

Well-known member
So I've never been that keen on getting a tattoo before, but suddenly i have this NEED to express myself. I'm the most indecisive person I know so I was thinking of getting a henna tattoo done before I go for the real thing!

The trouble is I can't figure out WHERE to put it or WHAT i want done! Does anyone have any experiences they cud share with me or photos of their tatoos that can inspire me?

I also can't STAND what my bf calls 'slag tags' (tattoos done on the lower back of like butterflies or dolphins or other non original or non imaginitive tattoos!)

When I get it done it has to be representative of something. Not just any old picture.

So far things I have seen that I have admired - Brandon B (from Incubus) red arm tattoo, John Mayers periodic table tattoo, a friend of a friend had 'no regrets' tattooed on the back of her neck. Or Amy from shipwrecked has one across her back with stars...

It's just too hard to decide! I just want one simple, sexy, pretty looking work of art somewhere on my body, but I just can't seem to make up my mind!!! I think I will draw and create it, I just don't know if I'm conviced. Any photos to inspire would be much appreciated!



Well-known member
slag tag? I've always heard it called a "tramp stamp".

I have a bunch, so I will post a few, But I am not so sure they will inspire you!

You can always check out for some photos of tattoos. or when you are at a bookstore, check out a tattoo magazine, theres like 5 different ones.

hope that helps!


Well-known member
I love the guns one! Way cool!
It's so sad but my friend suggested (as a joke) I get the M.A.C logo and then i was like COOOOOOLLL! BUt i have been convinced otherwise now. It would be taking the obsession a little too far me thinks! I just want something that expresses part of me! But I don't know what! I think maybe a thin tattoo would be nice? Something swirly? I don't know!


Well-known member
If you don't know what you want, don't get one. It'll be on your skin forever. Most, not all, people who get something on the spur of the moment end up regretting it later on in life. I would suggest thinking of things that you feel represent yourself. Look through online galleries of pictures for inspiration. Then bring your ideas to a tattoo shop for a custom design.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by knoxydoll
If you don't know what you want, don't get one. It'll be on your skin forever. I would suggest thinking of things that you feel represent yourself.

Yeah I'm well aware lol! I'm going to decide on something, get a henna tat done to see what i think and then give it a few months to figure out if I keep liking it! I want to design it myself as well. But it's so hard to think of something that does represent me. And something that will represent me in ten years as well! I also want to get another peircing, but I can't decide. My bf loves lip peircings but I don't think they're that attractive. At least not when people push them out with their tounge and u see the fleshy bits (ew!) . I was thinking a nose peircing. I think I'm going into another stage in life and i want to represent that somehow. I just don't know how yet!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by glitternmyveins
Yeah I'm well aware lol! I'm going to decide on something, get a henna tat done to see what i think and then give it a few months to figure out if I keep liking it! I want to design it myself as well. But it's so hard to think of something that does represent me. And something that will represent me in ten years as well! I also want to get another peircing, but I can't decide. My bf loves lip peircings but I don't think they're that attractive. At least not when people push them out with their tounge and u see the fleshy bits (ew!) . I was thinking a nose peircing. I think I'm going into another stage in life and i want to represent that somehow. I just don't know how yet!

Just brainstorm on things you like, things you do, things that corrolate to both of those. It can be a little abstract like how my conch represents home and that it's always with me. The process can take a while to choose what you want.
Piercing wise my favourite are lains (horizontally through the lip) they are rare and difficult to heal. I personally hate nose peircings, I don't know why but I do. The hardest facial piercing to pull off (IMO) is the marilyn/monroe/madonna (the name changes by where you live and who you know but it's placement is on the upperlip area... I'm too tired to describe it) . Anyways my point was very few people can pull that one off yet it seems to be really popular (around here at least). I have a friggin' mole there I don't know why you'd want to put a fake one. I'd look around to see which piercings you find attractive and then go with that one, at least if you don't like it you can always take it out.


Well-known member
i had this "urge" since i was 12 or 13 but my mother was very reasonable and always said i should wait until i was 18. so the real problem began when i was 17 bout WHAT i wanted and WHERE i wanted it. when i decided it was just before my 18th birthday and i got a date right after my birthday for this one:


i love it. its picassos design for a dove of peace and its tattooed on the inside of my right hip flying towards my navel. and me being a naive girl just before i started to study policital science it was a reasonable choice. im still believing that everything can turn for the better if people would actually talk with each other. thats why im planning on saving the world when i finished studying.

i recently got the urge again, but ill first get the dove re-done because the colour has worn off slightly (yes, thats a green olive branch in her mouth!) if i still have the urge afterwards ill start thinking of a new motif. (actually i started already, but im not sure yet. this can take some time

what i wouldnt get are tribals. they are meaningless to ME, im not part of any tribe whos culture is to get such tattoos. they look beautiful, but in our society they do not have any meaning, and i support the thought of a tattoo meaning something. my best friend has such a tattoo, its just there and doesnt mean anything to her, its just so she has something "special" (she got it before i got mine as she is older; that was during the time everybody got the tribals because they were so trendy... prefered over the asses...look at them now...)

little teaser

Well-known member
lol.. i like tribal tattoos and dont mind if theres no meaning, not all tattoos have to have a meaning, cant people just get a tattoo for simple reason of just likeing it and the art of it.
from the way you talk about going through a phase sounds like your young(i could be wrong) but when you consider what tattoos and pierceings you are gonna get and where you are gonna put them, you should also think about the jobs you are gonna get not all jobs are tattoo and piercing friendly... something to think about when decideing....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by little teaser
lol.. i like tribal tattoos and dont mind if theres no meaning, not all tattoos have to have a meaning, cant people just get a tattoo for simple reason of just likeing it and the art of it.

people do get tattoos that don't have a meaning, most of mine are at least. some are just things I like.
I personally don't like tribal, because even if it is some design.. i wouldn't want a bunch of wavy lines.
But some people do. And I can understand that. I know some people wouldn't want a cupcake on their bum like I do, so to each their own.


Well-known member
Hahaha...Tramp stamps...

I have an unfinished half sleeve and am going to get some behind my ears and stuff...

You don't have to have meanings behind tattoos...I hate it when people tell me I have to. Yeah...bmezine is a good source. Tons of pictures.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by triccc
slag tag? I've always heard it called a "tramp stamp".

I have a bunch, so I will post a few, But I am not so sure they will inspire you!

You can always check out for some photos of tattoos. or when you are at a bookstore, check out a tattoo magazine, theres like 5 different ones.

hope that helps!

Your tattos are F-INKG great! I love them
My favorites are the cupcake & the skull/stars cobweb, the 2 pistols...hmmm on second thought all of them! Thank you for sharing


Well-known member
Triccc - i'm in love with that cupcake and the rocket!!

Glitter, take a look at this thread, it might get you thinking.

It also has a picture of beloved black cat tattoo in there hehe. It kinda represents who I am now, there is an explanation with it.

I am considering gettings some greyscale fireworks integrated with it, and up my side onto my ribs. I am incredibly sentimental and still to this day, fireworks hold many many lovely memories for me from childhood!

For the record though, I don't think tattoos need to be loaded with meaning for everyone. If you're truly just a fan of body art, then go for it - as long as you've thought it through.


Well-known member
yeah, i dont mean anybody else shouldnt get one because i wouldnt get one for me... if you want one because it looks good and you like it, get it...

i just was kinda put off it when EVERYBODY around me seemed to have gotten one of these, and especially with those right up yer bum (we call them "arschgeweihe" in germans, well "ass antlers" would be the english translation") they werent anything special, because ALL had them. it was a trend, and i thought it to be boring, everywhere you saw a women with lowcut jeans, you also saw one of these. some even had the same design, not good when youre living in a small town... thats why im not so much into tribals. now that its not a "trend" anymore i guess its ok again

edited: actually, thinking that a design is lovely/pretty/whatever can be a meaning, too, can it? so to get this straight, my non-liking of tribals is something purely personal. and i admit that some designs look really good, its just not something i would get tattooed on my skin.


Well-known member
I have a tat on my foot...and i hate it and plan on getting it removed. I did it on spring break and it looks like ass now.
It was $30 so naturally it was a steal lol.
Live and learn!


Well-known member
I got most my tattoos in white ink because i was also worried id regret it but i love it, I have Jane on my wrist in white ink and the only cons are some people think its a raised scar (its on my wrist so that cant be good) and when you tan it goes darker with your skin, so its starting to turn a nice ivory color and more real. I also have a colorful fat puffy cup cake with a cute love heart shaped cherry and wings on my foot which i do regret only because of the placement, my heels rubbed against it while it was fresh and i have a few lines through it. BME is great for browsing through photos.


Active member
I only have one tattoo and it's on my upper right arm. It's a swallow. I love it! I would suggest getting some tattoo magazines and looking for styles and colors you like, then getting something totally original that means something special to you.


Well-known member
Thanks for all the replies. I've been trying to gather my thoughts on all these topics. I don't want blue or black ink, I think I want to stick to red, but I'm not sure yet. I do want something with meaning to me tho. I can appreciate others having them done for the art of it, but as it's something that u sort of show off it, for me has to have some kind of representation. It's so hard trying to figure one out! I used to love stars, but every1 has them. Every1 also seems to get them on their lower back and it's not a nice look to me. If any1 else has any tattoos pls feel free to post pics!

little teaser

Well-known member
Originally Posted by freaksinunif0rm
Hahaha...Tramp stamps...​

I have an unfinished half sleeve and am going to get some behind my ears and stuff...​

You don't have to have meanings behind tattoos...I hate it when people tell me I have to. Yeah...bmezine is a good source. Tons of pictures.​

i agree^ i hate when people ask me that too, like im suppose to give a story to a stranger why i got what i got... when they ask what does it mean i tell them it means i like tattoos and and i like art. although i have thought about getting my dads initals on my wrist(he pass away) but his initals are w.a.r so i duno about that ha

little teaser

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Jillipede
I only have one tattoo and it's on my upper right arm. It's a swallow. I love it! I would suggest getting some tattoo magazines and looking for styles and colors you like, then getting something totally original that means something special to you.

love your tattoo