed race girls, as in the african genes arent so far back, dont get them! oh well! all you can do is see what happens, dont worry if you do get a keloid, there are treatments!
its a gamble!


New member
i have my nose,lip,belly,tragus and 2 holes in my lobe. ive never had a keloid. but no one in my family has them either. i would also like more info on color for tattoos! so far reds show up and dont fade. what about blues?


Well-known member

Ha! this is the shop I was planning on going to for my first tat, too!


Active member
I've got a really big tattoo of a cherry blossom tree on my back. The colors do show up, but they faded a teeny bit after it healed and everything. No keloids from the tat though. In fact, it went really smoothly. I'd be happy to show you a picture if you'd like. As far as piercings go, I've had my 1st lobes, cartilage, nose, and belly button. Both my nose and belly button scarred when I took them out, but I think maybe it was because I didn't take very good care of them (and my navel ring rejected, which was no fun). I think as long as you take really good care of them you should be okay.

In the meantime I'm looking for suggestions for my next piercing! I'm considering either a lip ring or a Monroe, but I'm not sure what would look good.

Tashona Helena

Well-known member
^ oh girl me too...It's so hard to find pictures of WOC with monroes and lip rings tho on bmezine. Everyone is bushing me towards monroe tho.

edit: nm i found a bunch of videos on i'm torn.


Active member
I have 7 tatts and 3 piercings, 2 of my tatts I've had for 16 years and the others I got last week. Those are almost healed. My piercings I've had since I was a kid but 2 years I got my belly button pierced and my body rejected the piercing. It fell out. I agree with some people though it depends ohinkn the artist. Just do some research and find a good artist. Also I think that it depends on how dark you are get them all black or black shaded like mine.



Well-known member
I have my navel, nose, industrial, upper ear cartilage and lobes pierce and I've never had any issue with any of them. Industrial took the longest to heal, but that may be because my immune systems wasn't at it's best.


Well-known member
This topic made me start to laugh...

When I went to get my belly button pierced, the artist had such a hard time getting the needle to go thru... So he looks at me and asks "Do you moisturize?" So I was like "...Yea..." Then he's like "Why do you black ppl do that? It makes it so hard to pierce cuz the skin just bends under the needle"

I started to laugh hysterically... "Dude, cuz if we don't we'll be ashy as hell and you'll have powder on the needle!" Poor guy, my friend was giving him the evil eye... But he really looked distressed, and it was funny. Just needed to share...

So anyway... Piercing care! I swear by salt water baths, Just whenever, soak it in some salt water and turn it... Don't put neosporin and stuff on it.. I've seen waht that can look like. And make sure you use surgical steel. Stuff that's coated/plated can cause irritation and infection...

My friend Robyn has a million tattoes. She's like an NW43 or so, and they show up very well on her. And no keloids...


I have four tattoos, a nose ring, a belly ring, upper ears, tragus and lobes pierced. All except one of my tats is tribal (all black) the other one is still vibrant. I never had a problem with keloids with any of my piercings or tattoos.

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