The Chanel Ratonas Off-topic Thread


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You can send it my way anytime!
We had the most craptastic summer starting from mid June. Rain, rain and more rain, with just a few sunny days in between.

Hi Ladies!

I just found this chat thread and I feel like I haven't been around in forever, lol! I finally got Specktra to work again recently and I'm so glad, missed it here! I've been helping my parents re-decorate their Las Vegas home (well, my could care less, lol) and that's been a blast! The hubby is still dealing with some health issues, but we're working on it and one step at a time we'll figure it all out. Our cat is still fat and angry (wouldn't want him any other way!), my neighbors are still beyond strange, and we're waiting for this ridiculous never-ending Summery weather to finally stop! So...same old over here, lol. How are all of you?

I have to admit...without Specktra I strayed away from the make-up world a bit and feel deep into my handbag addiction (oops!) so I'm a bit out of the loop Chanel-wise. I just read all about the Holiday collection and fell deeply in love. The highlighter in particular has me all hot and gorgeous!!! I've been looking for a special highlighter since last year's holiday collection and this one might be IT! I may have to backtrack a bit and pick up the Prelude quad from the Fall collection (looks awesome), but nothing MAC related has made me jump out of my seat for a while. Anything else I missed out on that I NEED to check out?


Well-known member
Oh yay! Cheryl and Megan, I'm so glad to hear from you ladies!

Megan, I too got sucked in by the Chanel fall collection, despite my determination to stop spending so much on cosmetics! (Been better, but not great!). I haven't even looked at the holiday thread yet. Also spending a lot of time and money on the home, as it's not anywhere near done.

Sorry to hear that hubby's still having health issues, I really hope that it's nothing too serious.

The home update: Shutters have been ordered for son's room and playroom, we're hoping they will help to block a bit of the noise from outside and the light from the street so my little guy can sleep through the night. He has been up EVERY night for the last few months, sometimes a few times a night, and will not go back to sleep unless I'm with him, which means less sleep for me! Still no wall art though!


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Oh ladies...too many handbags to mention one by one, lol! I decided to rebuild my Coach collection (all leather - love that smell!) so I've picked up a few older bags (Sabrinas, Audrey) and several new ones....and wallets, wristlets, keyfobs, etc. I had planned on buying an LV Speedy 30 too, but I decided to hold off on that. I'm so annoyed with LV's constant price increases over the past 18 months I'm staying away from the brand for a while. I have so many bags on my wishlist too, and I'll be getting 2 more soon with Coach's Fall release, lol. Addicted? YES and I love it!

The re-decorating with my mom has been so fun! She just decided one morning that everything needed to be changed, so we've gone room by room all around the house! Everything from paint, furniture, flooring, lighting, art, etc. has been replaced. Interior design/decorating is a huge passion of mine and I just loved doing it! She was thrilled to avoid paying a designer so it was a win win for both of us. I love it that some of you are re-decorating too! How fun!

I must check out the Prelude quad soon along with Gris Exquis and Fauvre e/s...I'm sure all will be coming home with me at some point soon. I'm trying to avoid lip stuff for a while if at all possible but I don't think that will be very successful, lol. I just have SO many I'm afraid I won't be able to use what I already own before they go bad. I love all of the lip products coming out with the Holiday collection, so I'm in trouble there, lol. I'm also drawn to Guerlain's holiday collection! I have been loving the looks of everything from that brand lately, and I have to get my hands on some soon!

Ok enough rambling for now. It's so good to be back here with all of you, big hugs all around!


Well-known member
Handbags are so fun! A passion of mine are Furla bags - they are so beautiful and well made! And like every second girl I dream of a Birkin bag. Even if I had one, I would never wear it outside - I couldn't run around with a 6000€ bag!

The problem with decorating for me is that me and the bf have a hugely different taste in furniture, and everyting has to be negotiated which makes it not so much fun for me - even though I love it!

Today I went to swatch the RA Velvets after work. Baaaaaaad idea! Sometime later in the month, the pope will visit, and today there was some kind of kick off, an open air mass right in the city centre in front of the town hall. Crowds of people, lots of police, and I hate crowds with a passion! Of course, the underground was crowded to, and I was really happy to be home.


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Nora -- I bet the shutters will help a lot. Hopefully you can get some sleep!
I am going to copy my sister's idea for wall art -- she finds the coolest fabric and puts it in a frame. I have some huge frames, but don't like the prints anymore. So I'm going to try to find some fabric I like. Not that I will keep it up forever -- but something different until I find something I love. We'll see how it works out . . .

Elena -- wish I could send you some sun! It has been blazing hot here lately. I think it will start cooling off a bit next week. I love Fall, but definitely am not looking forward to Winter!

Meg -- oh, how fun with all of the bags. That is one things I haven't gotten into too much -- I think I am missing out LOL! And I agree about the Guerlain holiday collection -- drools!

Anneri -- love the swatches your posted of the Velvets. Too bad you had to battle the crowds! I picture wearing the Velvet lippies as I'm wearing my pencil skirts and boots this fall. Yummy.


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Megan, holy handbags! You really need to post some pics! (I'm one to talk, I know, never post pics that people request).

Michelle, your sister's wall art project sounds interesting. Can you also post pics if you end up trying it out?

I will try to get previously promised pics up soon!


Well-known member
^^ I can take some pics of the ones my sister has up in her house. They turned out really cool. I think she got the idea from Nate Berkus (hottie and decorator).
I will be on the hunt for some fabric that will work!

Miss QQ

Well-known member
Megan - I'm drooling at your bags! I agree, boo on LV for increasing their prices so much every 6 months. I probably will never own one at the rate I'm spending and the price hike. I was considering a Gucci bag couple of months ago but the money for it has been spent on urgent things and of course, makeup and shoes. I will have to wait or look for a more affordable one. A small freak accident happened to me yesterday. I took a bus home during the evening peak hour. I always take a train but recently I experiment taking a bus instead but the constant pushing and shoving in trains make me very grouchy. The bus I got on was packed and I stood at the side of front doors. At the next stop, the doors swing opened and the left door caught my right big toe. The door could not open fully but people were already getting on. I wished the door would close quickly but it didn't and the plastic/metal base corner of the door dug into my toe. Luckily it was round and wasn't sharp. The pain was soon unbearable so I told the driver about it in a painful squeaky voice. He couldn't close the doors immediately as people were getting on. Finally he closed them after seconds, which felt like hours to me, and my toe was free. There was only slight bleeding but the toe was swollen and red. I put some ice on to reduce the swelling. It didn't look and hurt too bad this morning, luckily!


Well-known member
Ouch MissQQ! Hope it didn't swell up.

Michelle, who is this hottie and decorator you speak of?! I need to google him.

I think I'll take a break from housework on Saturday and see if hubby wants to go to a few places to look at artwork. Not sure how he thinks we're going to find anything if we never go out and look!


Well-known member
MissQQ -- yikes! I have gotten my toe slammed in a door and it was a bloody mess (I was wearing flip flops-- ouch!). Glad it is feeling better today!

Nora -- the hottie decorator is Nate Burkus:

He used to be on the Oprah show all of the time and now has his own show. He has great style and is easy on the eyes :)

Good luck with the artwork hunt! Let me know if you find anything!


Well-known member
Hi ladies

OMG it's been so long since I posted here! I was on vacation last weeks. We were staying in Berlin the whole time so it was kinda crucial for me to stay away from the computer so I could feel more like I was on vacation :eek:).

I don't have anything new to say make-up wise (or anything-wise!) here, last purchase I made was that Chanel Peridot, and may I say I'm totally in love with that np?
I've never been in love with a nail polish before, so it's my first love :D.

Hubs interview is still ongoing so we haven't decide anything yet. We figured we'll just wait for the final offer :D.

Oh, and I forgot if I mentioned it here already or not, but we finally got the tickets to fly home this Christmas

Anneri, glad to hear you're settling in! I've heard about the pope visit too and he's coming to Berlin. I must check when so I could avoid the crowd :p.

MissQQ -

Miss QQ

Well-known member
^^ Hi! Welcome back! Hope you had a great vacation! Glad to hear you love Peridot. And congrats on flying home for Christmas! It must mean a lot to you!

Michelle - Ouch! It sounds much more painful to have the toe slammed by the door. Thanks. Luckily mine is not bleeding much, but it hurts a lot when I gently touch it.

Nora - Thanks, the swelling has gone down. Enjoy the artwork hunt!

Have you ladies seen the EL fall illuminating gelee? It has arrived at certain EL counters here but I haven't look at it. It looks pretty in the pics! Very happy that the weekend is finally here soon! :) Hope all of us have a good weekend!


Well-known member

It feels so strange to be back and posting.. I am still in Italy and getting ready to go out to dinner with some acquaintances.. I don't have many friends here and life is just a new beginning now. An exciting new beginning tho.

I will update: I had a most nasty summer -- going from continent to continent, getting a broken nose, a fractured finger, and illness made up most of my days.. And the nights were filled with anxiety and loss of sleep. But I plod on and here I am. I have an almost finished house in the countryside and my office is almost 90% set up. I have a great team of kids who love/hate me but who are very creative and truly good kids. Ramon was out and is back.. lol. He insists he can and will wait for me to get over my craziness.. and well, the pickings are slim for women my age unless I do become a cougar which I find unseemly.. lol. I am just an old bag with higher expectations I guess.

Physically I have gone from a short brown hair cut to a buzz cut with my full grey and now some added highlites around the front (silver of course).. it is longer now and has that Halley Berry feel.. I am wearing less and less mu and rely more on my skin which is in good condition to do it's thing.. therefore I am using some EL highliter .. (new gel one) and some powder foundation to cover up some of the lesser appealing parts of my skin (DG, Chanel, or Guerlain are great powders). I have also been using the Guerlain Parure extreme when I go out in the evening and very defined lips with less darkness on the eyes. That was summer. Now I am getting into the greys, burgundy's and navy blues .. and of course the greyed purples. Dress here is much more formal than in the US -- especially for my field. So I am wearing most of my designer suits and dresses and pairing them with touches of weirdness.. i.e. loafers, sneakers, espadrilles for day and my good shoes for evening.

Life is going on.. thanks to all who have expressed good wishes for my sister. She is being well cared for and is holding on with less medicines and more good nutrition and love. I will be going back and forth for work and family -- sometimes I wake up and wonder where I am.. lol. But with the grace of God, I will figure all this out.

many thanks to all who have sent good wishes -- in particular Elena
, Cutie, msqq, the indomitable C!
, bis, katred and everybody else.. I miss you all and hope you are all well and enjoying life to the fullest.

p.s. don't take my negativity about the world markets to heart.. you all boost economies by your great shopping .. lol. I do hope some of you took my advice on buying gold/silver so long ago.. it helps to be diversified !!

Talk to you all soon..


Miss QQ

Well-known member
Hi HG! Great to see you here! It sounds like you had some hard times, a bit of adventure and I smiled when I read Ramon is back. :) Good that your sister is taking less medicine and getting better nutrition, with you around she is in good hands. I enjoyed reading the description of your makeup, hair and dressing. I just purchased the EL gelee yesterday, tried it on my cheeks at the counter and love it. Do you wear it as a highlighter or blusher? Hope to see you here soon!


Well-known member
Hi msqq.. thanks for your welcome ! Thank you for your comments on my sister.. mercifully her pain is under control and she has gained 4 lbs !! I am so excited for her .. I just spoke with her a few minutes ago.

I love the new gel/powder formulation from EL -- it looks golden in the pan, but on me, it is not.. it is neutral (I am an Nc15, Faience 05 etc for ref)... the glow this gives is incredible.. it lights you up. I knew when I saw it that it would be amazing so I bought 2.. lol. I bought it before I left for Italy and did not try it on my face till I got here and it is seriously gorgeous. I use it on my face.. all over and I use a stipple brush (MAC 187 or 188 for finer highlite). I have used it on my eyelids since I have not been wearing much eyeshadow and it just gives an even glow on the eyes too. I highly reccomend this product.

Also, if you are looking for a soft glow, the CD Sculpting powders are EXCELLENT! I alternate them and bought two in Beige Praline -- fantastic glow without shimmer or flecks.. fabulous!

fashion here is very very advanced.. and I am hoping to shake off my lethargy and am dressing accordingly.. lol.

oh, a good trick for the eyebrow challenged -- I am using a primer (ran out of UDPP so now using my old TFSI) on clean brows and then fill in with either pencil or soft powder.. in my case I am using the "black" from Clinique which is totally in sync with my new grey hair.. and it is now totally grey (major silver). I apply with MAC 208 small angle brush and then use a spoolie. Then I use a taupe eyebrow mascara (Lancome) and brush all the hairs Down.. let that dry and then I use a Senna clear eyebrow mascara to brush up. They look fatter and fuller and stay on all day even thru the hottest heat spell

yes, Rrrramonnnnnnnnnn is baaack.. but only a part time basis


Well-known member
p.s. I finished my knitted beanie.. lol.

despite my cousin's help, when finished it had a pointy finish on the end.. so I just found a cool tassel and attached it to the peak.. and it looks amazing


Well-known member
Yay, HG!

So good to hear from you again, and it's great that your sister is doing better!
And wow, Ramon is quite persistent :) Although I think he might have to compete with hoards of Italian men serenading in front of your new house now :)

I'm finally done with my studies (for now)! Meaning I can spend more time on my hobbies, before I start looking for a job that would be a bit more suitable for my level :)
Finding out how to get my eybrows in shape is one of my most important goals, so I am definitely one of those eyebrow challenged people you're referring to. I am even willing to pay money to get a beautician explain me how to get those perfect eyebrows I keep seeing everywhere around me. Mine are just round, and I'm afraid to experiment with them too much, because if I overpluck them or get them in a wrong shape (or worse, they'll look assymetrical), I'll be stuck with that horrible look for a while.


Well-known member
Hi HG, nice to see you. Sorry to hear about your terrible summer health-wise but that is great news about your sister. I hope her pain will continue to be controlled and she'll be able to put on some more weight.


Well-known member
HG, so nice to see you! I'm pleased that things are starting to look better for you! I keep my fingers crossed for your sister - but how good to hear she is well and gained some weight!

Elena, congrats on finishing your studies!

ASTRID! So good to hear from you! I was quite worried that something has happened and kept you from us! Good to hear that it was a vacation!

Miss QQ, I hope your toe is healing well!

Heh, the new EL highlighter was the first product I saw when I started work. It has become quite a hit. It's a bit too shimmery for my taste, but as an e/s - amazing! Speaking of e/s - if you like the texture of the powder, there are coming good things our way in late autumn - a range of e/s (very colorful ones!) with the same texture. I love them even if I didn't swatch or try them on my eyes - yet.

Sigh, yesterday the Oktoberfest started. Double sigh. All things I hate combined for the next three weeks: crowded trains, crowded city, drunken people everywhere. Ugh.

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