
Well-known member
I had a 12 hour layover in Mexico once.... followed by an 11 hour flight to Germany.. followed by a 1 hour layover and a 20 minute flight to the Netherlands lol!
It was the worse day of my life I think

Dolly Snow

I had a 5 hour layover in New York once and just sat all alone in the terminal watching Netflix on my phone. Thank heavens for Netflix! Lol
Netflix has been a life saver lol
Vince Camuto died yesterday. :cry:
I know, I read this morning. That's so sad :cry: Apparently of natural causes at 78? that's so young. I want to live until I am like... 120 
One article I read said cancer.  Who knows what the real story is.
That's so sad.
   :curtsy: [COLOR=0000FF]Thank you!!![/COLOR]   [COLOR=0000FF] So uncalled for.  Sorry you had to experience that---just rude & wrong!!!![/COLOR]:eek:hboy: [COLOR=0000FF]  I'm glad you've had some good experiences.  I actually hate flying now----I did it so, so much when I worked---I'm just so over it.  Also, things are so different now---not in a good way either:sigh: [/COLOR]   :agree: [COLOR=0000FF]   I always hated layovers----I shopped.  Surprised--------is no one!!!![/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]  That and /or a good novel!!!![/COLOR]
She was not even quiet either. She yelled it throughout the entire cabin. Spoke to other FAs and called down to the check in area. It was so upsetting.
I had a 12 hour layover in Mexico once.... followed by an 11 hour flight to Germany.. followed by a 1 hour layover and a 20 minute flight to the Netherlands lol! It was the worse day of my life I think :eek:hboy:
That sounds awful :(


Well-known member
[COLOR=0000FF]  If you love wearing black you don't need to change that.  Add a colorful scarf or shoes and/or bag; a colorful blazer w/a black top & slacks.  A scarf can dress up an[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]  outfit in a flash, as can [/COLOR][COLOR=0000FF]statement jewelry or a strand of pearls. I would start with a few basic pieces, and never ever spend a fortune on trendy stuff that goes out of[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]  style in a flash.  It's ok to get them but find them at [/COLOR][COLOR=0000FF]discounted rates.[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]  In addition to black clothing, what do you enjoy wearing?  What do you look best in?  What are you most comfortable in? What's your favorite color other than black?  [/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]  Are you restricted by a[/COLOR][COLOR=0000FF] dress code at work?[/COLOR]    :haha:  [COLOR=0000FF]You don't find many nice airport workers these days.  Everyone seems uptight & on edge.  People skills are in short supply anymore.[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]   Yay[/COLOR]:stars: [COLOR=0000FF]What's at the top of your list????[/COLOR]
Blush balls, Luxure, Gourmandise, the medium pressed balls compact, baby glow, Gladys rouge g,pussycat, wicked blush.


Well-known member
I had a 12 hour layover in Mexico once.... followed by an 11 hour flight to Germany.. followed by a 1 hour layover and a 20 minute flight to the Netherlands lol! It was the worse day of my life I think :eek:hboy:
Yikes! :shock: I think I'd go nuts unless I had someone with me.


Well-known member
   :curtsy: [COLOR=0000FF]Thank you!!![/COLOR]   [COLOR=0000FF] So uncalled for.  Sorry you had to experience that---just rude & wrong!!!![/COLOR]:eek:hboy: [COLOR=0000FF]  I'm glad you've had some good experiences.  I actually hate flying now----I did it so, so much when I worked---I'm just so over it.  Also, things are so different now---not in a good way either:sigh: [/COLOR]   :agree: [COLOR=0000FF]   I always hated layovers----I shopped.  Surprised--------is no one!!!![/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]  That and /or a good novel!!!![/COLOR]
Yeah, it's way more stressful now than it used to be. I didn't do a ton of flying before 01 but I definitely remember it not being such a darn hassle. Maybe I don't want to take off my shoes and walk through that giant death ray body scanner and I definitely don't want a cavity check,thank you very much.


Well-known member
   :curtsy: [COLOR=0000FF]Thank you!!![/COLOR]   [COLOR=0000FF] So uncalled for.  Sorry you had to experience that---just rude & wrong!!!![/COLOR]:eek:hboy: [COLOR=0000FF]  I'm glad you've had some good experiences.  I actually hate flying now----I did it so, so much when I worked---I'm just so over it.  Also, things are so different now---not in a good way either:sigh: [/COLOR]   :agree: [COLOR=0000FF]   I always hated layovers----I shopped.  Surprised--------is no one!!!![/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]  That and /or a good novel!!!![/COLOR]
You shopping on a layover? I'd never of imagined! :haha: I was going to bring a book that trip and forgot it at home so I was really grateful for Netflix that day because that would of been a long 5 hours. Lol


Well-known member
I was going to bring a book that trip and forgot it at home so I was really grateful for Netflix that day because that would of been a long 5 hours. Lol
I had taken my then 12 y.o. daughter to Cozumel after my husband died. We needed some time to regroup and it was perfect, but there were delays on our trip
home----so we shopped. I got some gorgeous gold pieces that are amazing to this day, but I swear at that time I could hear my hubs saying, "Really honey----you're buying jewelry in an airport!"


Well-known member
  [COLOR=0000FF]  I love, love love your list!!!  GREAT selection!!!![/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]   I hate that.  I wear those stocking peds so my feet aren't on the floor---I hate it so much!!!  I understand what it's done.  I was living in NY during 9/11 so I appreciate[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]   it---just don't like it!!!![/COLOR]    :haha: [COLOR=0000FF] [/COLOR]:lmao: [COLOR=0000FF]I had taken my then 12 y.o. daughter to Cozumel after my husband died.  We needed some time to regroup and it was perfect, but there were delays on our trip[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF] home----so we shopped.  [/COLOR][COLOR=0000FF]I got  some gorgeous gold pieces that are amazing to this day, but I swear at that time I could hear my hubs saying, "Really honey----you're buying jewelry in an airport!"[/COLOR]
Thanks! Gladys got tossed on my list after Googling it and seeing how beautiful it looked on Charisma. I think I might even get that before the balls. Lol I too appreciate the extra security,but ugh! I have to really want to go somewhere to fly there. I'm sorry about your loss,Meddy. :hug: I bet those pieces are beautiful,you seem to have excellent taste. :)


Well-known member
[COLOR=0000FF]   I don't think I'd respond too lady-like in that situation, even as a mere observer![/COLOR]
I hate when people treat people unfairly. I remember in London, Anthony and I were on the tube and this guy got up from his seat to grab a newspaper someone had left behind. It was at a stop so people were getting on and this older woman sat down in the seat he had been in and when he came back he started being all nasty to her and actually made her get up and stand. (The tube was very crowded) I got up from my seat and gave her mine and then proceeded to go off on this rather foul mouthed rant about men not knowing how to properly treat women nowadays, lack of manners being taught at home and he was too damn old to be acting like he was and how disgusting I thought he was for being such an asshole to a woman who obviously needed the seat more than he did. I got actual applause and three different people offered to give up their seats for me. :haha:


Well-known member
   Gladys is really very pretty!   You forgot to put Greta on your list [COLOR=0000FF]   Me too on the flying! I'm right there with you![/COLOR]:bigthumb: [COLOR=0000FF]   Thank you so much[/COLOR]:hug:  
Oh no I didnt! Greta is priority numero uno if I can ever find it!


Well-known member
I hate when people treat people unfairly. I remember in London, Anthony and I were on the tube and this guy got up from his seat to grab a newspaper someone had left behind. It was at a stop so people were getting on and this older woman sat down in the seat he had been in and when he came back he started being all nasty to her and actually made her get up and stand. (The tube was very crowded) I got up from my seat and gave her mine and then proceeded to go off on this rather foul mouthed rant about men not knowing how to properly treat women nowadays, lack of manners being taught at home and he was too damn old to be acting like he was and how disgusting I thought he was for being such an asshole to a woman who obviously needed the seat more than he did. I got actual applause and three different people offered to give up their seats for me.
I would have given you a standing ovation!!!! I love random acts of kindness

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