Tattoos/ Piercings on Darker Skin


All tatto's piercings on black people looks ghetto! I'm sorry...

As a teen I wanted "Sista" tattoed somewhere. then I wanted a rosery on my ankle cuz I love anklets.. but I'm so glad i was too scared/broke to do it. Now every black girl I see with a tattoo looks less glamorous than she would if she just had lovely smooth unblemished skin.

My friends all have tatto's.. I think they look ugly. Piercings are another thing, on yoru face or on your body it's just a fad people.. why would I want to bother.. no belly/cl!t/nip rings for me.. sorry. I can live with a nose ring on SOME black girls.. lauryn rocked hers.. we always look good with lots of earring holes.. but please don'e pierce your lip.. the WORST is the lip by far


Well-known member
Originally Posted by iCandy
All tatto's piercings on black people looks ghetto! I'm sorry...

If you say so love. What a strange attitude to have. What's the colour of your skin got to do with what a tattoo or piercing looks like!?! Black comes in a hell of a lot of shades in case you haven't noticed.

Oh and you completely contradicted yourself by then saying that "we always look good with lots of earring holes" - personally, I think THAT looks ghetto, but there you go.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Blushbaby
Oh and you completely contradicted yourself by then saying that "we always look good with lots of earring holes" - personally, I think THAT looks ghetto, but there you go.

ANYONE looks terrible with tons of earring holes....

Tashona Helena

Well-known member
Originally Posted by iCandy
All tatto's piercings on black people looks ghetto! I'm sorry...

As a teen I wanted "Sista" tattoed somewhere. then I wanted a rosery on my ankle cuz I love anklets.. but I'm so glad i was too scared/broke to do it. Now every black girl I see with a tattoo looks less glamorous than she would if she just had lovely smooth unblemished skin.

My friends all have tatto's.. I think they look ugly. Piercings are another thing, on yoru face or on your body it's just a fad people.. why would I want to bother.. no belly/cl!t/nip rings for me.. sorry. I can live with a nose ring on SOME black girls.. lauryn rocked hers.. we always look good with lots of earring holes.. but please don'e pierce your lip.. the WORST is the lip by far

Lord hold me back lol....
Wow thank god this is only YOUR ignorant opinion. Especially since my Mozilla FireFox spell check is going crazy red underlining your post. I don't like lots of earring holes, but I do have my belly/hood/nose/tongue pierced. And no one, not even in "bumblefuck" DE has called me ghetto or say that I look less glam. It's all about the girl's personality. I am FROM the ghetto and people's jaws drop when I tell them. Don't group people just because of their tattoos and piercings they are just that. It is TOTALLY unfair and ignorant to say those types of things. I'm sorry you feel that way and hopefully you will mature and learn better.


Well-known member
I think it depends on what kind of tattoo or piercing and where.
But that's my opinion -shrug-

And hey, at least none of these ghetto chicks are sporting this...


Originally Posted by Tashona Heléna
Lord hold me back lol....
Wow thank god this is only YOUR ignorant opinion. Especially since my Mozilla FireFox spell check is going crazy red underlining your post. I don't like lots of earring holes, but I do have my belly/hood/nose/tongue pierced. And no one, not even in "bumblefuck" DE has called me ghetto or say that I look less glam. It's all about the girl's personality. I am FROM the ghetto and people's jaws drop when I tell them. Don't group people just because of their tattoos and piercings they are just that. It is TOTALLY unfair and ignorant to say those types of things. I'm sorry you feel that way and hopefully you will mature and learn better.

You live in Delaware? Where at? I'm in Newark.

Tashona Helena

Well-known member
Originally Posted by cupcake_x
I think it depends on what kind of tattoo or piercing and where.
But that's my opinion -shrug-

And hey, at least none of these ghetto chicks are sporting this...


You live in Delaware? Where at? I'm in Newark.

lol I'm in Sussex Countyyy straight up farms lol. My best friend used to live in Bear now he lives in Rehoboth Beach.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Tashona Heléna
lol I'm in Sussex Countyyy straight up farms lol. My best friend used to live in Bear now he lives in Rehoboth Beach.

Yikes D: And here I am thinking the "city" of Newark is so different from New York (where I'm from). I know only two people from Sussex County, but now they're up in Newark at UD.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by iCandy
All tatto's piercings on black people looks ghetto! I'm sorry...

As a teen I wanted "Sista" tattoed somewhere. then I wanted a rosery on my ankle cuz I love anklets.. but I'm so glad i was too scared/broke to do it. Now every black girl I see with a tattoo looks less glamorous than she would if she just had lovely smooth unblemished skin.

My friends all have tatto's.. I think they look ugly. Piercings are another thing, on yoru face or on your body it's just a fad people.. why would I want to bother.. no belly/cl!t/nip rings for me.. sorry. I can live with a nose ring on SOME black girls.. lauryn rocked hers.. we always look good with lots of earring holes.. but please don'e pierce your lip.. the WORST is the lip by far

pure ignorance.

I take a great amount of pride in my body art and if ur not a fan i could give a rat @ss. My tattoos r bad ass and i love them to death lol

im completely missing the skin tone/piercing connection.


Well-known member
I think because the general population is already so ignorant, thinking "Oh my god! Those blacks and Hispanics are poor and from the ghetto!" and maybe getting bodys mods might.. I don't know the word to say it... "Confirm" their beliefs more? It's so stupid that someone would think that, but eh, to each their own.

That's why I'm hesitant about getting tattoos. I wanted an arm sleeve, but I'm scared someone is going to think "what a trashy beaner, how typical". I think it's normal to feel that way on some level, especially when I'm trying to prove that I'm a pretty classy lady

Although really, I should just say eff you all, I'm getting my tattoo if I want it!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by cupcake_x



Officially the AWESOMEST tattoo I've ever seen

Originally Posted by iCandy
All tatto's piercings on black people looks ghetto! I'm sorry...

As a teen I wanted "Sista" tattoed somewhere. then I wanted a rosery on my ankle cuz I love anklets.. but I'm so glad i was too scared/broke to do it. Now every black girl I see with a tattoo looks less glamorous than she would if she just had lovely smooth unblemished skin.

My friends all have tatto's.. I think they look ugly. Piercings are another thing, on yoru face or on your body it's just a fad people.. why would I want to bother.. no belly/cl!t/nip rings for me.. sorry. I can live with a nose ring on SOME black girls.. lauryn rocked hers.. we always look good with lots of earring holes.. but please don'e pierce your lip.. the WORST is the lip by far

Tattoos can look "ghetto" on anyone. If it's cheaply and poorly done, then it won't matter if your light or dark, your tattoo will look shitty.

As far as piercings go, I have to agree with the clit/nip peircings. I won't judge people who get them cuz that takes some serious balls.


Well-known member
chocolategoddess, I definitely liked you before, but after what you said I like you even more. I totally agree with your post!


I have 9 piercings- ears, navel and tongue, and none of them keloided, but i do have quite a few from having chicken pox. I also have a purple butterfly tattoo with pink accents and while the purple has held up well, the pink is a little hard to see. But that healed fine and i had no scarring. Im pretty light with a few blotches of discoloration here and there, but i don't think my complexion was a big influence. I think it it depends on the type of original scar and how you personally heal, not necessarily your family.

Jackie O

Well-known member
I don't have any keloids and never have suffered from them. And you are right, I do believe it has something to do with genetics. But as a tester or like a rule of thumb, try getting a more subtle area pierced like your ears? If they aren't already. Because if you go right into the lip piercing not knowing what to expect, it would be pretty hard to hide that! If you ears are already pierced and you haven't experienced any trouble than you should be fine. I have my naval, 2 in each ear, and my nipples. I've had my nose done but I had to take that out for basic training. None of them ever keloided. Hope I helped! Tattoos require too much of a permanent commitment for me so I was never quite fond of them lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by iCandy
All tatto's piercings on black people looks ghetto! I'm sorry...

As a teen I wanted "Sista" tattoed somewhere. then I wanted a rosery on my ankle cuz I love anklets.. but I'm so glad i was too scared/broke to do it. Now every black girl I see with a tattoo looks less glamorous than she would if she just had lovely smooth unblemished skin.

Ok, I know I don't have darker skin but this statement is completely ridiculous. Personally I have 9 so far. A chest piece, half sleeve, the works. And ignorance about tattoos being trashes isn't strictly for any skin tone. I was literally accused of stealing one day, and was singled out for being heavily tattooed. It doesn't matter what skin color you have, people make their own assumptions on people based on tattoos. And skin color has nothing to do with it, and it shouldn't. And for those ignorant enough to think a certain race is poor and thats why they have tattoos clearly doesn't have tattoos. They're expensive!

And to the OP: The last tattoo I got a woman came in that was friends with my tattoo artist and said she was jealous because I could have bright colors and she couldn't because she had darker skin. Personally I'm not that educated in different skin tones and tattoos. I would assume it would be a little more complicated myself, but my artist explained to her that there are plenty of bright colors that darker skinned people can use that will stand out. That it just depends on the placement.

And as far as piercing goes, being a fad and all. They're not permanent. Imagine that. You can remove it when the fad is over. However. The fad has been going on almost 20 years that I can remember. So. I don't think its gonna go away anytime soon.

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