Hi Mitchelle! what a lovely pic of your family.. all so stylish too!!
Thanks for your well wishes for my sister.. she seems to be doing much better at least on the quality of life front (we stopped all chemo and she is now with a wonderful nutritionist and pain control doc)... and she is much happier.
I am exhaustedddddddddddd.. I just got back and it's been a 15 hour day yet again.. but truthfully I would not change it for any other job (unless being a dealer on the NYSE floor when the market crashes
my look today was a pair of dark grey suede leggings, a dark grey cashmere sweater and black riding boots.. (my feet are soooo swollen now lol)... so in honour of my clothing colours and totally disrepecting the new collections, I did a dark grey/silver eye with Chanel Gris duo -- light silvery grey on the lid with a contour of the dark grey -- it's wonderful cause it's a true grey and not bluish on me.. MAC Stunner blush and lots of mascara with matte lip (Till Tomorrow MAC pro).. and it looked great and wore the whole day, thru dinner and till just now when I took it off.
life in the fashion industry is tough.. grr.
Nora, so nice to see you posting too.. it seems we all ran away for the summer and took up all sorts of activities ! Thank you too for the well wishes for my sister.. I am praying a lot.
Debbie.. so glad you are posting on here -- I sometimes do not go into MAC threads and don't see you enough. Don't be a stranger !! Enjoy your hauls ... it seems mu is one of the few constants in my life.
Elena.. lol @ the eyebrow comment. When I arrived here several weeks ago, I decided I would do whatever it took to regrow my brows (puny by nature) and started on my eyebrow campaign .. no tweezing, and nightly religious applications of castor oil.. well, it seems like it's working and I have been tweezing strays only... but a funny thing happened to me at a luncheon.. a young Italian lady told me that my eyebrows needed plucking.. and I said, "but of course.. I am trying to grow them out ".. and that was that. Then she lifted her glass of wine when we toasted something, and she had on a no sleeved blouse and the biggesttttttttttttt BUSH under her arms, I nearly spit out my wine
... Talk about the pot calling the kettle black
C! I wrote you about the Gelee.. if you decide you want it let me know and I will send out next week. Don't worry I have mine plus a spare, so for you I am willing to part with one of them..but do let me know as I need to travel with it next week.