Teen starved for years in 'horrendous' case of abuse


Well-known member
This made my stomach turn.

Totally a case where they should do to the parents what they did to the child.

I wonder where their biological mother is?


Well-known member
My jaw is on the floor, my stomach has a sick sick feeeling ...How could anyone do such a thing? 48 months of jail is nothing compared to the many years she torchered those poor children! Scenarios like this makes me wish they could give her the same treatment she gave those kids see how she feels after that!grr!


Well-known member
Forty-eight months is nothing for crimes of this magnitude. Prison life would be a picnic compared to what their innocent children experienced for years.


Active member
Did those sick SOBs every say WHY they put that poor little girl through this? They deserve more time IMO.

Poor kids, God Bless them. I hope the dad and step-mom rot in prison


Well-known member
You know what I've noticed in cases like this? Very frequently, one of the parents is not the bio-parent and it always seems to be the woman. I've always wondered if some sort of resentment towards the children since they aren't their biological children.

Regardless of that random tangent, these people should be slowly starved to death.


Well-known member
What a horrible, horrible story. I'm not naive, but I can't believe things like this still go on in the world. I just can't fathom how anyone could be so cruel, twisted, and evil. How anyone could look at another human being and make the decision to torture and abuse. Children can't care for themselves, and an adult who abuses that power is, in my opinion, the worst sort of creature in existence. My heart goes out to that girl and her brother, and I hope that someday they can learn to have normal healthy lives. There isn't enough justice in the world to right that wrong


Well-known member
I'm glad the 14 year old girl and her brother are on the road to recovery.

As for the parents they deserve to _______. You fill in the blank.


Well-known member
WTF - how did the thought of doing what they did even enter their minds. It's as if there is no punishment fitting for those who subject their children, any children, to torture.


Well-known member
Good lord...I'm fairly underweight and I weight 48 KILOS....aren't pounds less than half that, making this poor girl roughly 20 kg??! What would possess someone to restrict WATER as punishment? I still think it's disgustingly sick either way, but it's not like the step-mother was like no special foods only bread. She gave her a TINY cup of water a day...I pray this girl will still get the change to fufill her potential and this sick bitch hasn't done permanent damage.


Well-known member
There are so many wonderful people who desire to have kids and can't...Then there are the people that should never be given the privilege of being in the same room as a child let alone having children of their own. Sad!


Well-known member
WTF?! is all that's going through my head right now. Why did they do this? i just don't understand, these people are SICK. This is horrible, i hope they get everything that's coming to them and i'm glad the children are doing ok now.


Well-known member
I seriously have no words for this. How in the world can people do such horrible things to children.
I am so disgusted and saddened by this.
Can the law please throw the book at these
? If 48 months is the max sentence, there needs to be stiffer laws. How are you going to take good care of your dog but block your daughter from drinking water for years?


Well-known member
This is just sick, the parents disgust me and I can't believe that they are only getting 48 months if convicted. I am happy that the children got the help they needed but no child should have to endure that kind of torture, let alone from your own parents. The step mom is just pure evil it's like she was slowly trying to kill the girl or something with the ridiculous water restrictions and dunking her head in the toilet as punishment, wtf. That story is pretty heartbreaking.


Well-known member
Whenever I read news stories like this I can never comprehend why or how you could do this to a child, especially to your own

It's so sickening


Well-known member
Originally Posted by OfficerJenny
Whenever I read news stories like this I can never comprehend why or how you could do this to a child, especially to your own

It's so sickening

Yep. And what it's even more shocking is how well-cared-for the dogs were in comparison.


Well-known member
This is absolutely horrifying. Those poor children

I really, REALLY wish I could have a few words with those piece of sh!t parents. I'd like to dropkick them a few times in the forehead as well. What kind of disgusting sub-human scum could do this to a child?

I hope they are able to find loving homes and be nourished and cared for.
how sad..


Well-known member
I am amazed at the strength and survival instinct in that girl. Half a Dixie cup of water a DAY for YEARS? She should be dead. Sick as it sounds, stuff like this does happen although restricting water like that is a new one for me. She's lucky that one) she lived, and two) that the worst of the abuse seemed to start at around nine, because let me tell you if severe neglect and abuse starts very early (think a few years old or younger) kids can never develop normally. Often kids who are abused like her from a young age can never learn to talk, because if you don't learn to speak a language at that age your brain's capacity to learn how goes away. It's pretty horrifying how badly someone can be screwed up by not being held or spoken to as a young child. I've done some research into stuff like this, and it's one of the reasons I want to be a psychologist. Maybe I can help kids like her come back from something like that.


Well-known member
how sick treating your pet better than your own flesh and blood! 48 months is disgusting, they should get atleast 14years considering theyve abused her for her entire life! some people are just vile.


Well-known member
I honestly don't understand how this can not be considered attempted homicide at the very least. I just hope when they go to prison they suffer greatly, most other prisoners don't look kindly at people who abuse children. That girl is very very strong to survive and not give up, I imagine that would require an immense amount of hope and faith in something. I've decided human beings aren't at all civilized!