It feels so strange to be back and posting.. I am still in Italy and getting ready to go out to dinner with some acquaintances.. I don't have many friends here and life is just a new beginning now. An exciting new beginning tho.
I will update: I had a most nasty summer -- going from continent to continent, getting a broken nose, a fractured finger, and illness made up most of my days.. And the nights were filled with anxiety and loss of sleep. But I plod on and here I am. I have an almost finished house in the countryside and my office is almost 90% set up. I have a great team of kids who love/hate me but who are very creative and truly good kids. Ramon was out and is back.. lol. He insists he can and will wait for me to get over my craziness.. and well, the pickings are slim for women my age unless I do become a cougar which I find unseemly.. lol. I am just an old bag with higher expectations I guess.
Physically I have gone from a short brown hair cut to a buzz cut with my full grey and now some added highlites around the front (silver of course).. it is longer now and has that Halley Berry feel.. I am wearing less and less mu and rely more on my skin which is in good condition to do it's thing.. therefore I am using some EL highliter .. (new gel one) and some powder foundation to cover up some of the lesser appealing parts of my skin (DG, Chanel, or Guerlain are great powders). I have also been using the Guerlain Parure extreme when I go out in the evening and very defined lips with less darkness on the eyes. That was summer. Now I am getting into the greys, burgundy's and navy blues .. and of course the greyed purples. Dress here is much more formal than in the US -- especially for my field. So I am wearing most of my designer suits and dresses and pairing them with touches of weirdness.. i.e. loafers, sneakers, espadrilles for day and my good shoes for evening.
Life is going on.. thanks to all who have expressed good wishes for my sister. She is being well cared for and is holding on with less medicines and more good nutrition and love. I will be going back and forth for work and family -- sometimes I wake up and wonder where I am.. lol. But with the grace of God, I will figure all this out.
many thanks to all who have sent good wishes -- in particular Elena
, Cutie, msqq, the indomitable C!
, bis, katred and everybody else.. I miss you all and hope you are all well and enjoying life to the fullest.
p.s. don't take my negativity about the world markets to heart.. you all boost economies by your great shopping .. lol. I do hope some of you took my advice on buying gold/silver so long ago.. it helps to be diversified !!
Talk to you all soon..